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some sources is referring to wikipedia of course
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we fixed the ioreg xml parsing errors in the installer right?
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alright firmware 15.1 did the trick, now got something that bootloops in a later stage, but after patching init_cpu to return early no bootloops. progress. now on to getting uart
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i think i can guess the midr values for the cores in t6041, gonna try 0x50/0x51 and 0x54/0x55
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i have no idea what the codenames are so i'll name them MIDR_PART_T6041_HAMSTER and MIDR_PART_T6041_CAPYBARA for now
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mischa85: you mean CPU core codenames?
afaik: A14/M1 has Firestorm/Icestorm cores, A15/M2 has Avalanche/Blizzard cores, A16/M3 has Everest/Sawtooth, and since then Apple stopped naming the cores or stopped putting the names anywhere publicly-visible, even A18 claims to have Everest/Sawtooth which can't possibly be right
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hehe, i've noticed. anyways: still stuck with no usb after applying some patches. will source apple m-series device for early uart to see what's going on