I tried LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PWD}/build/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ vulkaninfo but this still just shows my system-wide llvmpipe
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I thought about using VK_DRIVER_FILES but I'm not sure which icd file is appropriate
I tried VK_DRIVER_FILES=${PWD}/build/install/share/vulkan/icd.d/lvp_icd.x86_64.json but again this seems to return my system-wide llvmpipe
run meson devenv
that is the right json file for lavapipe
"meson devenv -C builddir command" should work
lvp_icd.x86_64.json might have an absolute path to the shared object in the install directory, which would require running ninja install first
also though I may be looking at the wrong part of vulkaninfo, I thought "GPU id : 0 (llvmpipe (LLVM 19.1.7, 256 bits))" meant "mesa 19.1.7" but I don't think that's right
no, that's the llvm version
search for "driverVersion" in the output
b/c I also see " driverInfo = Mesa 25.1.0-devel (git-3c0e0c3d04) (LLVM 19.1.7)" elsewhere
that's def newer than my system version
> run meson devenv < do I still need to do this? what does this accomplish?
runs a command with the VK_DRIVER_FILES environment variables
it works for GL too and you might find it more convenient to use than the environment variables, with less typing and no ninja install step needed
so I'm happy with how things look with this local build, is it possible to install it alongside my system-wide mesa? e.g. my specify --prefix to /usr/local or smthn?
I could only see that happening if you have invocations for different draws in one subgroup. If all invocations are from one subgroup, dynamically uniform values will always be not divergent
jfalempe, thanks for the ast review. the draw functions and the format helpers have common code for converting pixel formats. i have a few patches to share the per-pixel functions. i'll post em today or tomorrow
of course it's possible that divergence analysis can't prove that a value is not divergent, but for things like push constant loads you would typically solve that by forcing the array index to be uniform in the backend isel
tzimmermann: ah thanks, I have this on my todo-list for quite some time ;)
are you sure that's correct? NO_INDEX means the depth/stencil buffer might be read by the shader
so you might have a feedback loop here
the problem is, when no input attachment remapping is provided, the depth/stencil attachment is mapped to the NO_INDEX input attachment
yeah, I don't know
but it will only be read if the read reads an input attachment with NO_INDEX
I'll try that commit to see
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I tried various things, and the only way I could get rid of this failure was to drop the test on the idx entirely, but I'm sure it's incorrect :-)
I guess what we'd need is some sort of frag_shader_reads_depth_or_stencil test instead
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I guess something is missing the initialization of the dynamic state
probably at BeginRendering
what do you mean?
the dynamic ial state will expose NO_INDEX for the depth/stencil buffer if no VkRenderingInputAttachmentIndexInfoKHR is provided (either dynamically or through vkCmdSetXxx)
But this is just a remapping information. If the depth/stencil attachment is not read, and the remapping says NO_INDEX for DS, the attachment is still not read
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yeah we're probably leaning too much on the runtime data
we should look at the pipeline too
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are the collobora intel runners offline?
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dj-death: yes atm
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