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<nickchan> i think macOS can use opengl or metal display output but opengl on arm64 macos is nothing more than an opengl to metal translator
<nickchan> and a bunch of stuff though not critical *only* support metal display output
<nickchan> anyways, metal doesn't support software rendering
<nickchan> so in any case any "cpu acceleration" would need root fs patching
<nickchan> to plop in an actual opengl output
<nickchan> as for custom instructions i don't think it matters too much *in the vm* for vmapple kernels but it definitel needs some paravirtualized apple pac
<nickchan> definitely
<nickchan> might be able to just stub that however
<nickchan> the vmapple kernel respect aidr_el1 values exposed to it, mostly
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<nicolas17> I think macOS 10.11 introduced Metal and 10.12 made the normal GUI frameworks use it (CoreAnimation etc) instead of OpenGL on supported hardware
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<mischa85> i *think* i have mcc correct on t6041, but i probably still have some values incorrect. most important right now is that i find i way to get pmgr going without ps-regs (which are not in the adt of t604x). does anyone have any pointers where to look? is there a way to find them on a booted macos?
<mischa85> any hints are welcome because i'm really in the dark here
<mischa85> there is so what i did find are some extra values in the devices node, but i have no way if they have any relevance to the pmgr, and if they do how they correlate
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<sven> do adt devices nodes still have that clock-gates (?) property?
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<mischa85> you mean pwrgate-regs? nope, that's also gone
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<sven> no
<sven> i mean clock-gates
<sven> not inside the pmgr node but inside devices nodes to refer to ps-regs inside pmgr
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<mischa85> yes, those are available. for example for usb-drd0: "clock-gates": 299
<sven> ok, how did you get that adt? dumped from a booted machine with m1n1?
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<mischa85> no, those are ripped from ipsw firmware
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<sven> that explains why you don't have any ps-regs
<sven> that's just the ADT template that gets filled in by iboot during early boot
<sven> you have to get a dump from a booted machine to get the "real" ADT
<mischa85> well but the ps-regs are there in ipsw firmwares of other machines
<sven> that may have changed for some reason. all i can say is that the template adt generally misses stuff
<sven> so i'd first take a look at a "real" one before concluding that ps-regs really is missing
<mischa85> ok, that will mean i have to source an apple silicon machine again to access early uart and rip the adt
<mischa85> i'll upload it as well when i got it
<sven> yeah, if it's still missing there it's gonna be annoying to track ps-regs down
<sven> might just be hard-coded in the pmgr kext then :/
<mischa85> in that case we might have to hard-code it in as well, but let me confirm with the booted adt
<jannau> be careful when uploading device ADT, there is private data like wifi keys included in nvram-proxy-data or so
<j`ey> if you have m1n1 working, can't you get the adt from there, without the need for another AS machine
<mischa85> will diff it with the ipsw adt to see what gets filled in, thanks for the warning
<mischa85> well theoretically i could probably read everything from screen lol
<mischa85> but i figured it might be easier to rip it via early uart
<mischa85> which does work
<chadmed> if m1n1 is booting you can use dump_adt or whatever right
<jannau> I think the missing ps-regs prevent using USB
<chadmed> ah
<j`ey> oh, chicken and egg
<mischa85> exactly
<sven> hm... so it's truly missing even in the filled in adt then :/
<mischa85> i don't know yet, but will confirm asap
<mischa85> m1n1 couldn't find it in it's usual place that's for sure
<mischa85> so we'll just see if it's elsewhere
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<jannau> mischa85: where are you based? if in europe I can send you a central-scrutinizer board
<mischa85> netherlands, i was thinking of sourcing one already
<sven> can you paste the pmgr node of the firmware adt somewhere?
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<sven> "not found"
<mischa85> well that's odd
<mischa85> let me try with a difference service
<jannau> mischa85: if you can do the soldering (for connecting the populated board with a rpi pico) I can send one or two boards today or tomorrow
<mischa85> yes will do, i'll pm you
<jannau> ack
<mischa85> if it becomes microsoldering i'll ask my wife to do it. i once tried a career repairing macbooks but i spent my time inhaling 0201 resistors
<sven> the rpi pico pads are fairly large fwiw
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<maz> soldering a CS board is rather easy, even for me...
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<mischa85> i'll be fine i think
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* alyssa should probably buy some CS boards..
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<maz> alyssa: honestly, build them. the whole thing is pre-configured so that it is as easy as it gets.
<alyssa> maz: I have not touched a soldering iron since 2018 /o\
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<maz> alyssa: it's like cycling. :)
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<alyssa> I was bad at it then too ;)
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<jmax> alyssa: I have a spare CS minus a RPi pico that I can send you. Tried it and it works on a T8312.
<jmax> If preferred, can solder the RPi on it and ship it fully assembled
<jmax> Decided to build a couple to do a T8312 bring up then had a real life bringup at day job that's been consuming my life for the past few weeks 😫 so they've just been sitting there.
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<alyssa> oof
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<fl0_id> jmax is T8312 a T2 chip or which model is that?
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<sven> i guess he meant T8132 which would be M4, see e.g.
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<fl0_id> sven thx
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<alyssa> it would be cool if people interested in m3/m4 bringup would, like, submit their kernel patches upstream
<alyssa> hint, hint ;)
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<chaos_princess> there is at least 1 PR to m1n1
<fl0_id> alyssa I would, if I had any ...
<mischa85> i'm a strictly out-of-tree guy, and recent events did not really change my appetite
<mischa85> if people like my code they can come and have it
<alyssa> what i mean is, the current core team doesn't have bandwidth to take on more upstreaming work than we already have
<j`ey> mischa85: even for m1n1?
<alyssa> so we can't really take on m3/m4 patches and such, and from our perspective we're not ready to work on m3/m4 until we have the current m1/m2 tree under control
<alyssa> but if other people wanted to work on m3+ and did bring up upstream directly... that would be very cool heh
<alyssa> (and a lot of the early board bringup stuff should not be blocked upstream anyway, it's around stuff like gpu where it gets hard)
<mischa85> well hey i wouldn't mind contributing to m1n1, but linux kernel is a whole other story
<fl0_id> alyssa sure. I would be happy to help out and submit other ppls patches if there are any, but I don't have an overview and I'm not sure if I'm qualified enough to do it. (haven't really done any kernel work myself, only q/a, grub debugging etc.) some rust but not in kernel.
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<mischa85> but for me personally, i really cannot take any pressure or responsibilities.
<mischa85> but i do like to tinker around in my free time
<sven> chaos_princess: is there any PR that's been updated recently? last i looked there were a few that had unaddressed review comments
<alyssa> mischa85: right, so i hope you understand why we're not able to take additional pressure or responsibilities in our free time !
<chaos_princess> sven: idk, i just know they exist
<sven> fair
<sven> i'll happily review series sent upstream but other than that I also don't think we have the capacity right now to add even more downstream patches to our kernel :(
<j`ey> mischa85: have you gotten to linux? I thought it was just m1n1 so far
<sven> m1n1 is a different story, will gladly review and merge M3/M4 stuff (or anything else) there
<maz> alyssa: are you going to respin the PCIe patches?
<alyssa> maz: not right now. realized upon reading review feedback i'm incompetent and have unassigned myself on the internal tracker.
<alyssa> and crawled back to my mesa rabbit hole
<maz> :/
<sven> I'd need a M2 to actually figure out what's going in that series and there's other stuff I'd rather do first
<alyssa> sven: M2 Max, not just M2 iirc
<sven> ouch
<alyssa> i have the hw but it's my kernel build machine so makes for an awkward DUT
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<sven> i first want to get all the M1 stuff upstream. if no one has taken care of pcie by then I guess I'll get a m2 max from that opencollective money and take care of it
<maz> hmm, only M2 pro here.
<alyssa> oh wait m2 pro indeed
<alyssa> i think
<alyssa> why do apple socs all need confusing names
<alyssa> i *think* base m2 is the m1-compatible pcie but m2 pro+ is the new one? i think?
<sven> compatible is t6020 so that would be M2 Pro
<maz> "compatible = "apple,t6020-pcie";"
<maz> bingo.
<jannau> yes, m2 pro and max (and double max)
<maz> so I happen to have this box keeping my feet warm.
<maz> guess I'll rework the series once I'm on "holiday" in two weeks.
<alyssa> maz: thanks :)
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<sven> \o/
<mischa85> alyssa: stories about burnouts really hit close to home. i've been there. i deeply respect the people who did their magic on all this, and seeing people going over their limits really saddens me.
<mischa85> j'ey: no linux boot on t6041 yet. i do have a usb sound driver on my github which i didn't take upstream yet
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