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make TF-A print messages in the debug build?
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szemzoa: btw: you probably know that, but wait till -rc1 comes out on Sunday before sending a new version, then base on that
apritzel: thanks, but I'm a littlebit lost in what should I send. The ccu-r driver is ok, the new one. There are still errors in ccu driver (ex. one RISCV reset -> clk gate). The new pinctrl driver depends on your patches, a bunch of dtbindigs is wrong, so on... :)
szemzoa: ah, I see, no worries, I just wanted to avoid a premature v2. I'd say sending something in like 2 weeks would be good, so we have some time to figure those things out
jernej: while working on the (CPU) PLL code, I realised we are pretty harsh to the DDR PLL in the DRAM code: the manual explicitly discourages clearing bit(31), instead say we should gate only
and I think in general we should leave the PLL alone as much as possible: it stays at the same frequency most of the time anyways, so pulling the plug and then re-locking it is pointless anyway
that applies to most SoCs, actually
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