<slh> hmm, I finally seem to have scored a /cheap/ ipq806x device for experimenting (ASRock G10), let's hope for the best (should be here by next weekend)
<Slimey> slh think you could give me some pointers on device porting, i have some ppc based units, P1010E and T1023E wave1 and wave2 units respectively
<Slimey> i know the p1010 is close to Sophos SD-RED 20 and it will boot just ethernet 1 works, no mtd, wifi or eth 2
<slh> Slimey: I've never played with PPC and I'm a novice with DTS at best (I kind of understand what it's doing, but I've never done more significant changes to it myself so far)
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<Slimey> heh im not even that far along yet
<Slimey> i have the dts and c files but i dont know how to put them into menuconfig to test
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#171](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/38/builds/171) of `imx6/generic` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#174](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/50/builds/174) of `mediatek/mt7623` failed.
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<Namidairo> is there no crashlog patch on 5.4 or 5.10
<Namidairo> I suppose I'd have to use serial or external syslog server (if the panic would go out on there)
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<russell--> usually panics don't make it off through a remote syslog, in my experience
<russell--> serial++
<PaulFertser> Namidairo: on some targets there's "pstore" which gets the panic
<PaulFertser> And some panics certainly do get to the remote syslog via UDP.
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<russell--> speaking of silent errors, i have three ath9k radios talking in an ibss mesh, and about 6 times in the last month, one or another of them will lose their ibss connection, nothing in dmesg or logread explains, recovers on reboot.
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<skyper> svn co svn:svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk openwrt
<skyper> svn: E125002: 'svn:svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk' does not appear to be a URL
<skyper> I'm new to openwrt and trying to test an app that I made (it works on linux, freebsd, sunos etc). I'm trying to create a custom feed (https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/feeds) but the command throws errors: svn co svn:svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk openwrt => svn: E125002: 'svn:svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk' does not appear to be a URL
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<skyper> ping: cannot resolve svn.openwrt.org: Unknown host
<russell--> skyper: long ago switched to git
<skyper> ahh great. So what's the URL of the svn server?
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<skyper> russel, ahh, the wiki still shows 'svn'.
<Pepes> Wiki needs to be updated.
<russell--> which wiki
<skyper> so where do i find "Create your project dir and get trunk" using git?
<skyper> i hope you meant trunk and not drunk.
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<russell--> skyper: do you want your own feed or do you want to add a package to an existing feed?
<skyper> russel, i care not. all i want is to build my source and test it. what's the easiest?
<russell--> "my source" is not well defined here
<dr|z3d_> skyper: you want to clone the openwrt repo and then work on it?
<skyper> russel: my source.tar.gz, a source tarball that i created containing all infos. For the sake of the argument let's say I like to add it to the main openwrt packages.
<russell--> i'd add it to a branch of the packages feed then
<russell--> have you checked out the openwrt git repository?
<skyper> russell--: cool. How do I do this? Do i have to clone the openwrt/feed/packages again to ~/openwrt/project as described in the wiki?
<skyper> russell--: I'm sure I have when I installed the openwrt build environment (i saw something along the line when compiling).
<russell--> have you run scripts/feeds update -a
<russell--> and scripts/feeds install -a
<skyper> russell--: yes. and i build my first firmware image etc. but now i like to add my own source tarball to the feed.
<russell--> are you familiar with git?
<skyper> russell--: yes.
<russell--> know how to make branches etc?
<skyper> russell--: yes.
<russell--> pushd feeds/packages
<russell--> make a new branch
<skyper> russell--: yes. I'm unix developer for 20 years. yes. git is fine.
<russell--> look at example packages, you should get an idea how it goes
<skyper> russell--: i got the Makefile for my project already. No problem. What I do not know is how to get it show up in 'make menuconfig'.
<russell--> create the packages makefile, which is different than your normal makefile
<russell--> it contains the build metadata
<skyper> russell--: as the wiki says svn and 'creating ~/openwrt/projects' but no real hint how to do it with git or why this 'project' directory is needed at all and why i cant just add it to the exiting package feed.
<russell--> look at an example
<skyper> russell--: yes, the package makefile is different to my makefile. I got that. Done that.
<skyper> russell--: yes, I made the openwrt style Makefile. Yes. done.
<russell--> feeds/packages/utils/tar/Makefile
<skyper> russell--: iv'e done packaging for debian and freebsd. I'm not a newbie when it comes to packaging :>
<skyper> russell--: I've done the openwrt Makefile. However, that's not where my problem is.
<russell--> with your package makefile, to back to topdir and "install" the package
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<skyper> russell--: How do I 'install' my openwrt-style Makefile (for my project)?
<russell--> scripts/feeds --help
<skyper> russell--: i followed the wiki to add a custom feed to my feeds.conf file but it does not show up in 'make menuconfig' (and neither does any of the other default feeds beside the first openwrt/feed/packages feed).
<skyper> like for example 'telephony' is included by default but 'asterisk' or 'sipp' does not show up when I execute 'make menuconfig'.
<russell--> did you add your feed to feeds.conf?
<russell--> and did you update/install that feed?
<skyper> russell--: yes.
<skyper> russell--: scripts/feeds update thc && scripts/feeds install thc
<russell--> if it didn't work, you did something wrong then ;-)
<skyper> russell--: i was hoping you would say that :>
<russell--> i'm unlikely to be able to guess what that is
<skyper> russell--: well, regardless of my own feed how do i access any of the feeds beside the main openwrt 'package' feed? like how do i access in 'make menuconfig' feeds from 'telephony'?
<russell--> look in package/feeds/
<russell--> do you see your feed there?
<skyper> russell--: no, package/feeds does not exist.
<russell--> where did you clone openwrt.git?
<skyper> to /home/user/openwrt
<russell--> ls -al /home/user/openwrt/package/feeds
<skyper> ls: cannot access '/home/skyper/openwrt/package/feeds': No such file or directory
<skyper> drwxr-xr-x 11 skyper skyper 4096 Jul 11 02:32 /home/skyper/openwrt/package
<skyper> the directory exists tough...
<skyper> but not the sub-dir packages/feeds
<russell--> you don't seem to have installed the feeds
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<russell--> or the constituent packages
<russell--> package/feeds, not packages/feeds
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<skyper> russell--: i've installed the package/feeds now (it was not mentioned on the feeds-wiki tough) but it's installed now.
<russell--> how did you "installed the package/feeds" ?
<skyper> ./scripts/feeds update packages && ./scripts/feeds install -a -p packages
<russell--> just so i understand what you did ...
<russell--> okay, you should see packages in the package/feeds/packages directory, a bunch of symlinks
<skyper> russell--: yes. got that.
<russell--> okay, now do what you did for packages feed for your feed
<skyper> russell--: thanks. now my feed shows up under 'make menuconfig'. The missing link here was that I had to do './scripts/feeds update packages && ./scripts/feeds install -a -p packages' and then ignore the section on the wiki in regards to 'svn checkout of the trunk'.
<russell--> scripts/feeds update -a and scripts/feeds install -a is the usual incantation
<skyper> russell--: the feed-wiki would benefit from an update to reflect this.
<russell--> get a wiki account and fix it
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<russell--> that's how wiki's work ;-)
<skyper> russell--: thanks for your help. russel. I'm unlikely to get an account as i'm busy with other stuff. This openwrt compile is already side-tracking me more than it should.
<russell--> well, we aren;t responsible for solving your problems
<russell--> contribute or don't
<skyper> russell--: that's fine. I'm contributing by reporting a bug and contributing by other means (not by fixing every bug I see myself).
<skyper> russell--: i dont think you are fixing every bug you see either :> That would not be practical :>
* russell-- never looks at the wiki page you found, didn't experience your problem, so doesn't know how to fix it either
<skyper> russell--: ok. I'll add it to my 'todo' list and once i've compiled my source i'll try to fix the wiki (though i feel i dont posses the background knowledge to get it right but happy to give it a shot).
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<dr|z3d_> does anyone know if there's a specific requirement to provide a real name to be a package maintainer?
<dr|z3d_> I'm asking because that requirement would prevent one of the i2pd devs from assuming a maintainer role.
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<skyper> I'm not specifying my real name as maintainer. Never have and never will.
<skyper> (but i'm not an openwrt maintainer. only debian/freebsd).
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<PaulFertser> How did you become a DD without your GPG key being part of Web-of-trust?
<PaulFertser> Did Debian make an exception for you?
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<wb9688> He didn't say DD
<PaulFertser> You can't be a Debian maintainer without being a DD can you? You can be like co-maintainer being sponsored by a DD or something like that?
<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream, https://sdwalker.github.io/uscan/index.html
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<skyper> PaulFertser: you can be a maintainer (with alias) but need a DD to push it to ftp master.
<PaulFertser> skyper: I see, thanks for clarifying.
<skyper> is there a way to script openwrt's Makefile? I like to use PKG_SOURCE_URL=/tmp if /tmp/stuff.tar.gz exists but https://git..blah otherwise (if /tmp/stuff.tar.gz does not exist)
<PaulFertser> skyper: if the file is present in dl/ directory then OpenWrt won't be fetching it from git, probably that can work for you?
<skyper> PaulFertser: hmm...yes. I think it would work.
<skyper> I did this Makefile just now. It's my first one. Anyone dare to review and comment? (it builds fine)
<skyper> openwrt: Is there a make-target to _only_ compile 1 package and then exit without continueing to build the entire firmware? e.g. i like to test compile my software package on the openwrt build platform before release but for that I dont want to wait for the entire system build to complete but rather exit after my packet was built?
<PaulFertser> skyper: make package/gsocket/{clean,compile}
<PaulFertser> skyper: it should be selected as =y or =m in .config
<skyper> PaulFertser: thanks.
<jschwart> stintel: I'm trying to set up strongswan, but struggling a bit with all the varied docs on the openwrt page, notably the site2site wiki page lists different options than the configuration on uci page, is there a trick to see which options I should use?
<PaulFertser> jschwart: I guess the first step would be to get familiar with stronswan itself, with its examples and docs.
<PaulFertser> jschwart: and then you'll be able to see how uci config is translated to strongswan on the device and understand if it's doing what you want it to.
<jschwart> PaulFertser: I went through those, there seem to be two strategies for configuration, indeed the uci variant and the /etc/ipsec.conf variant
<jschwart> I managed to get the tunnels set up with the second variant, but somehow no traffic is going through
<PaulFertser> jschwart: but the uci variant is generating the same configs.
<jschwart> now I see the UCI variant, but translation to it is not fully obvious
<jschwart> and one doc says "p1_proposal" another says "crypto_proposal"
<PaulFertser> jschwart: /etc/init.d/ipsec is the script that does translation
<jschwart> ah neat, that should help indeed!
<skyper> Now that I have a openwrt Makefile (that builds) how do I get it into the openwrt repository? Create a pull-request on the openwrt-git?
<PaulFertser> skyper: it's supposed to be to the packages feed so you should open a "github pull request" for the feed on github.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#172](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/38/builds/172) of `imx6/generic` completed successfully.
<PaulFertser> "disclaimer: some donations will be spend on beer, cocaine and prostitutes" :D
<PaulFertser> Cocaine sounds way too dangerous though.
<jschwart> at least donators are given clarity :)
<jschwart> it seems I'm running into an omission in the mapping
<jschwart> I found the config files generated in /var/ipsec almost matching what I put in
<jschwart> except that I listed option 'keyexchange' 'ikev1'
<jschwart> but the generated config has: keyexchange=ikev2
<PaulFertser> jschwart: probably you've given it in the wrong section?
<PaulFertser> Should be in tunnel or transport.
<jschwart> the docs say it should be in the remote section
<jschwart> would make sense in the crypto_proposal section here, I called that one 'fritzbox' now as it downgrades to fritzbox (in)security
<PaulFertser> jschwart: it's a bit strange you want ikev1
<jschwart> it's because the remote endpoint doesn't know better
<jschwart> yeah seems I need to move it to the tunnel section if I understand correctly what /etc/init.d/ipsec does
<PaulFertser> jschwart: yes it's part of section remote, and then you have a list of tunnels inside it, and that keyexchange option is per-tunnel (or per-transport).
<PaulFertser> skyper: yes, but see that DCO action details
<jschwart> PaulFertser: I'd expect it in the tunnel part of the docs then?
<jow> I am looking into this weird odhcpd leasetime bug now
<PaulFertser> jschwart: probably so, if it works for you please change the wiki
<jschwart> getting ESTABLISHED now, but not yet traffic
<jow> I can confirm that if I change the lease time from 12h to 2h in /etc/config/dhcp, my Debian laptop will not receive managed IPv6 addresses anymore
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#175](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/50/builds/175) of `mediatek/mt7623` completed successfully.
<PaulFertser> jschwart: traffic might be firewalled out if you're using it in tunnel mode if you didn't add the interface to any firewall zone.
<jow> if I change it back to 12h, managed adresses are back
<jow> can't spot any difference between the DHCPv6 reply and router advertisement packets in wireshark
<jow> s/managed/stateful/
<jschwart> PaulFertser: yeah indeed, I need to read those docs now it seems
<PaulFertser> jschwart: if the interface name is stable you can probably just mention it in the corresponding firewall config option. But if you need some additional handling (e.g. assigning an IP) then you need to create a proto none section in network config.
<skyper> PaulFertser: cheers. All done. When/how will it get merged and will I get notified?
<PaulFertser> jschwart: do you already have a wiki account?
<PaulFertser> skyper: you should get notification from github. It'll get merged by one of the maintainers but I have no idea when.
<jschwart> PaulFertser: not yet I guess
<jschwart> ah, maybe actually
<jschwart> I added some stuff in the past
<jschwart> I assigned it to the vpn zone, can't find that in luci yet though
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#89](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/29/builds/89) of `mpc85xx/p1010` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#177](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/57/builds/177) of `octeon/generic` completed successfully.
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<philipp64|laptop> PaulFertser: why drink beer when God made bourbon?
<jschwart> so I introduced the vpn zone, but the firewall pages seem based on an ancient luci version :) not sure yet what rules to add (tried some but those didn't work)
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<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: strong alcohol has its up and downsides, also, it's not only whiskey, some might prefer brandy, rum or even vodka. Beer also has many rather interesting styles, it's not just your typical pale lager. Why the question though, I wonder what the context is.
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: btw, bourbon barrels are then shipped from the States to UK for making nice porters and stouts.
<jschwart> PaulFertser: still stuck on the firewall changes here, I think the differences between the docs and the new openwrt luci are too big to map things
<jschwart> I tried a few variants, but none of those did the trick
<PaulFertser> jschwart: I was fairly sure firewall wasn't changed much (if at all) for the new revision.
<PaulFertser> jschwart: if you show me your /etc/config/firewall rules I might guess what happens.
<PaulFertser> jschwart: also I find it very useful to look at "iptables -L -v -n" output to see if counters for some specific rule are incremented or not. And if not, what counter is incremented instead.
<jschwart> ah yeah that iptables output is interesting, but seems huge
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: and btw, it's not only bourbon, e.g. just Scotland alone offers 3 different styles of single malt whiskey.
<PaulFertser> jschwart: config nat section looks odd, is it really a thing, what is it for?
<jschwart> I didn't add that consciously :O
<jschwart> ah
<PaulFertser> jschwart: and what is your testing procedure exactly? I would start with pinging from this very OpenWrt device some host that must be available on the other side of the IPSec link. And I would check "ip r" to make sure traffic is supposed to go out the tunnel interface.
<jschwart> I think it's the prevent source rewrite bit I added in luci
<jschwart> as there was a suggestion for that, I'll remove that
<jschwart> yep, that's how I'm checking
<philipp64|laptop> PaulFertser: for beer, I like the Radegast dark...
<philipp64|laptop> the context was the donations quote...
<PaulFertser> jschwart: another thing would be installing tcpdump or tcpdump-mini and seeing what happens on the interface. Helps pinpointing a lot.
<philipp64|laptop> PaulFertser: "disclaimer: some donations will be spend on beer, cocaine and prostitutes"
<jschwart> but the strange thing is, the routes are not in `ip r` but in `ip xfrm`
<jschwart> and `ip route list table 220`
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: I get it now :) Well you gotta ask skyper and his/her friends about that :)
<jschwart> this seems special for ipsec related stuff
<PaulFertser> jschwart: might be, so yes, "ip r show table all" is what I should have suggested.
<jschwart> via dev pppoe-wan table 220 proto static src
<jschwart> is the default ipv4 gateway
<jschwart> but I read that that was normal
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<PaulFertser> jschwart: not familiar with IPSec tunnels, so can't comment.
<jschwart> yeah I think that's where it gets tricky here
<jschwart> I should at least find my old wiki account and change that page
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: not sure what that is, probably a dark lager? Ever since I tried a baltic porter it remained my all-time favourite style.
<jschwart> seems my wiki account is from 2016, dunno if things changed since, let's see
<PaulFertser> jschwart: I have some wiki powers, so ping me if there's any issue
<jschwart> PaulFertser: I think my account might not exist anymore could that be? I edited this page in december 2016: https://openwrt.org/toh/avm/fritz.box.wlan.7170?do=revisions as 'jschwart'
<jschwart> I also have an e-mail from that same day in my mailbox
<PaulFertser> jschwart: checking, hold on
<jschwart> but when I try to use that username or recover its password it says that user doesn't exist
<philipp64|laptop> PaulFertser: https://www.prazdroj.cz/en/znacka/radegast
<philipp64|laptop> the brewery has a nice beer garden that serves food
<PaulFertser> jschwart: yeah, no such user exists currently
<philipp64|laptop> Or it did 25 years ago...
<jschwart> odd, I have the history to prove it once did :)
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<philipp64|laptop> not sure why my PR is failing... I cleaned up the patches so they're supposedly no longer dirty... https://github.com/openwrt/packages/pull/16104/checks?check_run_id=3041417965
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: that's some serious bitterness for regular lagers.
<philipp64|laptop> it's awesome stuff.
<philipp64|laptop> especially if you like IPA's.
<PaulFertser> jschwart: so should I create a new user with the same name for you?
<jschwart> PaulFertser: I can also use github it seems, I don't really know what would be best, for me either is fine
<jschwart> I didn't push any buttons yet
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: hm, so you think a person who likes strong and bitter ales would enjoy those bitter lagers?
<PaulFertser> jschwart: you can't use github, it's a lie, sorry.
<jschwart> lol
<jschwart> yeah I suppose I could just recreate that account myself then?
<PaulFertser> jschwart: no, self-registration is disabled thanks to damn spammers.
<jschwart> ai, yeah then please recreate it :)
<jschwart> I had this e-mail address associated: julius.schwartzenberg@gmail.com
<philipp64|laptop> PaulFertser: give it a try. can't be worse than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
<PaulFertser> jschwart: please check your mail
<jschwart> PaulFertser: got it thanks! mail seems identical to the one from 2016
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<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: I would give it a try. If I visited CZ. If the visa rules didn't require me to provide all the ten fingerprints...
<philipp64|laptop> it's not available in a specialty beer store? When I lived in NYC you could get it at a Czech delicatessen in Queens...
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: not sure how to find it here, yes. I'd also like to get "Pardubický Porter", it was common 15 years ago but not anymore.
<philipp64|laptop> where is "here"?
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: moscow :/
<philipp64|laptop> ah.
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<PaulFertser> And do not blame me for the explosions, I didn't vote for them.
<jschwart> move the keyexchange line to the correct section now
<philipp64|laptop> well, the Russians are always going into neighboring middle european countries and then shipping stuff back east, so... shouldn't be a problem...
<jschwart> I should probably update the site-to-site page once I have it working
<philipp64|laptop> PaulFertser: explosions?
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: in CZ military warehouses
<philipp64|laptop> you mean armories? when did that happen?
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: 2014 but the fuss began like just few months ago
<philipp64|laptop> ah... missed that part.
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<philipp64|laptop> bloody PR... what is going on?
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#183](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/68/builds/183) of `at91/sama5` completed successfully.
<PaulFertser> philipp64|laptop: I can't tell exactly whether it can be called an armoury, arsenal or if it's just a warehouse/storehouse.
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<dorf> PaulFertser: the Czechs do a pretty good line in porters.
<dorf> but you probably already know that :)
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<Slimey> if im going to attempt to add device support should i use snapshot
<slh> yes (well, the master branch)
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