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<andreasdr[m]> Good morning
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<Begasus> Something fishy lately with nickserv on OFTC ...
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<netpositive> morning
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<Begas_> morning netpositive
<Begas_> freeze on other laptop :/
<fredfigglehorn[m]> Hello
<Begas_> HI fredfigglehorn[m]
<fredfigglehorn[m]> So do you guys use haiku?
<fredfigglehorn[m]> Or is it more of a vm hobby thing?
<nephele> i use it
<fredfigglehorn[m]> Oh? How is it from day to day?
<Begas_> Got 3 native installs, but mostly run it virtual (mostly because I need a 32bit enviroment)
<fredfigglehorn[m]> Ah alright
<fredfigglehorn[m]> If it had a good hypervisor Id run it, but I need a linux VM to use it
<Begas_> Running Windows atm?
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<Begasus> k, let's hope it doesn't freeze again here
<Begasus> this laptop doesn't like FB :P
<Begasus> fredfigglehorn[m], I have one laptop running Ubuntu with Haiku running in VirtualBox, the other one is running Windows with Haiku also in VirtualBox, works fine for my needs :)
<fredfigglehorn[m]> Begas_: Linux
<fredfigglehorn[m]> Ill occasionally dabble in BSD aswell
<Begasus> Think I did some dabbling with most Linux distros, Ubuntu if fine enough for me here
<Begasus> The Windows laptop is just there because it grabbed the whole disk partitions, so can't install native there without whiping Windows from Disk
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<Atomozero> does anyone use I can fill it in but it seems not to download the weather data :(
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<Begasus> Think it's known Atomozero
<Atomozero> oh :( thx
<Begasus> A PR is there (2 years old by now), but maybe you could get it working with that?
<Atomozero> sorry Begasus what is the command to join that pacht?
<Begasus> don't know there Atomozero ... mostly I add a remote to pull the branch from the pusher
<nephele> fredfigglehorn: its my main OS, for me it works great
<Begasus> eeps, seems the remote branch has been deleted I think
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<Atomozero> :)
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<Begasus> Atomozero, you could turn those into patches also it seems:
<Begasus> found these at archlinux
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<Not> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±0]
<Not> [haikuports/haikuports] hoanga 783ae90 - newlisp: new recipe (#6864)
<Begasus> Need to clean some branches in my sandbox :)
<Niklas[m]> For the Weather app you were talking about,I made changes that make it almost working again (using APIs from and OpenStreetMap).It's mostly finished,but then I got busy with other stuff again.I think I could send my current state if anyone wants it.
<nephele> would be nice to get a proper osm app at some point
<Begasus> Niklas[m], maybe you could create a PR there with your current changes so they could be looked into?
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<Not> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±1]
<Not> [haikuports/haikuports] extrowerk 2f097be - libpcre: gentoo patches, enable jit (#6806)
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<nephele> Begasus: could you disable the nheko recipe?
<Niklas[m]> Begasus: It's not in a state that I would like to see merged ;)
<Begasus> there are lables wip for that Niklas[m] (or convert to draft) :)
<Niklas[m]> It actually violates the ToS of both and OSM currently because the app should identify itself in the user agent and currently only uses the Haiku default useragent for its requests.
<Begasus> ah
<Begasus> nephele, the current one?
<nephele> yes, is there another one?
<Begasus> I meant the one from extrowerk (open PR)
<nephele> No idea about that. But i can tell you that that PR won't work the way it is
<Begasus> Still has wip so wont merge anyway there atm
<nephele> the current nheko version is broken so it should be disabled
<Begasus> Broken as in?
<nephele> QSingleApplication has to be romved, and extrowerk deleted my patch to do that
<Begasus> the current version 0.8.2-5 is still installable
<nephele> So?
<nephele> it's broken, disable it
<Begasus> 0_°
<nephele> It makes no sense to ship broken applications to users, it just makes haikuports look bad
<Begasus> If you say so, I don't use it so no way to test that for me ... comming up
<nephele> It will crash if you use it for any current matrix server (synapse) version
<Begasus> Ok, I'll add a comment on that one for it then
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<Begasus> hmmm ... does it need a revbump to disable it?
<nephele> I don't know about the infrastructure there
<Not> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 8778f15 - nheko, disable (It will crash if you use it for any current matrix server (synapse) version) (#6890)
<Begasus> k, need to check later if it's removed from the depot (eg not installable)
<Begasus> Still fidling with tree_sitter/rizin/cutter here
<Begasus> k, failed to find a match for nheko_x86 :)
<nephele> maybe you can add a comment to the extrowerk pr that QSingleApplication patch is required
<Begasus> I "think" you already mentioned it here (by now a few times :) )
<nephele> yes, but it's not on github so it will be ignored
<Begasus> biab
<nephele> and then i can later say "I told you so" :P
<Begasus> Comment added, I told extrowerk you told it :P
<Begasus> nephele, didn't you upstream the patch? :P
<nephele> no
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<Begasus> k, rizin seems fine with tree_sitter now, on to cutter
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<Not> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-1/±2]
<Not> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes dac6d3c - LibreOffice 6: don't use system liborcus
<Not> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not> [haikuports/haikuports] threedeyes 5e0d3d7 - LibreOffice 6: disable for primary arch
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<nephele> Hey, Can i connect a 5.1 system to the ponk blue and green output ports? how should that work?
<rennj> what is that dan0, 5.0.3 was last official beos kernel..i want to say...
<rennj> update over the internet no less
<rennj> imagine that..connecting to for updates
<rennj> In 2001 Be's copyrights were sold to Palm, Inc. for some $11 million. BeOS R5 is considered the last official version, but BeOS R5.1 "Dano", which was under development before Be's sale to Palm and included the BeOS Networking Environment (BONE) networking stack, was leaked to the public shortly after the company's demise.
<rennj> you can apply bone7a to beos 5.0.3
<rennj> bone out the beos 5.0.3 without doing the dano foobar
<rennj> beshare probably has it
<rennj> dano zeta and such was not the same
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<Begasus> heading down, cu peeps
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<nephele> I managed to connect the 5.1 system to the three audio jacks on ubuntu, now to figure out if i can also remap them in Haiku
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<BrunoSpr> hey nephele... sounds very good!
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<nephele> funny :D
<BrunoSpr> Web+ is working better and better... now I can watch
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<nephele> but, i didn't change anything!
<nephele> maybe tageschau changed their site :P
<BrunoSpr> maybe...
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<nihilazo_> hi! I'm a bit confused about what the relationship between haiku and UNIX is. I know that haiku isn't built on a UNIX kernel but it seems to adopt a lot of unix-like stuff like the shell being GNU bash
<nihilazo_> what stuff in haiku is and isn't "unix-y"?
<augiedoggie> haiku implements a large portion of the posix specification which allows those tools to run
<nephele> Haiku is a posix compliant system
<nephele> We don't have any code from unix, neither do the other posix OS, you'll have to specify what you consider "unix-y" to get a more precise answer ;)
<nihilazo_> hmm ok
<nephele> Haiku doesn't use the same file system structure like linux or bsd for example
<nephele> that may be a difference
<nephele> (It's more similar to the one of android than of desktop linux)
<nephele> maybe you find something interesting in the faq?
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<zeldakatze> Hello, Does someone know how to apply rdef files to shell scripts on the command line?
<nihilazo_> nephele: I'm not sure if what I was looking for in the faq is there? but really, I don't exactly know what my question was
<nihilazo_> I guess it's more "will I be frustrated by haiku in the same ways unix frustrates me" :P
<augiedoggie> zeldakatze: usually xres is the tool to use
<augiedoggie> zeldakatze: well, if you start from an rdef then you need to compile it with the rc command first
<nephele> zeldakatze‎: you can't use this with shell scripts, ressources are appended to the end of files (read ELF executables), doesn't really work with shell scripts
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<augiedoggie> i apply icons and stuff to my shell scripts
<nephele> you can add stuff as attributes yeah
<nephele> but you can't add ressources to the file itself, so, to survive copying to fat or something
<Anarchos> is there a way to activate the telnet server in Terminal ?
<augiedoggie> yeah, for a script you might have to use rc, then resattr
<nephele> launch_roster i think anarchos
<zeldakatze> ok, thank you. I need to apply a logo to a haikuports recipe and addResourcesToBinaries creates a garbled shell script
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<nephele> yes, that won't work :) you can only add it to the attributes
<augiedoggie> there are examples in the ports repository, i see that the picard recipe does it to a python script
<augiedoggie> if you (rip)grep for resattr
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<nihilazo> I'm trying to set up haiku's email system with my provider (migadu) who list SMTP authentication as being "plain password", in haiku the options are "ESMTP" and "POP3 before SMTP", which do I use?
<nihilazo> also, is there some way to test the email configuration other than just waiting for mails to come in/out?
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<nephele> ESMTP iirc
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<nephele> You can test that both imap and smtp (or pop3 and smtp if you use that) are configured correctly by just sending an email to yourself :)
<nihilazo> hmm, it doesn't seem to be working
<nihilazo> I also can't find a place to specify the IMAP and SMTP ports in haiku mail
<nephele> huh, you are right there doesn't seem to be a place to do that
<nephele> but if it's the normal ports that should work regardless
<nihilazo> idk if these are the normal settings, they should be
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<nephele> Those are the normal ports for encrypted smtp and encrypted imap indeed
<BrunoSpr> hmm. looks like digikam is not in HaikuDepot!
<nephele> oh, by the way. the security is set to "none" as the default for some reason
<nephele> you have to tell it to use ssl explicitly
<nephele> (the option sais ssl but it will use TLS :)
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<nephele> where it sais "no encryption" you have to switch it to ssl for your provider
<nephele> (which should be the deafult imo, but isn't currently :/)
<nihilazo> ah, a more simple problem
<nihilazo> I may have got my password wrong
<nihilazo> (it'd be nice to have a message show up when a mail fails to send and why, for cases like me being dumb :P)
<nephele> Well, if your provider is serious about this config there would have been no way to know, since haiku would have tried an unencrypted connection and then gotten rejected by the server :)
<nephele> (atleast, my sef-setup mail server would simply not listen on port 25 for unencrypted smtp :D)
<nephele> but yes, the usability of those settings can be massively improved
<nihilazo> I think the settings are fine, I'd just like to try sending a mail then maybe get a notification saying "failed to send, invalid credentials" or whatever. Or have a "test" button that just checks that your credentials are correct
<nihilazo> maybe I could add them
<nihilazo> but for now I want to just check my mail
<nephele> Well, it's hard to figure out as a user what the options do and whether you picked the right one
<nephele> i think a lot of this stuff we could "just" autodetect
<nihilazo> yeah, maybe. But having the option to manually change them is useful too
<nihilazo> I think a quick test would be useful for when you're manually configuring stuff though
<nephele> yes, definetely
* nihilazo doesn't know how anything in haiku works
<nephele> you can right click the mail daemon icon in the deskbar and click "check for email now"
<nephele> also, you can test imap by using the button to display the imap folders
<nihilazo> hmm, now it seems to be downloading over imap my other folders but not my inbox
<nihilazo> ah no, it's fine I just had to enable my inbox folder
<nephele> Sounds like a papercut UI issue :)
<nihilazo> but because it's showing up under Inbox rather than being put into the "in" folder, the mail list when I click the mailbox doesn't show it
<nephele> if you click the mail icon in the deskbar it brings up a query in trackers. it's a kind of filesystem search which shows you all emails flagged as unread, regardless of in which folder they are
<nephele> If you want to view the inbox you would normally navigate directly to it in tracker i think
<nephele> like, open the folder :)
<nihilazo> ah ok
<nihilazo> I just sent an email to myself and now it's not showing up even though it could download the rest of my inbox
<nihilazo> huh
<nihilazo> even if I do a manual check for new mail
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<nephele> but you saw it in your other client?
<nihilazo> oh no, just took some time
<nihilazo> time to try sending from haiku now
<nihilazo> if this works, haiku has officially beat plan9 in that it can actually send emails
<nihilazo> (plan9 can't, without spending a whole weekend messing with arcane config files)
<nihilazo> (I tend to explore a ton of different OSs)
<nephele> I patched haiku to support custom root certs so i could send email...
<nephele> :)
<nihilazo> hmm, so recieving mail is working but sending doesn't seem to be
<Anarchos> nihilazo i succesfully sent email from bemail with an hotmail account
<nihilazo> currently, mail from haiku doesn't seem to be sending, but mail to haiku is being recieved
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<nihilazo> is there some smtp log anywhere I can look through for why messages might not be sending?
<nephele> you can use launch_roster in the terminal to stop the mail service and then run mail_daemon in the same session to see the stdout of it
<nihilazo> says "mail_daemon: command not found"
<nihilazo> (sorry for confused noob questions)
<nephele> err, it may be called differently :D
<nephele> if you hit ctrl_alt_del you can see the running servers or daemons
<nephele> you can check it for the right command name while the service is running
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<nihilazo> it's called mail_daemon, somehow can't make it start from bash
<nephele> (or it's not in the standard path?)
<nephele> anyway, i know i debugged it like that once
<selfish> maybe /system/services/mail_daemon?
<nephele> Yeah, that sounds correct
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<nihilazo> ah thanks
<nihilazo> hmm, can't see anything showing up in the stdout when I try to send an email (it doesn't show up in my inbox in haiku or in thunderbird on linux)
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<nephele> huh, well you can check the login type is correct, and ssl is enabled
<nephele> also, if you mispelled your password and corrected it for imap the smtp one may still be wrong
<selfish> does anybody know of a way to get the path to the current executable without having a bapplication?
<nihilazo> nephele: I am using ssl, I'm not sure about what login type migadu uses, I was set to ESSL
<nihilazo> sorry, ESMTP
<nephele> selfish: yeah, let me check if i can find the doc
<nephele> selfish, i think it was this thing
<selfish> seen that, but it seems like it's intended to get filled by BRoster's GetAppInfo, etc; which seem to only work if your target has a BApplication
<augiedoggie> selfish: you have to iterate the loaded images with get_next_image_info()
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<nephele> Are you sure? i think there was an easier way in the C api part
<augiedoggie> pretty sure
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<nephele> ah, I guess i was thinking of the same thing
<nihilazo> this email sending issue is kinda bugging me, I think I'll leave it for now
<nihilazo> I just want to see the smtp errors instead of it just being silent. Not sure if this counts as an issue to report or anything?
<nephele> it doesn't report an error back to the user sounds like an issue to me
<nephele> does your mail server use a "valid" TLS cert? that is, signed with a known root authority?
<selfish> that does the job; thanks nephele, augiedoggie
<nephele> asking since my mail server doesn't. I didn't want to depend on LE so i then set up a custom CA and added that to my haiku install since it would not connect to the server if it didn't manage to verify the cert
<Anarchos> augiedoggie what about execv(listimage |grep myPID) ?
<nihilazo> I don't have to mess with certs to make my mail work on any other system, so I'm assuming it usas a normal CA
<nihilazo> it's a commercial provider, just a smaller one
<nihilazo> I think if it was using a weird TLS setup, I'd have known by now after using them for like a year or so
<nihilazo> I think I'll open an issue on the tracker, because if I had reporting of what SMTP errors are occuring that stop my messages from sending, I could fix them
<nephele> Yeah heh... I was debugging from the /other/ side of the log :)
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<nihilazo> would this be considered a ticket for the Mail application or for mail_daemon?
<nephele> you can file it under either
<nihilazo> because I'm using Mail to send the emails that are failing to send, but I think it would be mail_daemon's job to send them and report errors
<nihilazo> ok
<nephele> I just wouldn't file it under preferences/E-Mail :P
<nihilazo> yeah
<nihilazo> what is haiku written in? C++?
<nephele> Yes
<nihilazo> k
<nephele> might want to add what haiku revision you used to the ticket
<nihilazo> k
<nihilazo> how do I find that out? beyond it being r1/beta3
<nihilazo> actually nvm, found it
<Anarchos> nihilazo i would say a bunch of C , a bit asm and api in c
<Anarchos> nihilazo i would say a bunch of C , a bit asm and api in c++
<nihilazo> can the haiku API be used in languages other than C++ for developing programs?
<nihilazo> I assume it must be able to, but I'm basically a total newbie to doing more than basic CLI applications on anything other than linux
<nephele> I think it can, but native applications are all CÜü
<nephele> C++
<nihilazo> alright
<nihilazo> time to learn C++ I guess
<nihilazo> I want to try writing some haiku apps
<Anarchos> nihilazo i did it
<Anarchos> nihilazo but your other language must be able to call C libs
<nihilazo> haiku API haskell bindings :P (probably not)
<nihilazo> but possibly
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<Anarchos> nihilazo i write the bindings between beos api and ocaml, but it is 20 years ago
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<nihilazo> Anarchos: oh, cool
* nihilazo gtg, will hack on some haiku stuff again tomorrow
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