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<fl0_id> so as somebody was saying eventually a no_std apfs driver was needed - would it be a good idea to add this to
<fl0_id> (so far only supports ext2, but said to be meant to include others, is no_std and I assume might have some primitives etc that maybe can be reused or built upon)
<chaos_princess> technically, we do not need a "real" apfs driver
<chaos_princess> specifically we need just enough apfs to find a single partition with a specific role bit, open a single file on it, and do r/w to it
<j`ey> (in m1n1)
<chaos_princess> probably can even skip doing real CoW and do it in-place
<chaos_princess> and yes, it all will be vendored into m1n1, and probably also kernel
<fl0_id> oki. that makes sense. and probably decereases scope and size
<fl0_id> though prob it still needs to know something about containers I assume
<chaos_princess> no, just check if the role bit is set and go
<fl0_id> oh ok
<chaos_princess> i already wrote "just enough apfs to get a list of containers" for another thing (asahi-bless)
<fl0_id> k
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<fl0_id> chaos_princess though that uses std right?
<chaos_princess> yes, but all of it is in the `pread` function, and that can be swapped out without much trouble
<fl0_id> chaos_princess ok
<fl0_id> I just thought it seems to use more from std
<fl0_id> (or is that a different thing?)
<fl0_id> like Cow and HashMap for example, or are these also in Core?
<chaos_princess> cow is in core, hashmap would need to be replaced
<fl0_id> ok
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<gylli251> Hello, only thing keeping my from completely switching to asahi is DP-alt mode. is there a branch that can i watch for progress or possibly help with? or is it just the asahi-wip one?
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<nickchan> fwiw I also ran into OF: bad cell count in my tests for the i2c pmus on iphones though my "solution" is jut not not have a size field
<nickchan> (direct equivalent for spmi pmus on asahi which also have that problem)
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