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<aiyion> I just bricked a device and it will take me a few days to recover it, due to missing hardware; but have access to its uboot.
<aiyion> on boot there's the entry "Data size:". Where can I find how its calculated?
<aiyion> In my case it's a rather huge negative number.
<aiyion> (I messed with dts files of this unsupported device)
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<hurricos> hey @jow -- could I get your newer copy of dir-index.cgi
<hurricos> I was looking for an updated copy of this: https://gist.github.com/jow-/743363c332d09cb58a60dd1f216b6ee4 -- but I think actually the forum post [1] is everything
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<russell--> aiyion: do you have a boot log?
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#185](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/29/builds/185) of `pistachio/generic` completed successfully.
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<aiyion> russell--: https://bpa.st/WZCQ There appears to be an offset of a few bytes before the imagename (which might shift everything else)
<aiyion> The ethernet not being available is expected, I have not yet access to the board.
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<russell--> aiyion: printenv ?
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<aparcar[m]> can uhttpd do any kind of port forwarding?
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<aparcar[m]> hurricos: maybe you're looking for this? https://github.com/jow-/LEDE_Download_Index_Page/
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<hurricos> aparcar: yes!!! Yes I was indeed. Thank you. This helps :)
<hurricos> now Diane can verify she has the right file when I'm too lazy to rename our builds
<hurricos> even better, that test.sh lets me just manually generate the index once ;)
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<grid> hey hurricos , have you been doing much with the p2041rdb? i got latest u-boot going (took a few fixes upstream, both merged into 2021.07), sd boot, and the second pci-e slot working
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<grid> i'm using your PR branch with some modifications. mostly just, re-writing the config with 'make kernel_menuconfig TARGET=subtarget' and enabling CAAM for the e.g. rng
<grid> also got the zl6100 chip going. need to modprobe with 'delay=15000' otherwise it doesn't configure the chip right due to timing issues
<grid> oh, also enabled cpu freq scaling which works fine
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<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream, https://sdwalker.github.io/uscan/index.html
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<tbilan> does anyone have an initramfs for a Meraki MR32? I compiled my own and after I transfered it to the MR32 it tries to boot but errors on "find_itb_subimage: error finding kernel@1: FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND"
<russell--> tbilan: is there a snapshot you can use?
<Tusker> i think I have a MR32 in the cupboard... not MR33 is what I have
<russell--> snapshots only has a sysupgrade image
<Tusker> oh nope, looks like MR32 is a bcm53xx device, sorry
<Tusker> let me build the initramfs from master and see if I that makes any difference for you...
<tbilan> Thanks. I'll wait to see if you get it to build.
<tbilan> Just wondering, when they compile the snapshots, why don't they also include the initram?
<Tusker> DEVICE_FDT_NUM := 2
<Tusker> i think that is the cause of your error
<Tusker> it is hardcoded to 2, and your error message shows @1