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chaos_princess: are voltages actually locked on m1 or are you actually saying things?
just saying things I mean
cause voltages and frequencies most definitely isn't locked on a7-a11
and that interface still appear to exist in m1 looking at various source codes but i can't verify myself
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(and on m2 there's a change but a similar interface still exists)
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m1n1 deals with it even, but in an inexplicable way according to my understanding
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nickchan: our understanding is that all of the regulators are controlled by pmgr or something in a way that is completely opaque to the rest of the platform. we just ask for one of the pstates and the platform does the rest with magic
would be interesting if that is not the case
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nickchan: it is in fact my understanding that cpu voltages are locked and can't be controlled by the os. But, for obvious reasons, i can be wrong
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cleaning up the audio bits branch and submitting the TI codec patches will get us from 114 audio-related patches to 35
which is a drop from about 7% of the total patch set to 2%
(or a 70% drop in audio-related patches)
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jannau: do you think that the tas2764 tdm slot mask should be set when the machine driver sets the dai's tdm slot
or keep it as a dt property
im not 100% sure if the mask is a consequence of the physical bus arrangement or how the dai is set up by the machine driver
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chadmed: no idea
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ill see what mark thinks when i submit then. it seems to me that it's a consequence of the shared bus and therefore the mask is a description of the board/hardware but mark did question why we arent providing machine drivers a way to set it so i dunno...
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