<Umeaboy> slh: I'll test it and get back to you if it doesn't work. I'll make a backup first though.
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<Umeaboy> slh: That seemed to do the trick. Thanks. However I'm wondering if luci has been deliberatly set to English even though I changed in the Settings to show in Swedish.
<slh> did you install the corresponding i18n packages?
<slh> you also might need to clear your browser cache before the changes take effect
<Umeaboy> slh: luci-i18n-base-sv wasn't installed. Weird. I thought I installed it.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#175](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/68/builds/175) of `at91/sama5` completed successfully.
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<Borromini> johnf: ping
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<Borromini> johnf: I actually opened a forum topic on my PPPoE issue on 21.02, don't know if that gives you some pointers: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/21-02-snapshot-ipv4-pppoe-session-keeps-terminating/90552
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<nick[m]12> should the imagebuilder now be fixed again?
<nick[m]12> could we make a new release canidate, since image builder is now fixed?
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<plntyk> nick[m]12, in another chat someone mentioned tagging the real release on sunday
<philipp64> jow: what would be involved in adding log support to 'redirect' in the firewall?
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<nick[m]12> plntyk thx
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