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<GraphicHealer> Hello!
<Tusker> Hi :)
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<GraphicHealer> Here is my logfile:
<GraphicHealer> How the heck do I get this to build?
<GraphicHealer> IM trying to build UBoot
<GraphicHealer> and this is me trying to get the toolchain to build.
<GraphicHealer> it keeps erroring and I fixed most of them, I just cant find this error
<russell--> GraphicHealer: that's some vendor SDK?
<GraphicHealer> yeah
<GraphicHealer> this is my post about the device Im trying to port
<Tusker> it probably expects some dodgy CentOS from 2001 as a base OS...
<GraphicHealer> actually fedora 12
<GraphicHealer> I cant get 12 to install on Virtualbox though
<russell--> what is the board?
<GraphicHealer> so I went with 34
<GraphicHealer> Look at the forum post above
<GraphicHealer> It's all documented there
<GraphicHealer> even disassembly
<GraphicHealer> SHould I try fedora 12 again?
<GraphicHealer> The problem I had was yum couldn't find a server
<GraphicHealer> so I couldn't install dependency's
<Tusker> most of the time those build roots expect very specific OS libraries
<GraphicHealer> ah.
<russell--> i'd bypass the SDK
<GraphicHealer> How do I get around the yum repo not found error?
<russell--> is there a u-boot on the board already?
<GraphicHealer> Yes, but the boot interrupt is disabled
<GraphicHealer> so you cant get to any prompt
<Tusker> generally I wouldn't bother replacing uboot... unless you have experience with JTAG and booting from JTAG, it will likely end in a world of pain :)
<GraphicHealer> How do I get OpenWRT then?
<russell--> are you sure the serial isn't just disconnected, it's common to not populate a shunt to disable rx
<GraphicHealer> It gives me some feedback.
<GraphicHealer> [04020D07][04020D06]
<GraphicHealer> DDR Calibration DQS reg = 00008888
<GraphicHealer> U-Boot 1.1.3 (Jan 23 2017 - 14:32:47)
<GraphicHealer> Board: Ralink APSoC DRAM: 64 MB
<GraphicHealer> relocate_code Pointer at: 83f1c000
<GraphicHealer> LINUX started...
<GraphicHealer> THIS IS ASIC
<russell--> it might just not be seeing your input
<GraphicHealer> that's all I get
<GraphicHealer> true
<GraphicHealer> how would I tell?
<russell--> what kind of flash does it have?
<Tusker> GraphicHealer: you can download the RPM manually from
<russell--> spi nor by the look of it
<russell--> so, first thing is to get a copy of the flash contents
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<russell--> you want/need an external spi programmer
<GraphicHealer> I have the ISO the problem is that the SDK for this device requirers some packages from repo's long gone on fedora 12
<russell--> fwiw, on a project we built our own u-boot from modern sources for a similar mediatek soc
<Tusker> GraphicHealer: why not use a prebuilt image of fedora 12 first -
<russell--> and a) it worked; b) it was small enough to fit in the previous space available
<Tusker> russell--: I think it is a bit of a random guess whether the vendor has modified enough of the uboot code to work differently to mainline...
<russell--> the vendor u-boot is guaranteed to have forked from mainline u-boot in 2005 and have been untouched since 2010
Rentong has joined #openwrt-devel
<GraphicHealer> there is a resistor from rx(maybe tx?) to gnd, but all other connections seem to go directly to the SOC
<GraphicHealer> for the UART
<russell--> my point is, with some strategic configuring, and some light porting, we built modern mainline u-boot for a mt7620 or something and it worked
<russell--> but you need a reliable way of recovering if you don't get it right the first time
<GraphicHealer> yeah
<russell--> hence, external spi programmer
<GraphicHealer> Its got a MT7628AN in it
<russell--> it's basically the same soc
<GraphicHealer> I think the pins on J10 (pics on forum post) are SPI
<russell--> with som minor differences
<GraphicHealer> Would that port you made work on mine???
<russell--> U4 is the spi flash
<GraphicHealer> huh?
<GraphicHealer> I thought the SPI flasher would flash to the chip itself. Is uboot stored on a separate device?
<russell--> the photo from the forum post
<Tusker> also, it is possible that there is a uboot recovery mode... and you can load a properly constructed firmware image via http...
<Tusker> does the boot process change if you hold the reset while booting ?
<GraphicHealer> here is. I've seen references to it in the source.
<GraphicHealer> *there is
<GraphicHealer> Idk
<GraphicHealer> it didnt seem to boot at all if a button was held down
<russell--> there's glare, you can't make out the part number from the photo, but the red paint dot is a tell
<russell--> and the soic-8 footprint
<GraphicHealer> would I need to hook up a UART to USB and then plug it in while holding reset or WPS?
<Tusker> that's an option, if there is a HTTP recovery mode, or TFTP recovery mode, that'll be easier
<Tusker> especially if you want others to install it :)
<GraphicHealer> true
<Tusker> so, tcpdump while doing that would be good to see if any TFTP pings on port 69
<GraphicHealer> theres a better pic
<GraphicHealer> tcpdump?
<russell--> what is R18 and R87?
<GraphicHealer> is there a windows version?
<GraphicHealer> r18 and r17??
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<Tusker> wireshark installs well on windows
<GraphicHealer> IDK what r18 and r87 are
<GraphicHealer> oh you mean wireshark
<GraphicHealer> there are refrences to a "server ip" and "server port" in the source code
<GraphicHealer> and tftp
<russell--> yeah U4 is the flash: MX25L12835F
<Tusker> R18 and R87 look like open bridges
<russell--> GraphicHealer: are they populated?
<GraphicHealer> no
<GraphicHealer> they are blank
<russell--> try bridging them one at a time and see if serial works
<GraphicHealer> k...o
<GraphicHealer> *ok...
<GraphicHealer> like solder them?
<GraphicHealer> the board has to flip over to access them.
<russell--> r18 looks like a pull up
<GraphicHealer> down actually. Thats ground.
<GraphicHealer> 18 wuld be a pull down and 87 would be a pull up
<GraphicHealer> I do know some electronics
<russell--> when you power up the board, which pins are ground and which are at vcc?
<russell--> on J1
<GraphicHealer> from the little white arrow over, vcc, gnd, then tx and rx, or rx and tx (I dont remember)
<GraphicHealer> I know where vcc and gnd are, I get tx and rx flipped.
<russell--> unpopulated pads and rx not working is usually a clue
<GraphicHealer> I get a console output
<GraphicHealer> oh you mean rx on the board side
<Tusker> R18 looks like it has pogo pin marks on it
<GraphicHealer> huh. It does.
<russell--> oh, r87 maybe wants a 10k pull up resistor
<GraphicHealer> ill try bridging those.
<GraphicHealer> oh so resistor?
<GraphicHealer> I have some 15k ones
<GraphicHealer> would that work?
<russell--> well, one side seems to be attached to vcc
<russell--> 15k should work too
<GraphicHealer> r89 is to gnd
<GraphicHealer> ill get the iron heated
<russell--> see if there is continuity between pin 3 and the left pad of r87
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<GraphicHealer> and my multimeter
<russell--> what is the value of r89?
<GraphicHealer> one sec. Gotta find my multimeter
<GraphicHealer> about 4k
<GraphicHealer> ohm
<GraphicHealer> 4k ohm
<russell--> okay, it's not a short anyway
<russell--> and does pin 3 have continuity with either the left side of r89 or r87 or both?
<GraphicHealer> left side of 87 is connected to pin 3
<russell--> but not r89?
<GraphicHealer> right side of 18 is connected to pin 4
<russell--> right, i can kind of see that
<GraphicHealer> oh left side of 89 is connected to pin 3
<GraphicHealer> right side of 89 is on ground
<GraphicHealer> right side of 87 is on vcc
<russell--> okay so you don't want both r87 and r89 populated at the same time
<GraphicHealer> left side of 18 is on gnd
<GraphicHealer> yeah
<russell--> okay so my theory about unpopulated pads is probably wrongg
<russell--> even though it was pretty suspicious
<GraphicHealer> yah
<GraphicHealer> huh
<GraphicHealer> what next?
<russell--> if you want to replace the u-boot, you need a recover path, so probably an external spi programmer
<russell--> that's what i'd work on next
<GraphicHealer> would a raspberry pi work?
<russell--> probably, although i've never used one for spi
<russell--> the internet should tell you how
<russell--> the general idea is to make several copies reading, and make sure they are all the same
<russell--> then make sure there is something in the files and make sure they look reasonable and that will tell you your programmer is working
<russell--> ... before you even thing of writing anything
<russell--> think*
<russell--> it's preferred to hold the cpu in reset while you are talking to the flash from the external programmer
<russell--> but not always essential if you give the cpu time to fully boot
<GraphicHealer> ok...
<GraphicHealer> cool
<GraphicHealer> trying the reset hold
<Tusker> yeah, raspberry pi works for spi
<russell--> the reset button might not be the reset line on the cpu, often the button is just connected to a gpio
<GraphicHealer> yeah the reset button just prevents a boot
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<GraphicHealer> Russel: there is a J2 on the back.
<GraphicHealer> wait, how do I mention people???
<GraphicHealer> russell--, there is a J2 on the back.
<GraphicHealer> Ahh... It goes vcc, gnd, txd, rxd
<GraphicHealer> i honestly guessed as much
<russell--> photo?
<GraphicHealer> about the middle of the board
<GraphicHealer> treid tracing it. Just got a jumble of resistors and capacitors
<GraphicHealer> and lost the trace
<GraphicHealer> could I just try flashing OpenWRT as a firmware file?
<GraphicHealer> Or does it have a security check?
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<GraphicHealer> I would think if there is a working uboot, it ould still run.
<GraphicHealer> cause the drivers etc. are all in uboot
ncl_ is now known as Guest722
<Tusker> sure, but you'd have to get the headers correct for the factory interface to accept it
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<GraphicHealer> what headers?
<GraphicHealer> the file headers?
<Tusker> the firmware bin file headers
<Tusker> yeah, not pin headers
<GraphicHealer> Ah.
<GraphicHealer> yeah I thought the pins might be covered by uboot
<GraphicHealer> what size openWRT should I try?
<Tusker> smaller is generally easier :)
<GraphicHealer> uhhhh also what achitecture???
<russell--> always always always get a copy of the flash first
<russell--> ramips
<GraphicHealer> huh?
<Tusker> get your rpi
<GraphicHealer> If the firmware fails to boot wont UBOOT kick into recovery mode?
<russell--> don't try flashing anything until you have a way to go to what you started with
<GraphicHealer> then i can just flash the factory firmware back?
<GraphicHealer> ah.
<russell--> you tell me?
<GraphicHealer> Ill try the pi
<Tusker> if uboot has a recovery mode...
<GraphicHealer> its referenced in the source
<GraphicHealer> for this specific device
<russell--> the lack of serial means you don't have a way of recovering from u-boot unless u-boot does something automatically
<GraphicHealer> doesn't mean its enabled
<GraphicHealer> what about that J2?
<russell--> and since you can't see what that is, you'd be doing it blindly with no clue what is actually happening and then ending up in an unknown state
<russell--> try it?
<GraphicHealer> try what? the J2?
<grid> you may be able to do enough to get an initramfs booted
<grid> but it would be a frustrating exercise
<grid> nervermind
* grid was thinking tx only uart :(
<russell--> J2 doesn't look like serial to me
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<GraphicHealer> but it could trigger a dev mode of sorts
<russell--> what is the 2x2 female header?
<russell--> on the top side of the board?
<russell--> maybe connect to leds or something?
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<GraphicHealer> no thats power
<GraphicHealer> from the power board
<GraphicHealer> nothing.
<GraphicHealer> Shorting J2 does nothing.
<russell--> ah yeah, was just coming to the conclusion it was power
<russell--> the giant + was the first clue, then the lack of a barrel connector on the board
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<GraphicHeal> wierd
<GraphicHeal> I am somehow still "connected
<GraphicHeal> it won't let me use my real name
<Tusker> your old irc session is hanging around
<GraphicHeal> and shorting j2 seems to disable the web interface
<GraphicHeal> oddly enough
<grid> GraphicHeal: did you have uart output? if the boot interrupt is disabled you can glitch the flash and cause a checksum/validation error of the image
<grid> e.g. the wink hub would drop to a u-boot prompt
<grid> all that's necessary is to short a couple address or data pins together with e.g. a multimeter probe at the right point in the boot process
<GraphicHeal> uart doesnt change. I just cant access the website anymore
<grid> oh i saw some stuff pasted above
<grid> GraphicHealer | U-Boot 1.1.3 (Jan 23 2017 - 14:32:47)
<russell--> grid, there aren't address/data pins on a spi flash
<grid> ah it's SPI
<GraphicHeal> yeah
<GraphicHeal> I think so
<grid> could just short the clock line or something
<russell--> it definitely is
<GraphicHeal> J10 appears to be an SPI BUS
<GraphicHeal> I cant test it though
<GraphicHeal> I dont have a scope
<russell--> grid: that will prevent it from even loadng u-boot
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<GraphicHeal> yeah, but I want the uboot prompt.
<grid> it has to be done at the right point
<russell--> yeah U4 is the flash: MX25L12835F
<grid> when it's loading the kernel
<GraphicHeal> Then I can load a new uboot and firmware (eg. OpenWRT)
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<GraphicHeal> YAY
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<grid> on newer u-boot it'd look something like: Loading file ...
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<grid> on newer u-boot it'd look something like: Loading file ...
<GraphicHeal> Hello
<GraphicHeal> AWW SHOOT
<GraphicHeal> it didnt grab my previous user
<Tusker> type /nick GraphicHealed
GraphicHeal is now known as GraphicHealer
<GraphicHealer> YAY
<GraphicHealer> thanks
<GraphicHealer> so our best guess is an SPI programmer would be the best next step?
<GraphicHealer> or trying to load a firmware
<GraphicHealer> through the web interface
<Tusker> SPI programmer, take a backup
<Tusker> then you can try and play with the web interface
<GraphicHealer> yeah. THen try the web interface. If it works, easy setup.
<Tusker> if you brick it, then you can flash back the factory and try again
<GraphicHealer> yup
<GraphicHealer> so I need a pi?
<Tusker> i thought you had one ?
<GraphicHealer> Or would the UART device I have have SPI as well?
<GraphicHealer> its an FDTI device
<grid> most can at least bit bang spi
<GraphicHealer> FT232RL
<grid> i think that would need the MPSSE
<GraphicHealer> :(
<GraphicHealer> Would a STM32 programmer have SPI?
<GraphicHealer> or no?
<Tusker> which one ?
<GraphicHealer> ST-LINK V2
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<GraphicHealer> its got RST, SWIM, SWCLK, SWDIO, GND, 3.3v, and 5v
<Tusker> 0483:374f usb ?
<GraphicHealer> yes
<GraphicHealer> its got USB
<Tusker> seems to support st-link v3 so maybe backwards compatible
<GraphicHealer> What is 0483:374f?
<GraphicHealer> what is flashrom?
<Tusker> 0483:374f is the usb device id when it is plugged in
<Tusker> you can see it in device manager under details
<GraphicHealer> How do I find that?
<GraphicHealer> Ah
<Tusker> flashrom is a tool to read/write flash chips using SPI
<GraphicHealer> USB\VID_0483&PID_3748&REV_0100
<GraphicHealer> thats what I've got
<Tusker> so, slightly different... so maybe not supported by it
<Tusker> you can overwrite your st link v2 with BMP
<GraphicHealer> BMP?
<Tusker> blackmagicprobe
<GraphicHealer> I thought I needed spi, not single wire serial.
<Tusker> good point, sorry...
<GraphicHealer> *correction, not SWS, JTAG
<GraphicHealer> WOuld the board i have do JTAG?
<Tusker> hmm... i wonder if there is a flashrom compatible firmware for st link v2
<GraphicHealer> hmm
<grid> there's serprog firmwares
<grid> can use an arduino too i think but it'd need to be 3.3v
<GraphicHealer> I have a arduino uno
<GraphicHealer> would that work?
<Tusker> much better
<grid> needs to be powered at 3.3v
<GraphicHealer> I think it has 3.3v
<GraphicHealer> idk
<grid> they're 5v by default
<grid> can use external 3.3v power probably
<grid> eh nvm...they can't do 3.3v with a 16mhz crystal
<grid> "If you run an ATMega328 at 16MHz powered by 3.3 Volts, this is out of specification and you are effectively overclocking it. However, it is likely to work" shrug
<grid> just put it in the freezer before you use it :P
<GraphicHealer> I have a arduino mega. Not uno.
<GraphicHealer> seems to be using 5v logic.
<GraphicHealer> unfortunately
<russell--> GraphicHealer: didn't you say you have a pi?
<GraphicHealer> yes
<GraphicHealer> use that?
<grid> yeah that'd be best
<GraphicHealer> ok.
<russell--> you can run flashrom on the pi
<russell--> iirc
<GraphicHealer> trying to find something simpler without having t setup an entire pi
<GraphicHealer> its kinda a pain just to grab a rom
<GraphicHealer> was hoping I could use my laptop
<Tusker> if you really want to use st link, you can try that method
<GraphicHealer> would an STM32 device work?
<GraphicHealer> I have a STM32 Blue pill
<grid> yes
<GraphicHealer> use the right arduino library
<grid> then use it with flashrom connected to PC via usb
<Tusker> yeah, I was about to copy paste that github link
<russell--> the pi nano board has a firmware to do serprog also
<russell--> many many optionsi
<GraphicHealer> I dont have a pi nano
<russell--> yeah, the bluepill sounds like a good path
<GraphicHealer> am I supposed to install the arduino firmware first?
<GraphicHealer> or does flashrom have its own?
<GraphicHealer> what is that?
<GraphicHealer> do I flash it via the STM32 SDK?
<grid> the firmware that gives flashrom capability to bluepill
<GraphicHealer> Ah
<Tusker> that is a firmware to load on to the bluepill so that flashrom can talk through it
<GraphicHealer> how do I load it? sorry. Kinda new to STM32. Never really used the darn thing.
<grid> uhm, from linux. probably easiest booting into a live usb or something
<grid> doing usb passthrough to a VM would be finicky at best i think
<russell--> GraphicHealer: are you running windows or linux, not sure we established that
<GraphicHealer> windows
<GraphicHealer> sorry
<russell--> ick ;-)
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<GraphicHealer> ok. Stlink and stm32 are wired up and plugged in.
<grid> to flash it per the instructions you'd need to hook up the ftdi to the blue pill. there's native usb flashing on the blue pill, i don't remember if that's the ROM or it needs to have a special bootloader already flashed
<grid> make sure the ftdi is set for 3.3v though, if it does both 5v and 3.3
<GraphicHealer> so wait, do I just run the make command with the FTDI connected?
<GraphicHealer> *stlink
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<grid> 1.) you'd need to be in linux 2.) see which usb port the ftdi enumerates as, it wouldn't be /dev/ttyACM0 as specified in the Makefile. probably would be at /dev/ttyUSB0
<grid> see the Installation section
<GraphicHealer> installing Debian to VBox now
<grid> passing the ftdi through the VM should work fine actually
<GraphicHealer> ok
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<grid> it's problematic if the device is resetting/reenumerating during flashing, as the case would be when using the USB bootloader
<GraphicHealer> it installs FAST
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<GraphicHealer> linux does
<GraphicHealer> uhh this asks for flashing via UART
<GraphicHealer> I have the STLINK V2
<grid> ya use the ftdi
<GraphicHealer> ok cool
<grid> make sure the ftdi is in 3.3v mode, or is only 3.3v. 5v could damage the blue pill
<GraphicHealer> Oh got that.
<grid> i guess some pins on the blue pill are 5v tolerant
<GraphicHealer> Ive done electronics. I know to check for voltages
<grid> don't power the ftdi from mains
<GraphicHealer> HA
<GraphicHealer> Obviously
<GraphicHealer> the data would be a bit muddles
<GraphicHealer> *muddled
<GraphicHealer> On the upside, it would smell like fresh toast...
<GraphicHealer> or a brick
<GraphicHealer> your choice
<Monkeh> Perhaps it's worth invesitgating if the device behaves like related hardware:
<Monkeh> Instead of shorting pins at random
<GraphicHealer> Maybe...
<GraphicHealer> Ill check that out
<GraphicHealer> huh
<GraphicHealer> Howd you get that figured out
<Monkeh> I didn't.
<GraphicHealer> what is the RET?
<GraphicHealer> the letters R E T?
<GraphicHealer> or the button reset?
<grid> return key maybe
<GraphicHealer> Ohhhhhh DUH
<GraphicHealer> so 1234567890
<GraphicHealer> 4
<GraphicHealer> then enter again
<grid> i think so
<GraphicHealer> ok
<GraphicHealer> Ill try that while Im trying to get the SPI
<grid> i wonder if that's the from the mediatek sdk, or some crap linksys did
<grid> -the
<GraphicHealer> Oh wait... I need the UART
<GraphicHealer> :(
<grid> ;(
<GraphicHealer> I just de-wired it to use for the SPI
<GraphicHealer> HA!
<GraphicHealer> I have pin headers that work?
<GraphicHealer> *!
<GraphicHealer> wrong character
<Tusker> that's why I have a box full of boards, spare blue pills, spare USB-TTL :)
<GraphicHealer> ah
<GraphicHealer> Waiting on soldering iron to heat up again
<GraphicHealer> errg these things are slow
<GraphicHealer> cheap irons
<grid> i just got one of these it proved to be useful on sunday when i bricked a board
<grid> it's a lot faster than bus pirate and has all sorts of configs for swd, jtag, uart, sgpi, etc.
<Tusker> yeah, looks nice
<grid> i have other ftdi, including an ft4232h, but that for example had a buffer / level shifter which prevented using it for SWD as-is. i had to lift a pin
<GraphicHealer> ah
<GraphicHealer> n idea what that means
<GraphicHealer> *no
<GraphicHealer> Nice! I got pins now!
<grid> swd is like jtag for arm chips but only uses a few wires
<grid> stlink can do it
<GraphicHealer> yeah thats I think how STM32 does it.
<GraphicHealer> Ive got pi headers on the UART pis now
<GraphicHealer> *pin
<GraphicHealer> *pins
<russell--> i have a tigard too, fwiw (a few of them actually)
<GraphicHealer> ok now the fun part
<GraphicHealer> pressing the reset and typing
<GraphicHealer> YAY
<Monkeh> I can confirm the same code is in the RE6350 source for the bootloader
<GraphicHealer> wait, where?
<GraphicHealer> ive looked through it
<GraphicHealer> I dont remeber seeing anything like that
<Monkeh> Because they didn't include obvious things like the string '1234567890' or 'password' or the like.
<GraphicHealer> ohhh
<Monkeh> But 'backdoor', well.. nobody accused them of being all that clever
<Tusker> hmmm... if the factory firmware of a device has ubi, and I want to flash a new ubi rootfs over top of it, is there a flag in sysupgrade to tell it to wipe it first before mkubivol ?
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<GraphicHealer> IM IN
<GraphicHealer> I have a UBOOT prompt!!!!!
<Monkeh> So you should be able to load code via tftp, now you just need to have something to load.
<GraphicHealer> exactly!
<grid> nice
<GraphicHealer> Isn't that router a MT7628 device?
<GraphicHealer> would the UBOOT from that tutorial work?
<Monkeh> You don't need to touch the bootloader
<GraphicHealer> Ah
<GraphicHealer> so use inframFS?
<Monkeh> Everything you need should more or less be in the source, search for CONFIG_UMEDIA_RE6350
<Monkeh> Should be pretty trivial to get a basic DTS working, dump and examine the flash, and flesh out the rest
<GraphicHealer> I can get to UBOOT even if the firmware doesnt boot, so as long as I make a backup (can I do a tftp pull?) i should be good
<GraphicHealer> it has a `start www` command
<GraphicHealer> awww markdown dont work
<GraphicHealer> for firmware recovery
<russell--> wait, what happened? how did you get the prompt?
<Monkeh> russell--: Entered the secret password
<GraphicHealer> I followed this tutorial:
<GraphicHealer> you mean the password everyone knows?
<russell--> oh, found the link
<russell--> nice
<GraphicHealer> yup
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<grid> shorting pins is more fun
<Monkeh> Step one of device porting: Check to see if someone has already ported essentially the same thing with a different label
<GraphicHealer> close enough relative of the extender that the same setup was used
<GraphicHealer> which device is closes
<GraphicHealer> *closest
<Monkeh> Just start writing a DTS
<GraphicHealer> Huh?
<GraphicHealer> whats a DTS
<Monkeh> Happy learning curve, I must sleep. :)
<Monkeh> russell--: tag, you're it again. :)
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<GraphicHealer> I just looked in a DTS file!!! Ive seen these very references!
<GraphicHealer> In the source code!
<GraphicHealer> would this be usefull?
<russell--> lol
<GraphicHealer> what?
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<GraphicHealer> russell--, whats so funny?
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<GraphicHealer> hu
<GraphicHealer> *huh
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<GraphicHealer> oh dear
<GraphicHealer> DTS files are COMPLICATED
<GraphicHealer> oy
<GraphicHealer> this is gonna take a while, when or if I do it. So im gonna sleep instead for now.
<GraphicHealer> G'night
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<GraphicHealer> Did it work?
<GraphicHealer> Hey! Im on my phone now!
<GraphicHealer> Shoot i cant see history
<GraphicHealer> russell--: this is the same chat, right?
<GraphicHealer> I just switched devices and dont see hostory
<Tusker> yeah, it is fun getting the DTS correct
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<russell--> GraphicHealer: ohai
<rmilecki> nbd: someone claims there is netifd alias regression
<fda> im trying to run openwrt 21-rc or master on fritz 1200, only openwrt 19 boots. i suspet this commit:
<fda> the dts file of original firmware:
<fda> sadly my system is to new and cant build the old checkout, something with gcc check, then fakeroot error etc
<russell--> fda: you can either fix the version check or spin up a virtual machine with an old distribution version
<fda> yes, i have to setup later an older linux in a vm. fedora it to new
<russell--> or maybe try reverting that commit in a local branch
<fda> also the path names of kernel patches changed, no more versions in it
<fda> you know "dts" files? are the "delete-node" okay in the patch? in vendors file is something with phy4
* russell-- has no idea
<fda> :(
<russell--> try button-holing the person who made the commit
<fda> how? or where?
<fda> im now to openwrt, and where to create iusse is not easy to determine
<fda> i opened yesterday 2 issues on main repo, but as there are more than 1000 opened i dont expect an answer within days
<fda> the 2nd issues was an duplicate of an 18month problem ^^
<fda> (old)
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<russell--> the name of the author is in the commit
<russell--> try emailing them?
<russell--> fda: what makes you think that commit is the problem?
<russell--> do you have a boot log?
<fda> no
<fda> the device needs torx T6 and my smallest is T8
<fda> uboot loads from tftp and file and something is written, the original images is gone
<fda> and it is not pingable or something
<fda> same procedure works with openwrt19
<fda> so something must have changed
<fda> and there are to so much commits related to avm 1200 4040 7530 3000
<fda> and the other seem still run
<russell--> usually you can remove torx with small flatheads
<fda> could also be something completely different
<fda> the screw is 1cm deep in the case
<russell--> unless someone has the hardware or more information, it's going to be hard to fix
<fda> i know :(
<russell--> so i guess my advice is "try harder" ;-)
<fda> im glad the older version runs. so maybe someone sees in the .dts someting, or i have to test when it does not work anymore
<russell--> what is wrong with the old version?
<fda> old
<russell--> it will be abandoned at some point
<fda> i can not build it by myself
<fda> openwrt has different repos, and paxkages dont match
<fda> i tried it yet!
<fda> and i have numerous fixes to master i ant apply with prebuild image
<russell--> if you have longterm plans to keep the device, i'd recommend investing work in helping people keep it supported
<zatwai> guys, is team aware of autonegotiation speed bug in 21.02 for at least ramips mt7621? it cannot negotiate on 100baseT cables to 1000baseT ports.
<fda> im currently migrating all my freetz devices to openwrt
<fda> replaced 7590 with e8450
<fda> and the repeater gets also openwrt sometime
<fda> avm software sucks hard, and its not getting better sind many years
<Tusker> cool, sysupgrade works now on my current port for extreme networks AP3935i
<russell--> openwrt is a community project, which requires participation from users
<fda> i planned to do less
<russell--> there is no magical benefactor
<fda> its not easy to push changes rto openwrt
<russell--> in your case it isn't clear what change to puse
<russell--> push8
<fda> i've about 15 patches yet done, but the rules a strange
<russell--> push*
<fda> varouis fixes for small bug
<fda> s
<russell--> what rules are strange?
<fda> i have to count chars to not exceed 75
<fda> my dispaly is maybe 50cm wide
<fda> as terminals had 80x28 chars it would be a good rule
<fda> but why now?
<fda> and i dont like real name
<fda> thats for facebook people
<fda> so, not easy
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#189]( of `bcm27xx/bcm2710` failed.
<russell--> seem like these are rules copied from another large successful open source project
<fda> thats the wrong direction
<Tusker> it's really easy to configure your text editor to auto-wrap for you if it's a problem
<fda> linux is not sucessfully because of some rules
<fda> i use shell to commit
<fda> so i have to count chars
<fda> ot put glue on the bottom left edge
<russell--> if only we could invent some kind of machine to do simple math for us, but here were are starting fires by striking stones together ;-)
<russell--> i.e. if your text editor can't keep track of line length you should maybe shop around for another text editor
<fda> maybe this i known if you are english native
<fda> i use a simple terminal
<fda> thers no editor
<russell--> find a screwdriver, put a serial console on your device and get a boot log from the non-working firmware
<fda> using a mouse is slow
<russell--> that's the way forward
<Tusker> you can open vi or nano or whatever you want upon git commit
<Tusker> or use a fixed width font and a terminal 75 characters wide
<russell--> ed is a good editor
<fda> why is en editor needed? to commit is a simple command enough
<russell--> you need to make a change to commit, yes?
<fda> i thnk not
<Tusker> you want to stop counting characters... then use a tool to allow you to do it
<Tusker> rules are to produce consistency and allow interoperation with people who like to code on their embedded hardware
<Tusker> with a OLED display
<fda> i cant imagine someone would do this
<Tusker> if you don't like the rules, then find a friend that can commit on your behalf and mentions always "committed code on behalf of fda, who shall not be named"
<fda> have such device not lan for ssh?
<fda> maybe i just put them in the forum
<Tusker> *shrug* regardless, these rules are not bad, they help for consistency and community mindedness
<fda> its okay, openwrt works great
<Tusker> they are not a barrier to entry for contributing :)
<Tusker> sure, put the patches on the forum
<fda> for sure
<fda> its a barrier
<Tusker> it's not a barrier for contributing, it's a barrier for bad code and bad practises which messes up everything and isn't contributing :)
<Tusker> it may be a "felt" barrier, but it's not an actual barrier
<fda> using not a real name causes bad cod?
<fda> but anyway... initiall i was asking about 1200 and dts
<Tusker> :)
<fda> another thing. is there really no autofs4/automout daemon in openwrt? i could only find the kernel module
<fda> and if the daemon is missing, why was the kernel module added? how was it used?
<Tusker> good questions that I don't know the answer to
<Tusker> in terms of your fritzbox, looks like guys are working on getting the 7490 going so probably your 7590 would benefit
<fda> i wrote about 7490 on github
<fda> 7590 is completely diffrent
<fda> and i sell it
<Tusker> ah ok
<fda> but i dont except the 7490 will works well. it has 2 cpu architecure, 1 only for wlan
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#183]( of `octeontx/generic` failed.
<fda> and all the addons like dect will not work
<fda> so the 7490 is my dsl-only modem
<fda> (no pppoe)
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#217]( of `mxs/generic` failed.
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<Tusker> OK, weird... not sure what is going on with the ethernet on this device (ar8033 ipq806x-gmac-dwmac) - hangs on scp quite often... but ping etc looks normal
<Tusker> OK, looks like it was the switch port on the wrt1900 that was causing it, I think the port is fine... :)
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<rsalvaterra> rmilecki: Did you get around to testing the mt76 patch? :)
<rmilecki> rsalvaterra: yes, I don't think it fixes Xiaomi 4C
<rmilecki> rsalvaterra: i'm goig to test on R6220 today
<rsalvaterra> Oh, that's unfortunate… :(
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<rmilecki> rsalvaterra: that seemed very promising though
<rmilecki> rsalvaterra: i'll reply to that developer for sure
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<GraphicHealer> Morning!
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<GraphicHealer> Oh dear. Kermit mode is slow.
<GraphicHealer> Had to flash the FW, I think I messed it up somehow.
<GraphicHealer> Im at 1mb out of 6.5mb, and its been like 5-10 minutes already.
<Monkeh> Why are you flashing it like that?
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<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: flashing via UART, what's the baud rate?
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<nbd> rmilecki: netifd regression is fixed now
<rmilecki> nbd: thanks!!
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<rmilecki> i've a little deamon registering ubus object and using uclient for downloading files
<rmilecki> my problem is: when my deamon tries connecting to offline server (uclient_connect()) all calls to my exported buus methods hang
<rmilecki> uloop is single thread and that part of uclient seems to be blocking it
<rmilecki> it there any solution for that?
<nbd> i guess the code needs to be changed to make the connect() call async
<nbd> (and the ns lookup as well)
<rmilecki> nbd: uclient's code, right?
<nbd> right now it just uses usock
<nbd> yes
<rmilecki> thanks
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<GraphicHealer> PaulFertser: 57600
<GraphicHealer> Monkeh: the device has no ethernet port.
<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: you can can assume about 5760 bytes/second speed at most.
<GraphicHealer> Yeah
<GraphicHealer> Its done now. Webpage still wont open.
<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: but if you have serial you should be able to log in via serial. Does that work?
<GraphicHealer> I think it broke.
<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: better use some pastebin to show full serial output after cold boot.
<GraphicHealer> Ive posted it before.
<GraphicHealer> that is all I get
<GraphicHealer> i dont know how to get ethernet
<GraphicHealer> Hang on! What if J10 is Ethernet, not SPI?
<GraphicHealer> and how would I figure out what pins go where?
<GraphicHealer> would I just grab a cable, cut an end off and wire stuff on untill I get a signal?
<GraphicHealer> if it was ethernet, it would explain the direct connection to the SoC instead of the SPI flash chip.
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<GraphicHealer> This is so weird. I did nothing to the device, but it wont start the web server anymore.
<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: wired ethernet always have a transformer
<GraphicHealer> Ahhh. Must be SPI then.
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<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: so if you can't get the prompt how were you using Kermit?
<GraphicHealer> No. I can get to the prompt.
<GraphicHealer> When I do it normally I can't get to the web configuration interface.
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<GraphicHealer> The Linksys web configuration interface you're supposed to use if you use these as normal. It won't start at all anymore. Port 80 returns nothing.
<GraphicHealer> The device seems fine, the web interface just seems to have disappeared.
<GraphicHealer> I dont get it.
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<GraphicHealer> anyone kow how I can get the webpage to show back up?
<GraphicHealer> or maybe how to flash OpenWRT?
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#189]( of `ipq40xx/generic` failed.
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<GraphicHealer> maan i built the wrong STM32 source...
<GraphicHealer> I chose versaprog instead of blue pill
<GraphicHealer> :(
<GraphicHealer> I also somehow corrupted the debian VM, so I'm now reinstalling that...
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<rsalvaterra> rmilecki: You're probably already aware, but mt76 has been bumped. :)
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<rmilecki> rsalvaterra: no, i'm enjoying being bullied on lkml ;)
<rsalvaterra> rmilecki: Ah, who doesn't love a nice lkmk drama? xD
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* rsalvaterra misses the old Linus…
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<Monkeh> J10 is not SPI.
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<Monkeh> It's reasonably likely to be ethernet, but you lack the needed components to use it.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#191]( of `bcm27xx/bcm2710` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#184]( of `octeontx/generic` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#218]( of `mxs/generic` completed successfully.
<GraphicHealer> Monkeh: well then how do I hook spi to the chip?
<GraphicHealer> Or do I even need spi?
<GraphicHealer> Could I just create the DTS file and build openwrt?
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<russell--> GraphicHealer: either a SOIC-8 chip clip or micrograbbers
<GraphicHealer> oh boy
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<russell--> GraphicHealer: i prefer the micrograbbers, personally
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<grid> agilent/hp branded clips are the best i've tried
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<GraphicHealer> One problem. The SPI chip is under the heat spreader on the underside of the board.
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<GraphicHealer> To power the board, I have to plug it into the power biard, which involves sticking it back into the case. Clips and stuff won't fit into the case.
<GraphicHealer> *board
<GraphicHealer> Idk how to get around this. Maybe solder pins?
<Tusker> GraphicHealer: can't you take the power board out and attach outside of the case ?
<GraphicHealer> How?
<GraphicHealer> Its not a flexible cable. Its a header to header
<Tusker> but aren't the UART pins vias and can be accessed by both sides of the main board ?
<GraphicHealer> Yes, bt the SPI chip (which is what i need to connect to next) is on the bottom
<GraphicHealer> Im thinking the pins on that SPI device are big enough I could just solder wires to the bus and put headers on them.
<GraphicHealer> I guess.
<Tusker> or create a header to header extension with whatever header type it is...
<GraphicHealer> The pinout
<GraphicHealer> Also, what pins does that bluepill firmware use?
<Tusker> the serprog one ?
<GraphicHealer> Yes
<GraphicHealer> What pins are the SPI I/O
<GraphicHealer> Didnt know I could upload pics
<GraphicHealer> Yeah b12 to 15 aren't even on my pill...
<Tusker> are they empty vias ?
<GraphicHealer> Nvm. Im an idiot. Bottom left of pic.
<Tusker> OK :)
<GraphicHealer> Gotta recompile it, accidentally chose versaprog instead of bluepill
<Tusker> try either SPI1 or SPI2 with serprog, not sure if both work with that firmware
<GraphicHealer> And debian is a PAIN in VirtualBox
<GraphicHealer> Idk why
<GraphicHealer> Do I just hook pin name to pin name then run the read program?
<GraphicHealer> Wait! Does it even require the linksys board to have power?
<Tusker> depends, sometimes it can drive enough power while still in the board
<GraphicHealer> Hmm...
<GraphicHealer> Ill try it. If it dont work, then plan b.
<GraphicHealer> Still gotta get debian working and recompile the stm board.
<GraphicHealer> Errg\