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fwiw bit 16 is probably not gxf with bit 12 being more likely, but things like this is really hard to guess
trying to bring up pmgr on t6041. m1n1 does find the /arm-io/pmgr node, but not ps-regs. so no pmgr, and no usb
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mischa85: take a look at the adt. m1n1/ will probably also fail to parse it without changes but you can change the failing parsing steps with Bytes()
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you might be onto something, says: Exception parsing /device-tree/arm-io/pmgr.devices value
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but: there just no ps-regs in DeviceTree.j616cap.im4p at all
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confirmed, there's ps-regs in t8132 devicetree, but not in t6041 devicetree
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with the same macos version?
jannau: just an fyi ive pushed what i hope is the final series of upstreamable codec changes to i will submit monday or tuesday evening. if mark accepts them i will rebase my "cleaned up
version of the audio bits branch for you to pull if you wanty
yep: 15.1, comparing devicetrees right now
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also cannot find anything that looks like it. i know a bit about embedded but it takes nextlevel devicetree ninjanism to know what i'm really looking for
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chaos_princess the apfs thing - would it help to have asahi-bless with no_std or which role / file would this apfs "driver" need to write to?
I guess need to re-enable color-mgmt to reproduce first
jannau: is there anything preventing us from submitting those dcp-related rtkit fixes from 010-soc?
sven: I think 1 or 2 are used anymore and are leftovers from resetting dcp. there ios also one aop change in it. upstreaming it as soon as possible helps with the rust abstractions
i.e. makes the rust branch on its own
leio: I'll take a look
ok, so we can drop 1 or 2 and could submit the rest? wanna do that or should I take a look?
also, does anyone know why xhci-pci.c was renamed to xhci-pci-core.c in 150-xhci-firmware?
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sven: if you have time please do. "soc: apple: rtkit: Add devm_apple_rtkit_free()" is not needed
I'm currently working on the gpu branch get closer to upstream / patches on rust-for-linux
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xhci-pci.c was renamed due to the previous handling for the renesas firmware loading. That was changed in by 25f51b76f90f ("xhci-pci: Make xhci-pci-renesas a proper modular driver") in 6.12
jannau: thanks, I've never had that as we apparently had vulkan p.use.masked still accidentally on system gtk and such, so best if you check it out :)
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jannau: ok, so that xhci firmware handling needs looking at before we try to submit it
sven: see v6.11..7fc439afc9282 for the orginal changes
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sven afaik, as chaos_princess said, not full apfs, but just find some file, write some stuff to it. I'm still learning about it, but as they mentioned xart/gigalocker, it involves managing access to the xart (extended anti replay technology), the storage part of the SEP
right, but why do we need that in m1n1?
xart/gigalocker is continuous in the disk fwiw, so all we need to do is find its offset
jannau: ack, so that commit likely needs a do-over now that the renesas part is a proper module
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I think the idea for requiring sep/xart in m1n1 was authenticated 2nd stage chainloading but I would defer that until sep is working
sven I don't know enough details. I just thought it could be a nice project to work on either for me as I only have an m3 or for others who want to do sth but do not have any hardware
not trying to stop you, just confused why we need all that complexity inside m1n1 :)
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sven: ack. it was simplest way to it working after rebasing on the the renesas change
sven: in my case it is for the sep tracer
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okay, send out those rtkit fixes
i'll let them sit on the ML for a week or two and wait for some reviews and then just pull them into asahi-soc/* for the next PR
about the missing ps-regs on t6041: could it be the offsets moved to the devices node? for example -> t6031: "index": 26,
"map": 7,
"name": "ATC0_USB_AON"
"id2": 166,
and t6041:
"index": 0,
"unk1": 512,
"unk2": 50331848,
"id2": 289,
"name": "ATC0_USB_AON"
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im kinda not sure what to do w/ isp series v2. i rewrote the thing to use iommu-dma instead of drm mm, but that needs the apple,dma-range support, and it does not apply cleanly w/o the locked dart series that is currently in review
alyssa jannau: wdyt?
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given that isp such an enormous patch set it might be worth waiting until the locked dart stuff lands in a finalised form. hopefully it won't be too much longer