alyssa: rdna4 supports 64K images (but not as render targets)
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oooo, mega textures
RAGE is coming back
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lumag: -ENOTIME for the next two weeks I'm afraid. I'll travel on Sunday and will be back on the 22nd
pinchartl, I see, thanks
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sima, do you have comments on the fbdev-backlight series?
tzimmermann, looked reasonable
or do you want some r-b?
sima, maybe give it ack at least. IDK if helge is active. i haven't seen him recently
tzimmermann, for core stuff we still have full maintainership in drm-misc
I carved that out when helge took over
backlight itself is more fun, since nominally that's still in the separate tree and the backlight maintainer occasionally gets annoyed when we just merge stuff
tzimmermann, and I'd treat helge like any other drm stakeholder, if he's not around just merge after a reasonable time to drm-misc
i expect this to go through lee jones' tree (unless i hear differently)
sima, and if you have a bit, maybe could you look at the dumb-buffer series i posted. it slightly concerns UAPI. please let me know if you have comments. (there's also been some controversy, which apparently has been resolved)
sima, i mostly want you to be aware that this is happening
oh dear how did mesa get to bpp of 64
that's defo abuse of dumb buffers I think but oh welp
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exactly :)
people doing funny things with this
tzimmermann, so one thing we can't do is warn on userspace input
defo not warn and allow it, but warn and fail also not cool
maybe drm_warn_once() ?
still a bit ugh
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tzimmermann, dropped a reply with some thoughts
i can surely drop it. but that warning only comes on bpp == 3,5,6,7 and other crazy stuff. that switch already filters out the "known crazy stuff" (10, 12)
ok, thanks
yeah I do see the case for warn_once since it helps to debug regressions
so not opposed in this very specific case here
especially if we also lock down ->depth validation, which I'd do while we're digging through this mess
tzimmermann, also thanks for doing this, I looked into this years ago and gave up because too much a mess
sima, thats for the mail. tomi has been very vocal about not rejecting any bpp values. but warn_once seems good to me. about depth values: for all legitimate bpp values, we handle them in the _color_mode() lookup function. it doesn't handle the awkward cases, so things should be fine
tzimmermann, I'm more thinking whether we should be strict and reject any funny depth values
so anything that's not depth == 0 || depth == bpp
and wrt tomba 's ask, I think what we could do is just document that you should use the bpp=64 trick from mesa as escape hatch
that will break depth==15 and depth==24, which have bpp==16 and bpp==32
or encourage people to do a dumb_create2 with fourcc and modifiers
tzimmermann, yeah but those should be filtered out as real formats and handled with the fourcc path?
I'm only talking about the hacky fallback handling for the non-fourcc case
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but what do you mean by 'depth' then?
there's only bpp, which we take as a raw value
I'm mixing stuff up
ok, no worries
tzimmermann, yeah mixed it up with legacy addfb, which also has depth
and there we fully validate
somehow I thought dumb_create thas this too
so yeah pls ignore my comments about depth, apologies for the noise
sima, stupid question, did we ever propose to Lee to move backlight to drm-misc? Or do you think that it might counterproductive?
BTW, everyone seems supportive of a dumb_create2 with fourcc. maybe we should attempt to do this or put it on the TODO list
lumag, i wouldn't want even more stuff in drm-misc TBH
might be lack of need with stuff like rounding ...
lumag, we did, he doesn't want to
ack :-)
tzimmermann, I think it's annoying that backlight is the one thing kms drivers generally need that isn't in drm
for pci drivers we just merge backlight stuff into drivers directly, which imo makes much more sense from a coordination pov
is there so much churn?
there isn't, which is why I don't care, just find it silly
ok, lol
it's a bit like helge maintaining fbdev
if it makes people happy, go for it, as long as it's not blocking us
valentine: is there a reason you removed marge from !33759?
tzimmermann, if we ever get around to properly integrating backlight into kms consistently and ditch that fbdev special case, then there might be some churn
but 95% probably within drm and fbdev/core, so not a concern for lee
austriancoder: Yes, writing a comment right now, TLDR is that the recent LAVA changes broke other farms
I think your rework really is the only part of backlight architecture dusting that impact's lee's stuff directly
valentine: ah okay
sima, it's not really high on my todo list, but i'll keep it in mind
pushing drm-tip is taking way looooong
btw, we really mess up kconfig dependencies wrt backlight. DRM drivers often select it, when they should depend on it
tzimmermann, I was hoping that hans de geode would dig in, it's really messy with uapi impact
tzimmermann, jani has really dug into this and despaired :-/
this = backlight kconfig
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iirc at least, so chat with jani before you get going
i gave it a quick lock (and then quickly looked elsewhere)
that's a good strategy
yeah that's a bit the kconfig expeirence :-/
i see i'm in good company :D
if kconfig was a separate upstream open source project, there might be incentive, but the whole thing is so fringe
imo people adding tiny kconfig symbols for very small things also doesn't help
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which is why I'm trying to curb that as much as possible in drm, gpu drivers tend to be huge already anyway
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still hoping that lto could sort some of this out instead for really tiny setups with everything built-in
yeah, I'm not sure I buy the whole "people might want to disable this and enable that"
sima, i try to avoid these tiny symbols, but sometimes it's the only way without messing uo someone's .config file
anyway, re backlight. IMO the correct thing to do is to depend on BACKLIGHT, or depend on BACKLIGHT || BACKLIGHT=n
tzimmermann, yeah, there's unfortunately a huge pressure to add more and make the situation worse
which one to use, uh, depends on the case
IMO selecting it is always broken
jani, this. backlight is user-selectable. so we shouldn't autoselect it
way back when I tried to switch all of them to depends, I got negative feedback because it's an inconvenience. select is so "simple"
tzimmermann, it was logical to be autoselected, when we had seprate fbdev, LCD and backlight drivers. Might it make sense to make it non-user-selectable now?
Ugh. ... 'it was logical to have BACKLIGHT to be user-selectable...'
you see, if say i915 depends on backlight, and backlight is disabled, you won't even see i915 in menuconfig. and that's what's so hard about this. the whole kconfig UX is so bad
* lumag
thinks that the best kconfig UI is ed and 'make oldconfig'.
you'd want to see something like, "so you want to enable i915, please enable these too: <list of config items>" and maybe recursively
lumag: *sigh* that's what I do. well s/ed/emacs/
'make oldconfig', then go see what the end result in .config was
jani, but for which symbols do we need to show such help string?
I mean for *anything* that depends on something that's not enabled
Would you like to see tons of ARM options on x86?
Most likely you mean 'depends on something user-selectable'
A depends on B. you won't see A in menuconfig unless B is enabled.
maybe you don't need to *see* it, but you should be able to search for it, and then recursively enable stuff to be able to enable A
So, still 'depends on user-selectable'. You can't enable ARM64 or ARCH_QCOM on x86
but this whole discussion is moot, because I find it highly unlike that anyone would be crazy enough to dig into kconfig guts to actually do this
Sounds like GSoC project.
and I've actually been crazy enough to *look*, and ran away
I think that would just lead to *another* UI. we already have plenty :p
all of them depend on an arcane C library
like, I think you should be able to get warnings for selecting symbols that a) have dependencies, or b) have user prompts
that's what the kconfig documentation tells you to avoid. I can't remember the number of times I've copy-pasted that documentation snippet in reply to kconfig changes
we have a system that does not automatically discourage bad habits
actually somewhat encourages bad habits, because select is more convenient at first
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tzimmermann: anyway, if you switch all select backlight to depends on backlight, I'm on board
jani, ok. i'll do so if i find some time
yeah happy to weight in with some acks too if that helps push this
I think hans sorted out some of the ACPI parts, should look if we could reduce the selects there too
yeah acpi selects are nasty, because they're multiple levels
maybe we should have a kconfig sanitizer in checkpatch
and complain if someone adds a new select BACKLIGHT (once the cleanup has landed)
otherwise these pop back up forever
another tool I refuse to touch because it's a) kernel niche, and b) written in perl :p
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say what you may about sphinx and restructuredtext, but the custom xml docbook pipeline we had in kernel was ridiculously bad
as a whole we seem to be amazingly incapable of reusing existing tools and always err on the side of reinventing the wheels
sure, there are some valid reasons, like reducing external build dependencies
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I think most is because of 3 decades of inertia :-/
sure, but the attitude remains
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weird question. if I have two identical GPUs and a game running in a VM, is it technically possible to pause the VM, move everything it owns to the second GPU, and unpause it? without the game being implemented in a special way?
slash is there a name for this?
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jani: I don't think there's any other FOSS project I'm involved where *new* tools are written in perl
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colinmarc: Theoretically maybe, practically no driver provides you the tools to do this
jani, lumag: the least bad kconfig UX I know is when you search a symbol in menuconfig (with `/`), that actually shows you the depds that a symbol has and IIRC even the dep graph
Actually Nvidia has some sort of live migration for GPUs I think
But it's only for Quadro class stuff
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could a really sophisticated vulkan layer do it?
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valentine: as you are working lot with CI, I have a question: where can I see the stats of the daily ci run for my manual boardfarm jobs?
colinmarc: You'd have to serialize all the GPU state somewhere
<HdkR> "Look up criu-amdgpu" <- thank you, this looks interesting :)
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Anyone know if raspberry pi 5 supports compute shaders with opengl?
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tomba: according to mesa matrix https://mesamatrix.net/ yes `GL_ARB_compute_shader` is supported on v3d (the opengl driver for the pi5 gpu)
Hazematman: thanks, I need to debug this more. I didn't see the compute shader extension advertised from mesa, and a simple compute shader example just gave kernel errors.
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Hazematman: also thanks for pointing to mesamatrix, looks very useful =)
yeah if you just want to quickly check hardware support, its nice :)
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someone knows if there is a equivalent of the screenshot layer for opengl ?
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PSA: With -rc6 around the corner drm-misc-next-fixes is now open. Features still go into drm-misc-next. Fixes for stable still go into drm-misc-fixes. Fixes for v6.15 go into drm-misc-next-fixes. Patches in -fixes branches should be small and have a Fixes tag.
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jfalempe, I'm a bit confused by your reply, I was talking about why we need vmap, you replied with that we have support for tiling?
that's a bit separate issues I think, or maybe I'm just confused
since if we need to set up a vmap for every framebuffer just for panic, that's a bit awkward
jfalempe, wrt compression, one trick is to clear the compression metadata to "everything uncompressed", that works I think with all intel compressed scanout formats still
it's not an option with some of the lossy compressed formats like afbc has
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sima: afbc is lossless, afrc is the lossy one
that trick should work with afbc
oh I guess I just smashed them all into one arm-compression-thingy :-P
but yeah for lossless ones with explicit compression control bits it tends to be the simplest trick for panic logging
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or at least the least risky, since you don't need to mess with hw state and might hang the memory controller on some invalid watermark config
it looks okay to me but I think you probably want dcbaker / daniels to signoff for something more meaningful
I just want to make sure it doesn't blow up dril
It seems to not have, so far at least
But I didn't test it on really weird configs
(because I don't have any)
I don't have any either
hence why the initial dril rollout had so many issues
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We (NixOS) had people exhume xf86-video-intel's rotting corpse
And then get mad because it doesn't work with dril
And I didn't nack it in time so now we have xf86-video-intel in the repos again
sounds great
sima: you mentionned non-linear buffer, so tiling is a kind of non-linear buffer. (but the whole framebuffer is still contiguous in virtual memory).
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sima: regarding vmap, it's the only way to write the pixels, so either we do it in the panic handler, but if that is not possible, we can make sure the primary framebuffer is always vmapped before we send it for display.
gfxstrand: think it's a CTS bug, the opaque buffer thing
not sure how nvk passes tho
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I'm like 98% sure this is a CTS bug. I'm just still confused how nvk would pass the test.
Oh. Because CTS version
046343f46 ("Stop querying device address from unbound buffers")
the fix is in main but not tagged into any vulkan CTS release yet
well, that solves that.
I enhanced the method a bit, 256-57-57-57=59 128-59=69 256+72=328-69-57-57=145 cause intermediate result 69 did not divide by two, we subtract 1. similarly 256-60-60-60=76-16=60 128-60=68 now 68 divides by two we need to add 2, so 326-68-60-60=138+2=140 so with third member 256+68=232 so 256-62-62-62=70-8=62 128-62=66 cause 66 divides by two we add 2 again. so 324-66-62-62=134+2=136
, so the bottom line is when we remove 256 you get 72 70 or 68 but when we do the thing before to any of them we get twice of that, so obviously after removing single result of all from such selection other elements become 0, selection elements get filtered to the single value searched. to get rid of the conditional only for odd format even indexes should be used or smth. Needs a bit
more testing but i assume that is the final so called slimmest and hence much preferred method. so values of the members were mentioned 72 70 and 68 for high indexes 115 120 124 where as we calculate in half the indexes as it was demonstrated on this statement of the problem.
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zmike: the surface idea seems reasonable
so 26 comes from 256-115-115 so does 16 come from 256-120-120 so does 8 come from 256-124-124
now you would hear a lot of me, such as interferring with politics defending my favorites, throwing big parties and even visiting XDC and alike, but ever since i became slightly injured, i have had to make selections , cause the efficiency in my life is lower, so i sacrificed my time to programming to start progressing towards rehabilitation plan later.
K900: re Benjamin’s concerns about changing the option type. Is the long term plan for this to be like longline where we’re going to have to support both a gbm loader and a non loader version, or more like OpenCL where the standalone support will be removed?
Sorry, not logged into gitlab on my phone
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My long term goal is to just move the libgbm loader out of Mesa
And have it be just another dependency like, say, vulkan-loader is now
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I think then having two options might be easier to deal with (rather than changing the type) one that turns on gbm support, and one that toggles standalone vs loaders
Have you started on a standalone loader for gbm yet?
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I think the existing one is fine, mostly
It can just be moved out to a separate repo
But yeah it basically ends up being two options internally anyway
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We can expose that as API, but it gets a little weird because not every combination of those options actually makes sense
Like gbm=disabled external_gbm=enabled
What should that do?
if they don't make sense just throw an error
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anyone see KHR-GL46.es_31_compatibility.shader_storage_buffer_object.basic-binding fail?
new since CTS uprev for me
passes on its own fail, fails reliably if run after KHR-GL46.limits.max_varying_vectors
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alyssa: pls cc me and assign to kamil
as a bit of good news, uprevving vulkan cts lets me drop one of my "HACK: DO NOT UPSTREAM" patches so that's nice
and drop a bunch of backports
so my cts branch is now 5 patches away from upstream, and all 5 are for GLCTS issues :melt:
K900: I would have gbm-loader=bool along with the existing use gbm option
(ok 3/5 are reverts of something that blows up and IDK if it's my bug or not. But I'd think someone else would hit it too if it wasn't my bug.)
dcbaker: Do you mean, like, separate options for gbm-loader and gbm-backend?
That still ends up in a weird state where we can't build gbm-backend=true gbm-loader=false with no ambient libgbm
Which I guess is maybe fine?
I just want to be clear here that I hate all the options
I think the one I have right now is the one I hate the leasat
But I do not _like_ any of them
Like a “gbm=feature” (no change) and gbm-backed=loader|standalone (new option), with the long term plan to deprecate the latter. And if you select a configuration that doesn’t work you get an error
I don’t like any of them either, but trying to come up with a good way to keep bisects working
You can paint the second option however you like your bikesheds, string options, bool, whatever
Yeah I was not thinking about bisects
I was more thinking about making illegal states unrepresentable
Changing option types and bisects sucks, but this suggestion still doesn’t create an illegal state situation, if you turn gbm off the loader va standalone question is moot
I guess
If you think about it that way
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Need to think
Currently pretty out of think juice
I’ve been meaning to do some work there in meson, but I only have so much meson time and there’s so much to do… :/
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dcbaker: relatable
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Same but nixos tbh
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dcbaker I have something but gitlab is shitting itself
* alyssa
can only keep track of so many sets of code naemes
but yeah, bumping to 1.3 seems reasonable I think
That's uh
I think that's unstable from January 2024
I guess it's time for a bump =)
K900: it’ll be a few hours before I can give it a good look.
No rush
Anyone building rust stuff needs a relatively recent version of meson too. That’s going to be 1.7.1 or 1.8 soon because of bindgen changes :/
dcbaker: tbf, a lot depends on mesa_clc than rust rn
notably, iris
this is a really dumb question
but is it actually legal to create a pipe_surface from a buffer???
oh it's a fucking clover thing
fuck this
zmike: also rusticl no?
or is that a different fucking thing
I can't imagine it's a rusticl thing because zink definitely does not do that
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I think we could poll core developers and decide to retire clover even if we're not at parity for that hw.
anholt: acked-by
but that was kind of the start of it, but this latest method is also sophisticated, as the intrinsics for sequences to filter out a focal subset values are slightly moer work. So but the elaboration of the second half goes so, those procedures go into as reference values as told, now since 256+73 is out of reference by 5 it's that 329-324=5 right, hence 8+66-62=12, hence 12-5=7 where
other elements cancel out, so what would we do with 7? As we got 66 as reference, so obviously 66+7 is single 73 , that needs more testing but appears to be the third working fs method.
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TIL gallium-i915 is not built with -Dgallium-drivers=all
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zmike: it doesn't build on arm :(
and well i (runs arm) added it for the convenience of our release manager (also runs arm)
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but that's not what "all" means
Maybe all needs an additional pass afterwards to remove drivers from the list if they're known broken :D
or maybe it should just be fixed to build ?
"Oops, you're on AArch64, I'm just gonna remove i915"
how hard could it be
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zmike: You're right
If I remove the meson check, it just builds
Four line change deleting the check
`Build-test everything except for i915, which depends on libdrm-intel which is not available on non-Intel distros.`
Probably the comment that matters more
But really if libdrm-intel isn't shipping on other architectures, that's a new problem and distros should fix their packages.
crocus and iris don't depend on libdrm-intel?
I have libdrm_intel.so.1.124.0 on aarch64 f41
Looks like it's just a debian/ubuntu problem from what I can see
Actually, Debian bookworm problem. Trixie and Sid has intel as well
alyssa: why it doesn't build on arm though?
bookworm-backports has it even actually
anarsoul: That's what I just found. It does build once the architecture check is removed from the meson file :)
I mean I can build lima on x86 (and I do so, I use it with drm-shim for debugging compiler issues), so I don't see why e.g. alyssa couldn't use i915 with drm-shim on her arm machine :)
anarsoul: I think it's just that the gitlab api is so slow right now that marge's internal queries time out; I would just re-assign to marge and let it try again
let me try
oh, I see that it didn't unassign itself, so it's still assigned, but marge it not doing anything with it
I have the ability to restart marge (but that's the only thing I can do, I can't look at its logs); doing that now
I unassigned and assigned it back
dcbaker going to sleep now but I built all my systems with the latest iteration of the patch and it seems good
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jfalempe, yeah the requirement to have the primary buffer vmap is the thing I'm not super sure about, since it also means display buffers must be visible to the cpu to begin with
which isn't always the case
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so maybe we need another indirection for a write_byte function, which then looks at the right address to write to, even if the buffer isn't contiguously mapped
or if all you have are peek/poke registers to get at invisible vram