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<anarsoul> what's up with mesa merge latency? I've assigned my MR to marge 6h ago, but it haven't picked it up yet
<alyssa> anarsoul: there's been like 15 MRs in queue all day
<alyssa> it's going, just slowly
<alyssa> you're #2 in line
<anarsoul> everyone's merging their stuff prior to migration? :)
<pendingchaos> might be from people trying to get stuff into the stable release
<psykose> also seems to have a lot of overhead, something got merged and it's been 5 minutes and there's no marge push on any assigned mr yet
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<psykose> speak of the devil :)
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<pinchartl> how do GPUs typically handle caching with external textures (GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, create from an egl image itself created from dmabufs) ? when the contents of the backing buffer change, do I need to destroy and recreate the texture to flush GPU caches ? or even recreate the egl image ?
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<daniels> pinchartl: it’s defined to get new content if you rebind the EGLImage to the GL texture
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<zzyiwei> is it just me unable to push updates to MESA MRs? also unable to create new MRs either / o \
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<daniels> zzyiwei: git push is failing? with which error?
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<valentine> it doesn’t work for me either. I don’t get an error and the output in the terminal looks normal, but nothing actually gets pushed
<zzyiwei> That succeeded as usual. Remote branch is also updated correctly. However, the MR linked to the remote branch isn't updated. Meanwhile, I can't create new MRs against any of my already pushed remote branches.
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<zzyiwei> The issue is specific to mesa, since I see no issues with virglrenderer.
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<zzyiwei> I vaguely recall the same has happened long ago. Thought was a glitch because things had went back to normal after a coffee ; )
<dj-death> then you need more coffee obviously ;)
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<zzyiwei> nice call =P
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<dj-death> yeah looks like I don't have enough coffee too
<dj-death> I can't create MR too
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<tzimmermann> jfalempe, FYI: the fbdev-client series for i915/xe got merged. that means that all our drivers are on the generic client interface. So they can all switch clients easily. a few more drivers require vmap/vunmap to work with drm_log IIRC.
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<daniels> heh ...
<daniels> it'll eventually become consistent
<daniels> what happens is that, post-push, a background job gets scheduled to update the status in the db from the git repos
<daniels> currently background jobs are kinda starved from the cleanup-old-pipelines scheduled jobs
<dj-death> alright
<dj-death> thanks
<dj-death> off to the coffee shop then
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<jfalempe> tzimmermann: ok, but I think the problem is that without vmap drm_log just crashes, I need to check if it's in drm_log or in the client interface that this can be fixed.
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<pinchartl> dakr: thank you
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<ity> What's the env var for dumping final shader machine code for disassembly ? Specifically for Vulkan, anv.
<ity> (I figured I'll ask in case someone has it memorized before going source diving for it)
<ity> Just as I sent that I found it
<ity> Now onto figuring out why the env var is not working
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<pinchartl> I meant daniels
<pinchartl> daniels: is creating an egl image from dmabuf expensive, is it something I should cache, or can I recreate it for every frame I want to display ?
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<K900> Would appreciate some reviews
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<daniels> pinchartl: yeah, you should definitely cache the EGLImage because that involves MMU bashing
<pinchartl> thanks
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<mmind00> ity: as I'm currently trying to understand a shader problem (as a graphics-noob) ... care to share how to get the shader code? ;-)
<alyssa> mmind00: it's driver dependent
<alyssa> though maybe we should standardize that hmm.
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<alyssa> i think something like INTEL_DEBUG=vs,fs,cs for anv
<mmind00> there also seems to be a set of MESA_SHADER_foo vars
<mmind00> I'm of course trying out the newish panvk ... while rekindling childhood memories with the vulkan-reimplementation of the Gothic1+2 engine (originally from 2002) ;-)
<mmind00> and want to at least gather some data on the problem before pestering bbrezillon and/or the mesa issue tracker
<bbrezillon> mmind00: BIFROST_MESA_DEBUG=shaders if you want to dump the NIR/Mali shaders
<ity> mmind00: On Intel (anv), I currently use
<ity> INTEL_DEBUG=shaders MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DISABLE=true ./program
<alyssa> bbrezillon: lol bifrost
<ity> This dumps all stage disassemblies, excluding the shader binaries
<ity> It only dumps on compilation; If it's already cached, it doesn't dump anything. I was stuck on that for quite a while :)
<mmind00> bbrezillon: was more talking about valhall :-)
<ity> (Now I am trying to figure out how the shader assembly format works)
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<bbrezillon> mmind00: Bifrost and Valhall use the same compiler backend
<mmind00> bbrezillon: ah ok :-)
<mmind00> bbrezillon: for reference, some visiblity shader not behaving as on all other platforms: bbrezillon:
<mmind00> (and me being way out of my depth wrt to everything :-D )
<ity> mmind00: panvk (covers v10,v11 iirc, so Valhall) has PANVK_DEBUG
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<gfxstrand> mareko, robclark, cwabbott: Can the layouts that AMD and freedreno use with legacy dma-bufs via the side-band blob always be expressed with modifiers? Or are there layouts that are used in practice in the wild for which modifiers do not exist?
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<gfxstrand> I'm trying to determine if a "get the modifier for this dma-buf" extension would even be implementable there.
<cwabbott> on freedreno the side-band blob is literally just a modifier so yes
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<gfxstrand> sweet
<gfxstrand> On Intel, it's a tiling (X, Y, or Linear) and on nouveau it's a PTE kind and tile mode, both of which are encodable in modifiers.
<robclark> yeah, it's just a back door way to pass a modifier
<gfxstrand> :D
<gfxstrand> I'm burning down the remaining issues with using Zink for your compositor and hit "OMG! What aboutg glXBindTexImageEXT()?!?" :weary:
<mareko> gfxstrand: this radeonsi MR exposes modifiers for layouts that currently don't have modifiers:
<gfxstrand> Once you add that modifier, will that be all of them?
<gfxstrand> I don't know if that's a question that even makes sense.
<gfxstrand> IDK what all you stuff in that blob
<mareko> gfxstrand: only 2D non-MSAA color modifiers are supported
<gfxstrand> Well, yes
<gfxstrand> I assume only 2D non-MSAA
<alyssa> gfxstrand: tangentially, does import/export of sparse resident images make any sense? :clown:
<gfxstrand> No
<alyssa> K
<gfxstrand> This is literally just so I can implement glXBindTexImageEXT() in Zink.
<mareko> I think that MR exposes modifiers for all layouts that can occur with GL textures
<gfxstrand> Cool
* alyssa will probably drop DRM_FORMAT_MOD_APPLE_TWIDDLED(_COMPRESSED) in v4 of the fourcc series then since that's just for sparse AFAIK
<gfxstrand> I'm going to go with my first plan, then, and the RADV folks can comment if they think it's unimplementable.
<sima> tzimmermann, looking at your fbdev events series I'm wondering whether we shouldn't just disable lcd events for drm fbdev emulation
<mareko> we could support modifiers for 3D, MSAA and Z/S if needed, they are encodeable using existing definitions
<sima> that really shouldn't ever do anything, otherwise there's a drm kms driver bug
<gfxstrand> Time to write the most cursed Vulkan extension ever!
<sima> backlight otoh is a complete mess, ideally drm kms drivers should handle that, but on x86 they don't because lolz
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<tzimmermann> sima, but this code is also for regular fbdev drivers
<gfxstrand> mareko: Yeah, NVIDIA modifiers are also sufficient for nearly everything.
<sima> tzimmermann, yeah so probably a FB_INFO_NO_LCD flag
<gfxstrand> IDK about MSAA. We'd have to assume D3D convention.
<gfxstrand> But NVIDIA hardware is very opinionated.
<tzimmermann> that's a separate series, i think
<gfxstrand> And I don't think they're sufficient for sparse, either, though I'd have to double-check.
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<mareko> sparse is not shareable
<gfxstrand> Well, yeah.
<gfxstrand> But if someone wanted to go crazy...
<mareko> each page could be a separate DMABUF
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<sima> tzimmermann, yeah just dropping ideas, since fbdev doing stuff drm kms drivers should do just asks for bugs
<sima> for backlight untangling it all is unfortunately really messy
<tzimmermann> true
<tzimmermann> well, backlight is free of fbdev after this series
<tzimmermann> and fbdev would need additional handling to be free from backlight calls
<sima> I meant the part that fbdev doesn't handle the backlight automatically anymore
<tzimmermann> right
<sima> but that also leaks into kms uapi, at least on x86 you kinda have to also drive the backlight in some cases
<sima> and so this is all really messy
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<alyssa> gfxstrand: dEQP-VK.binding_model.buffer_device_address.* blowing up since this morning on hk
<alyssa> deqp-vk: ../src/vulkan/runtime/vk_buffer.h:71: VkDeviceAddress vk_buffer_address(const struct vk_buffer *, VkDeviceSize): Assertion `buffer->device_address != 0' failed.
<alyssa> from GetBufferOpaque
<alyssa> I don't think the hk code diverges from nvk though so i'm confused. does this pass CTS on nvk?
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<zmike> mareko: thinking further on surfaces, is there a reason why they need to exist at all? the only time they're bound in the driver is for framebuffer state, but pipe_framebuffer_state could just as easily be an array of static states
<zmike> this would reduce object juggling considerably, not to mention eliminating the current confusion about what exactly owns a pipe_surface
<zmike> though it would expand pipe_framebuffer_state quite a bit
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<alyssa> zmike: i'd probably support that although i'd need to think about it for more than 15 seconds
<zmike> most likely I'd hack up all the drivers to create/destroy their own surfaces on set_framebuffer_state for the initial handling and then everyone could optimize/cleanup from there
<zmike> the current surface/renderbuffer handling is not exactly intuitive on the frontend side
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<alyssa> nod
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<gfxstrand> alyssa: I CTS'd it yesterday, or so I thought.
<alyssa> gfxstrand: Hmm
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<alyssa> zmike: I think if we keep struct pipe_surface in p_state.h, but include the surfaces directly in the fb state rather than as pointers, and kill the create_surface/delete hooks ... I think that would work ok
<alyssa> (and kill the reference count on pipe_surf ofc)
<zmike> yeah that's the idea
<alyssa> cool
<alyssa> this is also especially relevant to tilers
<alyssa> where we do want to hash-table lookup a pipe framebuffer state, and the obvious way that asahi/panfrost/... do is broken because of surfaces getting freed/reallocated at the same address (hashing ointers instead of content)
<alyssa> iirc, freedreno is the only driver that gets this right
<alyssa> and it looked like a lot of code and well oops.
<alyssa> (freedreno was first and does it right, videocore was second and does it wrong, and then I copied from videocore twice in my career)
<zmike> yeah the current state of surface lifetimes is not enjoyable
<alyssa> anyway, this change would force everyone to do the correct thing
<alyssa> which would be nice as the maintainer of a tiler gl driver
<alyssa> it sounds like, potentially a lot of work to port the tree but
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<zmike> I'm already so deep into this dumpster fire I can't feel my teeth
<alyssa> yeah... not volunteering myself. but if good patches showed up i would ack them
<alyssa> will i ever have to care about 32768x32768 images
<alyssa> apparently nvidia supports that. clown
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<zmike> 32k is coming.
<alyssa> zmike: relevant question is "will I ever see a 2D Array depth/stencil buffer with a layer stride that exceeds 32-bit"
<alyssa> i.e., 32768x32768 or bigger
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<zmike> in real world usage or cts?
<zmike> because I can get you cts coverage tomorrow
<alyssa> zmike: cts, obviously
<alyssa> i don't care about real world, only cts
<alyssa> ever
<zmike> you pass.
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<alyssa> =D
<alyssa> me when collecting fossils of dEQP-VK.glsl.* because she heard perf is important now
<HdkR> Wait, people care about perf?
<alyssa> HdkR: only you
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<HdkR> alyssa: It's true, I'm hungry for perf.
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