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<digitalcircuit> Not yet the hard reboot I was expecting, but I'm at least getting something. I'll have to compare this with 1.4 GHz cache disabled, etc.
<digitalcircuit> Still poking at the 1.4 GHz ipq806x L2 cache thing - stress-ng --cache 1 --cache-level 2 has turned up something potentially promising..? "cache instance 0 corrupted bogo-ops counter, 24475 vs 0" and "cache instance 0 hash error in bogo-ops counter and run flag, 2107400493 vs 0"
<digitalcircuit> (ZyXEL NBG6817, my original test workload is multiple 25 MB tar files transfered via OpenSSH SFTP to a USB drive, with brief pauses in between as Deja Dup compresses and encrypts backup chunks.)
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<Pepes> Can this PR be merged? There are two approves already.
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<nick[m]12> dangowrt: did you try using umdns with imagebuilder built and seccomp?
<nick[m]12> on 21.02
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<rsalvaterra> rmilecki: Hm… oops?;a=commitdiff;h=479a2a90f782209b29dd9746d241fc1e67836309
<rmilecki> rsalvaterra: huh, interesting
<rsalvaterra> I guess it breaks something… :/
<rmilecki> maybe the correct fix will help my devices
<rsalvaterra> I was thinking the same! :)
<rmilecki> oh, nbd already sent new patches
<rmilecki> i'll test today or tomorrow
<rmilecki> rsalvaterra: i can't say for sure how stable is Intel
<rmilecki> seems a bit better
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<rmilecki> but it can still fail
<rmilecki> sorry, Atheros
<rmilecki> my ASUS 1212B with 2x2 Atherot ath79 card
<rsalvaterra> rmilecki: Well, I've seen my share of MT7603 weirdness too…
<rmilecki> oh?
<rmilecki> rsalvaterra: did I miss some report?
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<rsalvaterra> … the "best" one being the radio just stop transmitting. And I mean just the radio. From the system side, everything looks perfectly fine.
<rsalvaterra> rmilecki: No, you didn't… I mentioned it to nbd a while ago, and asked if anyone had seen this before around here, but I guess not…
<rsalvaterra> Steps to reproduce: yeah, right. :P
<rsalvaterra> I just noticed it because my girlfriend's phone is 2 GHz only, and she complained not being able to connect. The Wi-Fi analyser on my phone confirmed it.
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<shibboleth> so, someone linked to a commit retiring mikrotik generic images for NAND (with what looks like a good reason). why were NOR images also retired?
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