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<hexa-> what can I use in lua5.1 in place of string.unpack?
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<sh_sum> I am looking at buying TP-Link AX5400 (Archer AX73). Is there a reason I should not buy it (is there a better option in similar price range)? I mean right now openwrt does not support most of the ax routers, and I need to have 2.4ghz in ax mode (so linksys one which openwrt does support cannot do ax in 2.4ghz)
<slh> sh_sum: pretty much guaranteed to never get supported by OpenWrt
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<sh_sum> slh: because it has Broadcom chips?
<slh> yes
<slh> Belkin rt3200/ Linksys e8450 is even cheaper than that - and is supported right now
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<sh_sum> slh: the 2.4ghz of those routers can only do wifi n, not ax?
<slh> correct
<slh> if you're a betting man, ipq807x would be an alternative (e.g. xiaomi ax3600 or ax9000), but that isn't supported *yet* - and while development is promising, ath11k is still leaking memory (to exhaustion) and PCIe is also still posing from problems (although it works) - and betting on potential future device support is a risky game (at least there is a material chance for those to become supported,
<slh> while there is none for BCM6750+BCM43684)
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<rmilecki> morning
<rmilecki> nbd: in you wrote that MT7628 is very similar to the MT7603, i've a question related to that
<rmilecki> nbd: if i have very poor experience with Xiaomi Mi Router 4C (MT7628AN)
<rmilecki> nbd: should I expect any better from Xiaomi Mi Router 4A Gigabit (MT7621 + MT7603 + MT7612) ?
<rmilecki> poor experience = unstable wifi
<Borromini> rmilecki: are you looking for a new mt76 device? if so MT7615 wireless is more interesting (Wave 2 and well supported)
<PaulFertser> rmilecki: fwiw, that 4A Gigabit should be the same as mir3g-v2 and its wifi was working properly at the time I had the board.
<rmilecki> i don't care about wifi standards
<PaulFertser> rmilecki: same wifi hardware is used on mir3g-v1 which many people use and do not complain
<rmilecki> just looking for something relatively new (so i started with ramips + mt76)
<rmilecki> it's office with 5 STAs, 10 Mb/s is enough
<PaulFertser> rmilecki: but in general Xiaomi are such arseholes, why would you buy anything from them?
<rmilecki> PaulFertser: they are cheap and well available, i got Xiaomi Mi Router 4C for 15 USD
<rmilecki> PaulFertser: thanks for sharing mir3g-v2 experience
<Borromini> rmilecki: are you mainly using 2,4 GHz?
<rmilecki> PaulFertser: mir3g-v2 seems to have MT7603E + MT7612E (both with E suffixes), i'm wondering if that makes a difference compared to the Xiaomi Mi Router 4A Gigabit
<rmilecki> Borromini: i'd say 2.4 GHz is enough, i don't care really if that is 2.4 or 5 GHz
<PaulFertser> rmilecki: people on the forum said both boards are literally identical
<rmilecki> PaulFertser: ok, thanks
<PaulFertser> 522d5ff42835f7ad01c090b9ea1863f5d56b91d3
<slh> second hand Netgear r6800 (mt7621a+mt7615e) are sometimes surprisingly cheap (no personal experiences with mt7615e though)
<Borromini> i am very happy with my R6800 and DIR-878 A1. Both MT7615
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<Borromini> according to wikidevi both use MT7615N chips, not sure what the difference between E and N would be though
<Borromini> seems it's very similar, wikidevi lists E/N as the type
<rmilecki> Borromini: i was looking for R6800, it seems it was never available in Poland, D-LINks are even less popular here
<Borromini> rmilecki: you could ping svanheule he has a spare he might want to sell
<Borromini> if you're interested. shipping from belgium
<PaulFertser> Of course it would be cool if nbd managed to reproduce and fix the MT7628 issue :)
<Borromini> i think the wishlist for mt76 is sky high by now :P
<rmilecki> slh: seller does not ship to Poland, other offers are 145 USD compares to the 10 USD you found :P
<slh> ouch
<rmilecki> sure, I can probably find sth else
<PaulFertser> "everyday genius" datasheet for mt7603e describes only a single part number, mt7603en. Go figure...
<rmilecki> it's just it's easier / faster to get sth I can buy directly inPoland
<Borromini> rmilecki: what brands are available there?
<rmilecki> netgear, asus, linksys, tp-link, xiaomi
<rmilecki> I see I can get R6220 which should be fine too
<Borromini> if you can find an R6260, that's interesting too
<PaulFertser> So with both mt7603 and mt7612 it pretty much looks like -E is just part of the product name, and then all available products have also -N suffix in part number, so they are all -EN. With MT7621 (the SoC) -A means embedded wired Ethernet switch while -N means no switch.
<Borromini> isn't A multithreaded as well?
<Borromini> i think ST for MT7621 means single threaded
<slh> mt7621a is 2c4t, mt7621ST is 1c2t, mt7621NT is 1c2t as well
<slh> you certainly want mt7621a (only)
<rmilecki> i have to put up a wiki page with some nice table
<PaulFertser> ST is not even featured on the official mediatek site, probably they're too ashamed of it :)
<rmilecki> seems like Mediatek is trying to catch up Xiaomi with stupid namings
<rmilecki> slh: thanks
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<mangix> rmilecki: ath10k has some stability. nothing is perfect though
<mangix> the ipq platform is a mess
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<slh> ipq806x is quite good, but too expensive - ipq40xx is also good (and sometimes pretty cheap) if VLANs aren't necessary
<slh> at least for ipq806x prices, the rt3200 would be the better choice (today)
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<mangix> slh: I think it's mostly Ansuel working on the platform
<slh> mostly, yes
<slh> but he brought almost all of the bigger patches into mainline, aside from backports from newer kernels, DTS changes and cache patches (which no one wants to review) the remaining patches are rather small by now
<mangix> right. without him, the platform would be in really bad shape.
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<mangix> I'm at least glad he confirmed my observation that the ethernet interface had higher latency than other platforms
<mangix> (which is now fixed)
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<svanheule> rmilecki: I have an unused R6800, if you're interested. Bought it for 40 EUR, but shipping to PL is also 20 EUR (unless you don't want tracking)
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<hexa-> blogic_: re the dhcpsnoop issue; I'm also here for quicker interaction.
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<blogic_> hexa-: sure
<blogic_> are you running it on the bridge interface ?
<blogic_> I have only tested it on memebr ports
<blogic_> will test this tomorrow
<hexa-> yes, it picks up the bridge as the l3 device
<hexa-> blogic_: ^
<hexa-> there might be a second issue, where it doesn't show me DHCP acks, currently looking at dhcpv4 only
<hexa-> and planning to offer active dhcp leases via ubus again, so I can consume them for prometheus exporters
<blogic_> ok
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<blogic_> hexa-: what is prometheus
<hexa-> blogic_: time series database with monitoring capabilities based on mathematical rules
<blogic_> and you use this for mesh or private network ?
<hexa-> both actually
<blogic_> ok
<blogic_> I plan to add telemetry for mesh this week
<hexa-> based on what?
<blogic_> I asked Simon and Sven to extend batctl to provide all usefull data in json
<hexa-> ah neat, I saw that it got that capability
<blogic_> right now I am mostly looking into streaming this telemtry to the uCentral gateway
<blogic_> there is an enterprise and home user version of the gateway
<blogic_> the bigger one has a kafka behind it
<hexa-> yikes :D
<hexa-> yeah, I don't want a kafka at home :)
<blogic_> me neither
<blogic_> hence the home user edition ;)
<blogic_> currently running it locally on an ubnt er-x
<hexa-> how would monitoring ucentral work?
<blogic_> yeah good question
<blogic_> I was looking at collectd
<hexa-> I'm probably not the right persion to pitch prometheus
<blogic_> i gather ~6k of data on an AP every periodic $timeout
<blogic_> there are 3 periodic tasks
<hexa-> basically prometheus offers a standard metrics format (called openmetrics), that holds metrics that can gain multiple dimensions by adding labels
<blogic_> 1) health, the AP will probe all dhp/dns/radius server and check if interfaces/wifi have the run state that uci says it should have
<blogic_> and then works out a percentage health value
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<blogic_> 2) stats like traffic counters, neigh table, assoc list, ....
<hexa-> data is stored with float64 granualrity and it can efficiently hold data over a long time and even branch out into more complex setups
<blogic_> 3) event like dhcp snoop, wifi steering/rrm data, ...
<blogic_> ok, will have a look
<hexa-> node_network_receive_bytes_total{device="br-vlan120", instance="", job="openwrt"} 3991978
<hexa-> and now I can query for data rate by applying a rate function
<hexa-> rate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{job="openwrt"}[1m])
<hexa-> {device="br-vlan120", instance="", job="openwrt"} 2.4002400240024
<blogic_> i see
<hexa-> I can basically use every label to filter, even using regular expressions
<blogic_> and it is json so you can visualize it easily in an UI
<blogic_> got a link for prometheus ?
<hexa-> that would be an instant json response, but you can also query time ranges
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<hexa-> basically ucentral would provide an http endpoint with metrics, that get regularly scraped by prometheus, which stores them as time series
<blogic_> and it can do mutual TLS ?
<hexa-> if you provide TLS on that endpoint it can negotiate it
<hexa-> prometheus is also well-supported in Grafana
<blogic_> oh ok
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<hexa-> and has alerting via alertmanager based on rules and can push into multiple popular alerting servcies (email, pagerduty, slack, opsgenie, webhooks, etc.)
<hexa-> also HA capable
<blogic_> ok, this looks much more promising than collectd
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<blogic_> and one could host all that stuff on the same ubnt er-x or rpi
<hexa-> and for instrumentation there are lots of client libraries, that you can rely on, that already provide basic data types (counter, gauge, histogram, summary)
<hexa-> certainly, prometheus instrumentation is pretty cheap
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<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream,
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