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Hey, I have a M1 MacBook Pro 13-inch (j293ap) and was wondering how I could help with development or testing efforts. I'm kind of new to this sort of thing but saw that a bunch of microphone support just landed for other models. I was wondering if maybe that is something I could help out with.
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chaos_princess: hypervisor isn't working properly yet so I would assume *all* of them have binary RE
But it's probably not appriorate to do it in general on anything beyond things that are needed to have hypervisor going
as for my stuff there are no bin RE because apple has more hot stuff in their xnu source drop back then, and cpufreq is some sort of trying random things for 6 months. However some stuff like dwi backlight are made after looking at corellium code that looks quite likely to be bin RE'd
(granted, dwi is so simple that the driver is like less than 10 lines of actual code rest are all boilerplates so it's hard to have tainted stuff in there unlike corellium which likes to overcomplicate things)
performance counters stuff also comes from xnu source drops and then that one event generator
Do need to figure out a way to do more complex hardware without questionable bin RE however
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next thing on the list is DART however it's a complex bit of hw completely different from m1
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anyways i will send v4 of apple cpmu patches to the list today
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* finding things out after sending a series and ratelimited (by etiquette) is not fun
right now i try to not send versions within 22 hours of the previous version which I am pretty sure it's on the frequent end already
as in, resends?
or new versions addressing feedback
chadmed: new versions but it's just me finding things out myself
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Hmm, i wonder if there is a system that enables one to upload new patch versions w/o creating a ton of spam and annoyance to the receivers, maybe something closely integrated with git :P
mildsunrise: the timer register s3_4_c15_c14_5, s3_4_c15_c14_6 and s3_1_c15_c1_5 on t6030 smells like vhe to me
s3_1_c15_c1_5 is _EL1, s3_4_c15_c14_5 is probably _EL2 and s3_4_c15_c14_6 is probably _EL12
chaos_princess: somewhere where you could like idk forge code or something yeah?
mildsunrise: what I mean is that the registers have vhe schematics so just beaware of access redirection
oh okay, got it :) will keep in mind
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random question - for figuring out graphics things - there's a version of podman with libkrun that can use gpu functions in a linux vm. it used a modified mesa (maybe now upstreamed, not sure) would that be useful for figuring out new gpu stuff? or is that too high level compared to m1n1 hypervisor?
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