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<maninhonor> so guys you notice that reference values like twice subtract of index plus half a length produce a reference values. Like for instance 128-26 is 102, 115-2 is 102, 115-102 is 13, so 57+13 is 70, since we had 141 and we are on odd index cause 141 does not divide into two equal parts in fixed integer arithmetics, it's 71 from the base 256 it's inverse value hence, so we introduced a term
<maninhonor> 18+26+26=71 hence 256-70+26=212, that means we get 71-212 equals -141 exactly, hence when we push less than reference value 70 such as 69, we get the delta from reference in negative with -141, so that says that it is the second most space efficient approach if you add and then subtract from twice the value, since when you do the selection in over 70 bounded to max 141, you get say on 70 a
<maninhonor> bare 0 (symbolizes maximum since 70-0 is 70), but on 71 you get 69 hence inverse so if using addition first inverse value is gotten back, to be manipulated to original, but if subtraction, since 70--1 is 71, so at compile time you have spectrum per value from 70 to 141, and answers from 0 to 70, when removed from all the sequence for the poi element, POI=point of interest element or
<maninhonor> selected for retrieval value. So it's possible just to compile verbatim values to the hash, and do two subtraction with different operands, which was on LLVM hypothized to be the fastest of them all and most storage efficient and consistently clear and simple to produce.
<maninhonor> so that is easiest ASIP addressing method but it is super powerful on entropy reducing formats.
<maninhonor> so that boils down to pushing inverse when you want to do add based procedures and verbatim with two subtracts instead
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<maninhonor> for an example on dma rpi2040 code subtract is easy to expose but it hasn't been, you can there as temporary workaround use add based addressing. or just expose the sub for the channel limited microcontrollers.
<maninhonor> but yes, the memory that modern computers have is actually extraoridnary horsepower once you get down to code to optimize for entropy reduced coding formats.
<maninhonor> So would not state nor say that world of science nor hardware engineers were in some type of conspiracy to hinder performance, however I do not know about you or your employers or bosses.
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<maninhonor> They sell ventilation and cooling units that were never needed as temorary relief measure for the unsuccessful coding techniques or safety measure, since self-timing exposes safety critical parts of the chipsets, that are human unfriendly when used as malicious event based weapons.
<maninhonor> such things as coolers are needed, as to not to overheat, it's great to have them on board to make sure that chipset never cooks or burns in, however with proper sw code the cooler would never do any work, since there is no heat in higher than only substantial amounts generated.
<maninhonor> in other words, just a small heatpipe would be sufficient by all means , but we need to code a bit yet to arrive there, we can plumb this to compiler, but it all needs very big conversations how we test and generate visible frequencies and such out of the super engine.
<maninhonor> this code by itself would perform under any circumstances including inside filters of FFT and drone manufacturing business, not limited to rocket engines etc.
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<maninhonor> DirectX and all the graphics are easy but, American court hierarchy may decide at once that this API is the property of Microsoft inc. they may demand patent infringed sums out, which is why i can not go there, technical issues are not present in that driver nor API/ABI development
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<maninhonor> but as i say what is really targetable is to take over the desktop games of opengl running on mobiles and vice versa, cause my methods allow to translate between opengl es and opengl desktop without any precision loss
<maninhonor> And btw. android gaming market is already holding a monopoly it's by far the biggest gaming and graphics industry nowdays
<maninhonor> or platform
<maninhonor> so there is no limits as to what you can achieve with making programming products and getting employed and i am not worried about money that much.
<maninhonor> i am worried about pshychological communication and relationships lesser degree, but also physical health to stay there, and not sure if money can buy this too today, even the last in my case is technically possible in modern science they can fix so many medical conditions
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<maninhonor> it's not like someone would abonden you if you have NIKE sportspag full of cash everywhere you go, so you can buy some of the relations Tooniis[m]
<maninhonor> too
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<maninhonor> This electronics ART never fades, bitcoin has conquered the worlds, and programmers who understand the flow will always get rewarded, me alone i succeed in everything i dreamed of too, i get respect every day too, not everyone hates me.
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<maninhonor> i account a biggest achievement of my life so far that i managed to held my nerve to wait for my scent to rise up again, this time it happened in programming or is about to happen with guarantees though, instead of other high level or demanding events, so not so bad at all.
<maninhonor> there are soldiers who lost their entire legs or hands, i have better situation so far.
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<maninhonor> i feel like a westerner anyhow in terms of assets valuable things that i own, access to technology non censorship content access, it's true welfare that i live in, and if those values are remained at me, i would not so much worry if we had Russian regulation or American today or Estonian.
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<maninhonor> it's that most stupidest is to go into war and carried out from there dead, or vapaorised to say gas merge in atmosphere
<maninhonor> truely stupid outcome
<maninhonor> structures like CIA/NSA/FBI they might at times fight the devil, distinction of human race is possible not only by accidents like comsmological impacts, tech is so powerful some group of malicious humans might think cause of they do not want to live, likely others deserve that penalty too, for what i see, it's just some waves needed to circulate over the planet earth and all inhabitants
<maninhonor> are sooner or later dead.
<maninhonor> which is also stupid outcome but we have the power to distinct ourselves out of life forms
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<maninhonor> it's self evident that i learned from life, that some nations are so advanced that they no longer see value from wars. I mean we've gotten so far in the welfare spectrum. IT does not really matter whether you get a burger from having yet more millions worth of burgers in bank account or nearly a lot less after the purchase, it's stil the same burger, so no matter who produces those
<maninhonor> batteries smart nations could function effortlessly, we can purchase the products back to again something amazing with it, and supply chain is all functioning already we have food or haven't we not?
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<maninhonor> yeah well drone could also destroy with signals, focused shockware, super hypersonic targetting , i remember one of the scientist calling those the most dengerous weapons , not only lasers and such, so i ask what we do, i would like to earn a bit on my own, i asked for perhaps some help in clearing out bigger dangers, such as being surveillanced by malicious parties, but likely i have not
<maninhonor> gotten it, maybe there is some rule, that most powerful code should only be in the hands of controlled and monitored people without extending to the parties of suspected mass murderers or some type of other vicious and hence more incapable angry people.
<maninhonor> I do not know if estonians are willing to go to war with russia, but i wanna know if they want to hold a proper tech or upper hand in sw in that war if they do persue with a war against Russian Federation.
<maninhonor> if you do not hold an upper hand or have needed technology improvements the chanches are near zero or minimized right away
<maninhonor> to beat anyone like russians in a war
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<maninhonor> so that requires not only balls or suicidal state to beat anyone, but also departments which deal with optimizing code for robotics, drones, launchers etc
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<maninhonor> I am unsure what the state of wanker spam initiative in world is, seems like suicidal attempt, at least when it seems it's all they can do and do also consistently, whenever i have been spotted some utter braindead handycaps call me wanker and start to sabbotage, i am unsure what responses you hoped from such abuse if not holes fired through your body to kill such? Laura and her viking
<maninhonor> african and khmer kranks managed only that exclusively, i also told them i am going to kill them off if they ever show their faces around my locations again, which must be the expected response or not, i do not sponsor nigga anal with disrespectful comments done to me at my own premise or should i, easier is to just murder all those rats?
<maninhonor> this is not only disrespectful cause i was high ranked future possible winner in many events, and god injured by those same maniacs, which says that such wank spam is not only abuse or sabbotage of lame kind, but also possible mislead to other victims or listeners.
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<maninhonor> why so, cause they never were anyone to compete me or anyone at the highest level of athletics at all, and even today when they were caressed all the way through with tahnksgiving support and victories, it's liquid shit in the pipes at most they can do.
<maninhonor> none ever held a hand against them, or terrored them, it's just the capabilities of natural kind for those are not present in higher amounts, while the scamming and misleading properties are at the tops. not needed people all in all.
<maninhonor> i must ensure the products quality that means if i own a hotel and someone would have bad experience i need to be responsible for that
<maninhonor> i do not know how to be responsible of something when masses turn backs on me, cause the bunch of terrorists lie and terror my clients
<maninhonor> in respect and support for others, i'd rather fire bullets at the terrorists
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<S9> How to get a list of available EGL displays? Or just what is the path where those are? /sys somehting?
<K900> "eglinfo" can tell you
<S9> K900: That's the very thing who I stumble against lol. EGL_BAD_PARAMETER EGL_BAD_DISPLAY
<S9> It can't get any by itself
<S9> So I need to figure out where it search, why nothing is returned
<K900> That's not really how it works
<K900> EGL displays" are a libEGL concept
<K900> * "EGL
<K900> They're not physical things or kernel interfaces or anything
<S9> In Linux everything is a file, so if it communicates with the GPU to get programmatically those EGL displays, at least it should try to find such GPU path
<S9> Or something, but it should start with a path at one point
<S9> Like, I search where it fails to get what it wants, here it complains about EGL displays
<K900> No, that's not how things work
<K900> Not everything is a file
<K900> A lot of things are actually not a file
<K900> And your GPU does not understand what an "EGL display" is either, really
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<S9> K900: Okay, then whatever it takes to figure out behind those errors
<K900> Look, it should be pretty clear by now that no one here is interested in holding your hand through debugging this entire situation
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<K900> Asking progressively weirder questions doesn't help
<S9> Yeah
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<ccr> if I may be somewhat frank, part of the issue is that you're seemingly unwilling to provide the relevant log files (dmesg, and whatever has been asked this far) so that people (if they are interested) could look through them at their leisure. pasting random tidbits when asked does not give the whole picture.
<ccr> ..
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<sensepromoter> There is no such need as uncompressed eventloop skeleton anymore, there is just syscall annotation in metadata, and relative jump flow control addressing compilation of branches so you never jump out of the hash it's cause in such assembly presentation the jump or alternative branch is followed right after the first branch, any attempt to write IO is always taken in series and in
<sensepromoter> correct order, so in other words all work in the topest secure ways, if you just do not allow simultaneous kernel and userspace hashes, the architecture of such sw OS is rather simple, meaning that the hash is being ran off from two times, once before the IO address write sequence and once after the write sequence was ordered on the bus there is just bunch of new structures. Those that
<sensepromoter> add encoded messages to memory or registers, and sequential merge loop to merge those responses back to the same hash while it is not being used...hence that is gotten from parsing the syscall ABI/API function operands in terms of it's returned data. It looks like the results are guaranteed, but polling constructs and timing related code may need a new time domain translations, duty
<sensepromoter> cycle conversations should be the most of communication we have to come to agreements on. Otherwise we could say that we are there already, since wasmati is pretty easy to turn into needed compiler arch, and access to data is consistent for banks, cause they would have shifted lengths if base was incremented for every bank, only by one digit, testings already show, you get the correct
<sensepromoter> values on whatever sane addressing or aperture of memory amounts stuffed into real hardware back up storage, page tables technically are not needed, but they are convenient to handle, they can be still used. I assume you want to dump me out from development taking over everything i owned, which is fine by me, be a dickhead all your life, and i would hope the last lasted fewest as
<sensepromoter> possible in return, what else can i say...hence you hate to admit it seems, that this idea and work was actually performed all by me. Which is one explanation as to why i was chipped on the neck and shoulder by such, i.e to receive and overtake anything i have in the works and once i am not needed just dump me to closest cremation facility.
<sensepromoter> I like the ceo of nvidia tbh. but he finds himself at hard situations since big compute chips are so much more difficult to program for no appareant win over small designs like arm in order cores and atom from intel etc. The employment office would suffer and get high demands of finding such people who are capable of even programming any of the nvidia hardware other than arm which they
<sensepromoter> bought up from success on gaming hardware market or consumer targeted business. So the original nvidia business i never was a big fan of.
<sensepromoter> ceo on the other hand is always respectful person however , his talks are humanly kind held or produced.
<sensepromoter> there are not so such people like a lot of them similar to me, or guys who can optimize very complex gpus in hardware and software perspectives, from meow graphics core next which rdna is roughly basing is very complex code to read, and would take me months to explain to a very smart person in life altogether.
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<sensepromoter> ARM itself was a commersialization of all the science that americans put into VLSI, at that time MIT had dlx, berkley had alpha , cornell likely delt with mips with stanford etc. It was spinned off from all the university and american military work put into the things, a large coordination of things.
<sensepromoter> where as sparc was more like Russians clone of similar american archs.
<sensepromoter> but as the name implis, it is just RISC arch instead of intels patented x86 CISC
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<sensepromoter> so also MILL CPU is possibly very capable and simple arch samewise, alhough i am not entirely certain what Ivan wants to do now, does he really want to enter the manufacturing phase as well as development in sw, i.e market the chips too later. Belt is similar concept but stuffed into hardware as i see, so perhaps i am not keened in trying MILL cpu, since there are all programmable
<sensepromoter> fabrics like FPGA's.
<sensepromoter> but i have no doubts that Ivan would not know how computers work, ouh hew knows them very fluently.
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<Karrde> hello, if I wanted to submit a MR to mesa, I need to submit from a personal fork, but when I try to fork on gitlab.freedesktop, I get "
<Karrde> Limit reached You cannot create projects in your personal namespace. Contact your GitLab administrator.
<Karrde> " ... and my personal namespace is my only choice anyway. I remember something about freedesktop moving, but can't find it atm. Are things currently turned off, or do I need extra permissions?
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<vyivel> Karrde: open a user verification request issue at
<pinchartl> note that gitlab.fdo will be taken offline tomorrow for the migration, for up to a week
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<Ermine> good luck!
<Karrde> Thank you
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<paradontax> I think i saw some people saying Marty Mart's work is really done/finished in style, Europe stands together it seems, central militarlization project was ratified. The thing is i haven't really gotten into programming much my own, all was already done when i was actively very young. I compiled one mouse input driver that needed a bit of programming and saw how difficult it is to make
<paradontax> drivers when you are out of form. None the less my projects came out with success and will continuously keep doing so, however it's not like i am a programming gun who is not being helped out, experience of computer noobs comes from so many states of all the world. So my job was just tiny piece of testing, and even that took so much time, cause of mentally suffering under bad moods and
<paradontax> depression too. Maybe one day we'll be united and out love will be divided :). I use all open source sw. Actually even for bar's in cambodia i took some open source cms for accounting and digital menus and did all the mainteanance, so this is ridiculously talented people collaborating, the things worked out flawlessly. But tropic areas alike had either too much humidity or in the end i was
<paradontax> attacked so much such as by military that all my computers had given up, but fairly surprisngly enough started to work again at my country , which might reveal or suggest something like i was victim of electromagnetic pulsers or alike towards the end of my trip. But i pushed high order actually i worked on gate level already doing my research on computer hardware VLSI with all open source
<paradontax> tools, tachyon simulator, yices2 solver for verilog, and for connections i did not go very deep into graphics and just used yosys graphiz report, was fairly happy to see how smooth this all was even with some depression present due to other relations. Point being, we are very far in the evolution of sw/hw. Do you remember i said caliban from some italian hw fault simulation sweeper sw
<paradontax> archidects is looking highly interesting to at home sweep for hw trojans and possibly countermeasure against them, asic can be also programmed to some degree in hw, like reconfigured, i read the code of caliban with some pace, and actually understand how those dos interrupts are used with barrel shifters.
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<llyyr> tomorrow? fdo is down already
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<alanc> gitlab seems to be up for me
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