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<chadmed> im assuming we cant use alloc::vec::Vec in m1n1 right
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<chadmed> oh cool that simplifies things a bit
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<chaos_princess> what'cha planning?
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<chadmed> adt bindings but im not sure on the best way to express adt_property->value, which is a u8[] in C land
<chadmed> i was tempted to just get the pointer to it but that seems wrong and sus
<j`ey> you can use the pointer and then use a slice of &[u8] (once you have the len)
<chaos_princess> since we do not rewrite the adt, probably &[u8], with probably even the static lifetime?
<chadmed> so just like value: &'static[u8]
<chaos_princess> more fn get_value() -> &'static [u8]
<chaos_princess> and it does slice::from_raw_parts or something internally
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<chadmed> lmfao the reason i asked about vec in the first place is because i thought "oh we dont know the size of this array"
<chadmed> i had the "size" member of the struct literally highlighted in kate...
<chadmed> its been a long day
<j`ey> :-)
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<lena6> alright so i have an M4 macbook pro and i want to get started with getting a patched m1n1 running with the uart. do i need to bless the m1n1 binary every time i make a change to it, or can i have the previous m1n1 chainload the next build and so on
<chaos_princess> once you have usb working, you will be able to chainload.
<chaos_princess> for early init - you will have to go via recovery every time
<chaos_princess> though if you have hw uart, you can chainload from there, but you need to first progress far enough that m1n1 can speak to your dev machine over uart
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<lena6> back in december i remember reading that yuka's branch ( got to the point of exposing the uart, but yes, i can get there, however annoying that may be
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<yuka> Usb is working
<yuka> But multicore init stuff isn't
<chaos_princess> then it should be much less annoying
<lena6> oh wow usb works i don't need to fiddle with macvdmtool that's great
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