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<meltq> dianders: in the case that a panel init sequence uses 2 mipi_dsi_devices (eg in panel-novatek-nt36523.c) and uses a macro to dsi_dcs_write_seq to both of them simultaneously, what do you think is the best approach for conversion?
<meltq> since the original behavior would've resulted in the function exiting on an error for either, i was thinking maybe set the accum_err of both dsi_ctx to the same (both <1 if any error) after each write_seq_multi in the macro. do you think this is the best approach?
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<x512> Why NVK need libclc? libclc contains a lot of AMDGPU stuff, but not Nvidia stuff.
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<DemiMarie> alyssa: the only thing I care about is that a malicious client cannot cause out of bounds GPU-side reads or writes in the compositor
<DemiMarie> I think some compositors might check that stride >= width and that height * stride <= buffer size
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