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<chadmed_> man passt absolutely slaughters the cpu and thus battery life
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<jannau> I've pushed asahi-6.12.12-1 to github. Fixes the dcp DP lane count (4k 30Hz instead of 60Hz) regression, changes M1* keyboard/trackpad device names (will reset Plasma trackpad setting and probably elsewhere)
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<leio> I don't get how losing half the DP lanes limits it to 4K@30Hz when with full lane count I could get 4K@240Hz if the monitor EDID were different :)
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<jannau> it doesn't seem use DSC in that this case. ~95Hz is the upper limit for 4 lane DP 1.4 (10-bit)
<jannau> 4k 240Hz is quite a stretch with DP 1.4
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<leio> at least I think it's still the EDID, that I haven't really followed up on, as other EDID monitors work at 240Hz per reports
<leio> but ok, DSC it is then
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<chadmed_> jannau: how did you get the opp-microwatt values for sawtooth and everest?
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<jannau> chadmed_: I did not. It's just a copy of t8112.dtsi
<chadmed_> ah okay
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