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<nukelet> hi :D i'm trying to set up m1n1 on tethered mode following the guide from the wiki, but i'm running into issues when using a type A <-> type C cable
<nukelet> if i connect the type A end to a USB 2.0 port, m1n1 will successfully establish a connection (but then i can't get a shell as it seems to only support full speed mode?)
<nukelet> if i connect it to a 3.0 port then i get a flood of "failed to initialize device" messages on the host kernel and am unable to establish a connection
<nukelet> however, connecting the target to a thunderbolt port on an old thinkpad i have lying around seems to work
<nukelet> is this a known issue? i tried several different usb c <-> usb a cables
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<nukelet> ^ nevermind, it was a hardware issue on my desktop. sorry about the noise!
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<jannau> chaos_princess: please create a release for asahi-btsync as well. sorry, I think of asahi-nvram as single entity and not as all the crates
<chaos_princess> does it need a new release? i thought the only change was adding the -d switch to bless
<chaos_princess> ah, i see
<chaos_princess> will do this evening
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<jannau> support for out of the box working apple bt keyboards/trackpad/mice in the installer
<chaos_princess> yea, i noticed the d-bus thing
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<chadmed> have we got a strategy for RIIRing m1n1? i would assume rust logic with C bindings gradually replacing the C logic but theres a lot of entanglement on the C side that would make that a bit daunting to do in a piecemeal/modular way
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<chaos_princess> from what i got, it is mostly for new components, like usb support, secure boot, etc
<chadmed> i thought m arcan wanted to eventually port the whole thing, especially after last week's dcp init bug
<chadmed> either way we will need c bindings all over the place for some time
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<d3fus> ups wrong channel
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<jannau> chaos_princess: thanks. unfortunately I forgot that I postponed dealing with the systemd service and udev rules files
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<jannau> chaos_princess: please make a release with the systemd/udev files for btsync
<chaos_princess> done
<jannau> thanks
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