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<nickchan> if i run make format on the m1n1 src on my machines then a difference near the el3 call handling in src/exception.c will always be generated that the github actions don't generate
<nickchan> huh so it turns out that the SPMI in A11 *is* mostly compatible with the one in M1
<nickchan> even though it has another adt compatible
<jannau> nickchan: probably a different clang-format version
<nickchan> maybe I should take these compatibles less seriously
<sven> yeah, you can’t trust the adt compatibles
<nickchan> and by mostly compatible I mean I can read the rtc counter just fine using m1n1's
<sven> they also changed some between m1 and M1 Pro iirc even though the MMIO interface wasn’t changed as far as we could tell
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<mischa85> alright i have succesfully ripped a m1n1 devtree of J616cAP, Mac16,5, AppleARM
<mischa85> now i need to censor this a bit i guess
<mischa85> i needed to modify m1n1.adt, one of the blank spaces in devices now contains an int32ul of unk2
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<mischa85> i called the new value unk2_0 and it corresponds to what is found as unk2 in the ipsw ripped adt
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<mischa85> what i should have been doing, though, is calling it unk2_1 as unk2_0 was already being used. derp.
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<opticron> [quote="vidhu, post:1, topic:82"]
<opticron> STM32F46RE
<opticron> [/quote]
<opticron> oof, sorry
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