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how do GPUs typically handle caching with external textures (GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, create from an egl image itself created from dmabufs) ? when the contents of the backing buffer change, do I need to destroy and recreate the texture to flush GPU caches ? or even recreate the egl image ?
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pinchartl: it’s defined to get new content if you rebind the EGLImage to the GL texture
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is it just me unable to push updates to MESA MRs? also unable to create new MRs either / o \
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zzyiwei: git push is failing? with which error?
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it doesn’t work for me either. I don’t get an error and the output in the terminal looks normal, but nothing actually gets pushed
That succeeded as usual. Remote branch is also updated correctly. However, the MR linked to the remote branch isn't updated. Meanwhile, I can't create new MRs against any of my already pushed remote branches.
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The issue is specific to mesa, since I see no issues with virglrenderer.
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I vaguely recall the same has happened long ago. Thought was a glitch because things had went back to normal after a coffee ; )
then you need more coffee obviously ;)
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nice call =P
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yeah looks like I don't have enough coffee too
jfalempe, FYI: the fbdev-client series for i915/xe got merged. that means that all our drivers are on the generic client interface. So they can all switch clients easily. a few more drivers require vmap/vunmap to work with drm_log IIRC.
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heh ...
it'll eventually become consistent
what happens is that, post-push, a background job gets scheduled to update the status in the db from the git repos
currently background jobs are kinda starved from the cleanup-old-pipelines scheduled jobs
off to the coffee shop then
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tzimmermann: ok, but I think the problem is that without vmap drm_log just crashes, I need to check if it's in drm_log or in the client interface that this can be fixed.
What's the env var for dumping final shader machine code for disassembly ? Specifically for Vulkan, anv.
(I figured I'll ask in case someone has it memorized before going source diving for it)
Just as I sent that I found it
Now onto figuring out why the env var is not working
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I meant daniels
daniels: is creating an egl image from dmabuf expensive, is it something I should cache, or can I recreate it for every frame I want to display ?
i think something like INTEL_DEBUG=vs,fs,cs for anv
there also seems to be a set of MESA_SHADER_foo vars
I'm of course trying out the newish panvk ... while rekindling childhood memories with the vulkan-reimplementation of the Gothic1+2 engine (originally from 2002) ;-)
and want to at least gather some data on the problem before pestering bbrezillon and/or the mesa issue tracker
mmind00: BIFROST_MESA_DEBUG=shaders if you want to dump the NIR/Mali shaders
(and me being way out of my depth wrt to everything :-D )
mmind00: panvk (covers v10,v11 iirc, so Valhall) has PANVK_DEBUG
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mareko, robclark, cwabbott: Can the layouts that AMD and freedreno use with legacy dma-bufs via the side-band blob always be expressed with modifiers? Or are there layouts that are used in practice in the wild for which modifiers do not exist?
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I'm trying to determine if a "get the modifier for this dma-buf" extension would even be implementable there.
on freedreno the side-band blob is literally just a modifier so yes
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On Intel, it's a tiling (X, Y, or Linear) and on nouveau it's a PTE kind and tile mode, both of which are encodable in modifiers.
yeah, it's just a back door way to pass a modifier
I'm burning down the remaining issues with using Zink for your compositor and hit "OMG! What aboutg glXBindTexImageEXT()?!?" :weary:
I don't think the hk code diverges from nvk though so i'm confused. does this pass CTS on nvk?
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mareko: thinking further on surfaces, is there a reason why they need to exist at all? the only time they're bound in the driver is for framebuffer state, but pipe_framebuffer_state could just as easily be an array of static states
this would reduce object juggling considerably, not to mention eliminating the current confusion about what exactly owns a pipe_surface
though it would expand pipe_framebuffer_state quite a bit
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zmike: i'd probably support that although i'd need to think about it for more than 15 seconds
most likely I'd hack up all the drivers to create/destroy their own surfaces on set_framebuffer_state for the initial handling and then everyone could optimize/cleanup from there
the current surface/renderbuffer handling is not exactly intuitive on the frontend side
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alyssa: I CTS'd it yesterday, or so I thought.
gfxstrand: Hmm
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zmike: I think if we keep struct pipe_surface in p_state.h, but include the surfaces directly in the fb state rather than as pointers, and kill the create_surface/delete hooks ... I think that would work ok
(and kill the reference count on pipe_surf ofc)
yeah that's the idea
this is also especially relevant to tilers
where we do want to hash-table lookup a pipe framebuffer state, and the obvious way that asahi/panfrost/... do is broken because of surfaces getting freed/reallocated at the same address (hashing ointers instead of content)
iirc, freedreno is the only driver that gets this right
and it looked like a lot of code and well oops.
(freedreno was first and does it right, videocore was second and does it wrong, and then I copied from videocore twice in my career)
yeah the current state of surface lifetimes is not enjoyable
anyway, this change would force everyone to do the correct thing
which would be nice as the maintainer of a tiler gl driver
it sounds like, potentially a lot of work to port the tree but
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I'm already so deep into this dumpster fire I can't feel my teeth
yeah... not volunteering myself. but if good patches showed up i would ack them
will i ever have to care about 32768x32768 images
apparently nvidia supports that. clown
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32k is coming.
zmike: relevant question is "will I ever see a 2D Array depth/stencil buffer with a layer stride that exceeds 32-bit"
i.e., 32768x32768 or bigger
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in real world usage or cts?
because I can get you cts coverage tomorrow
zmike: cts, obviously
i don't care about real world, only cts
you pass.
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me when collecting fossils of dEQP-VK.glsl.* because she heard perf is important now
Wait, people care about perf?
HdkR: only you
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