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<javierm> tzimmermann: sorry, I wasn't online. For which patch-set do you need review ?
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<tzimmermann> javierm, hi! i just wanted to talk to you first. i have a series that reworks existing simpledrm/ofdrm and added drivers for efi and vesa. it's 18 patches. you'd be the optimal reviewer. shall i send it in one batch?
<javierm> tzimmermann: sure, one batch works for me
<tzimmermann> great. I've finally foudn some nice way of sharing code among these drivers, so the efi and vesa drivers aren't that large. and the series adds additional features to some of the driveres, such as edid and palette support
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<javierm> tzimmermann: that's awesome
<tzimmermann> thanks for reveiwing. i think, i'll have it ready during next week
<javierm> tzimmermann: you are welcome
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<tzimmermann> sima, lee jones asked for an ack by fbdev people on the backlight-cleanup series. since you looked thourhg it already, could you please send a reply with an a-b if you're OK with the changes?
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<sima> tzimmermann, will do
<tzimmermann> thanks
<sima> tzimmermann, v3 still current one or do I need to poke lore?
<sima> tzimmermann, I thought lee jones was backlight maintainer?
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<tzimmermann> same
<tzimmermann> but apparently not
<sima> why does he need review on backlight stuff ...
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<tzimmermann> MAINTAINERS agrees
<tzimmermann> i have no idea
<sima> eh I'll whack an ack on the entire thing
<tzimmermann> thanks
<phasta> sima, airlied, can you check whether you're OK with this change to DRM's kconfig?
<sima> phasta, not sure why this needs our ack, but you can have it
<phasta> I dunno, I never applied a change for "whole DRM" so far
<phasta> better safe than sorry
<sima> (narrator: this doesn't need a maintainer ack)
<sima> phasta, drm core changes are very much in-scope for drm-misc and the usual rule of "get appropriate amounts of review, minimally an ack" applies
<maazmombasawala> Any piglit maintainers here who can have a look at a merge request - ? It's a fix for a crash in egl_khr_fence_sync I found when testing svga driver.
* phasta is scared since airlied showed him the photos of the huge snakes in his garden at LPC
<sima> there's nothing special here
<sima> phasta, that's just 'straya
<sima> should probably have some myself, I imagine it's good for relaxing after looking at scary kernel code
<sima> but here in europe ancestors long ago killed all the true beasts
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<phasta> does DRM also have the "policy" that changes must have been in drm-misc-next for 1-2 weeks to make it into the upcoming merge window?
<phasta> Or is everything that is in drm-misc-next on day X being sent to Linus?
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<mripard> phasta: it has that policy
<mripard> it's why we stop sending drm-misc-next PR when rc6 is released
<mripard> and resume with rc1
<mripard> (and why drm-misc-next-fixes is a thing)
<phasta> you mean the drm-misc-next PR for drm-next
<mripard> yes
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<S9> Help only LLVMPipe works. Zink give black window and the others gives glx: failed to create drisw screen Error: glXCreateContext failed
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<S9> Why "kmsro: driver missing" is in `eglinfo` stdErr but "eglinfo: eglInitialize failed" in stdOut?
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<S9> virpipe loose connection to rendering server, zink has some more extensions and report iGPU characteristics but Device platform: eglinfo: eglInitialize failed, softpipe report less extensions than llvmpipe but both fails like zink, and all other radeonsi r300 r600 nouveau freedreno vc4 v3d panfrost etnaviv tegra crocus iris i915 svga virgl lima swrast asahi d3d12 swr error i915g ilo r300g r600g vmwgfx glsoftware auto xswrast p
<alyssa> sima: Is drm in feature freeze? I am trying to understand the flow chart
<sima> alyssa, yup
<alyssa> ok
<sima> but the flow chart is only really relevant for bugfixes, not for anything else, that's always for drm-misc-next
<alyssa> the adp driver seems to be in drm-next but not torvalds' tree
<sima> alyssa, at least I think so, but tzimmermann mripard mlankhorst would actually know
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<sima> alyssa, yeah so that should go into drm-misc-next-fixes, but maybe it's not yet rolled forward
<sima> best to ping drm-misc maintainers, since they actually know what's up, unlike me :-P
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<alyssa> sima: duly noted :p
<alyssa> javierm: yes that's what i'm reading
<alyssa> and I'm in doubt so asking my favourite maintainer on IRC
<sima> alyssa, but worst case you can push to drm-misc-next and then ask drm-misc maintainers to cherry-pick using dim (don't do the cherry-pick yourself)
<alyssa> per the instructions
<mripard> alyssa: so sima's your favorite maintainer. great.
<mripard> :)
<sima> yeah, not sure what I should do with the personality cult ...
<mripard> alyssa: but yeah, that one should be for drm-misc-next-fixes
<mripard> and I believe tzimmermann said it was open last week?
<javierm> yeah, he said:
<javierm> #dri-devel.03-07.log:13:08 < tzimmermann>| PSA: With -rc6 around the corner drm-misc-next-fixes is now open. Features still go into drm-misc-next. Fixes for stable still go into drm-misc-fixes. Fixes for v6.15 go into drm-misc-next-fixes. Patches in -fixes branches should be small and have a Fixes tag.
<alyssa> mripard: if you'd prefer I can annoy you with all my silly questions instead from now on ;)
<alyssa> javierm: ahhh i see
<javierm> alyssa: I also missed it btw, I just did a grep for drm-misc-next-fixes | grep tzimmermann in my recent irssi logs :D
<alyssa> javierm: ahahah ok
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<karolherbst> quick review on ? Fixes some SPIR-V 1.6 related crashes in rusticl, but needs fixes in vtn
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<Lynne> even with -Damdgpu-virtio=false, mesa still tries to init a virtgpu context
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<S9> ioctl(-1, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GEM_GET_APERTURE, 0x7fffc74014c0) = -1 EBADF (Bad file descriptor) DRM_IOCTL_I915_GEM_APERTURE failed: Bad file descriptor ioctl(-1, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GETPARAM, 0x7fffc74014d0) = -1 EBADF (Bad file descriptor) get chip id failed: -1 [9] ioctl(-1, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GETPARAM, 0x7fffc74014d0) = -1 EBADF (Bad file descriptor) i915 does not support EXECBUFER2 libva error: /run/current-system/profile/lib/dri/i965_
<S9> openDriver() returns -1 vaInitialize failed with error code -1 (unknown libva error),exit
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<S9> I don't get it well, but maybe there is a difference between video/3D acceleration/drivers. Gnome WM/DE use which acceleration/driver?
<ccr> are you sure that the kernel driver loads correctly at all, and that you have the required firmware blobs for it
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<S9> ccr: /var/log/debug:Mar 12 16:00:25 localhost vmunix: [ 6.673017] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm:intel_dmc_init [i915]] Loading i915/adlp_dmc.bin /var/log/messages:Feb 23 09:38:36 localhost vmunix: [ 4.457407] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] Finished loading DMC firmware i915/adlp_dmc.bin (v2.20)
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<S9> I even tested on that side: Mar 9 13:43:35 localhost vmunix: [ 3.869105] xe 0000:00:02.0: [drm] Finished loading DMC firmware i915/adlp_dmc.bin (v2.20)
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<ccr> I'm not 100% sure but I think for Alder Lake there should also be some GuC/HuC firmware(s) being loaded, something like "[drm] GuC firmware i915/adlp_guc_70.bin" etc
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<S9> ccr: Yeah but verbose debug erase beginning of logs, where it states about GuC/HuC
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<S9> 123[ 4.031687] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] Finished loading DMC firmware i915/adlp_dmc.bin (v2.20) [ 4.063238] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GT0: GuC firmware i915/adlp_guc_70.bin version 70.36.0 [ 4.063245] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GT0: HuC firmware i915/tgl_huc.bin version 7.9.3
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<S9> How to get hardware acceleration on WM/DE?
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<zmike> landing these full-tree MRs today with zero flakes feels pretty damn good
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<zmike> jenatali: how do I not -Werror in msvc for deprecated functions? e.g.,
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<jenatali> O.o
<jenatali> Lemme look it up, I assume there's some way to demote that specific warning back to just a warning
<zmike> on linux it's -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations
<jenatali> So... seems impossible :(
<jenatali> Options then would be, flip on /We for specific warnings to promote them to errors, fully suppress the deprecated function warning (either locally with pragmas or globally), or just don't use the [[deprecated]] tag for MSVC :(
<zmike> 🤕
<zmike> alright
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<zmike> 252 files changed, 2079 insertions(+), 2302 deletions(-)
<zmike> it's a net win!
<jenatali> \o/
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<alyssa> Yay!
<alyssa> depointerize?
<zmike> we are now pointer-free.
<HdkR> Pointers? Never touch the stuff. I pass everything by value.
<alyssa> rusty
<karolherbst> glad that I didn't touch pipe_surface up until now
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<zmike> me too
<alyssa> i never understand surface_create and now i never have to
<alyssa> zmike: oh i think i know the panfrost issue
<alyssa> and i assume asahi is blowing up in the same way
<alyssa> let's check
<alyssa> will be a good break from glaring at ir3
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<alyssa> hmm asahi CTS is clean
<alyssa> although it should have the same bug..
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<alyssa> hmm no not the panfrost issue i expected
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