ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<throwthecheese> Is it normal for apps runing on XWayland to have buggy stylus input?
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<throwthecheese> *running
<throwthecheese> I'm asking because in Xournal++ on XWayland my stylus strokes get junk lines attached to them from whatever position the stylus/cursor has been before. As a result, I can't really draw dots and it's really annoying. Running it on native Wayland isn't an option either as it won't cooperate with the KDE global menu
<throwthecheese> *then
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1318 merged \o/ (Clean up surface/view handling within desktop-shell
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<heeen> wasn't there a way to have a wayland debug log file per process under /tmp?
<pq> I haven't heard of that. Maybe one of the debug tools mentioned in ?
<kennylevinsen> the libwayland debug always goes to stderr, so that has to be redirected one way or another...
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<emersion> FWIW, there is a discussion about renderonly/kmsro for Vulkan going on here:
<emersion> feedback from compositors would be nice
<emersion> (and generally from people familiar with split render/display systems)
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<fname> hi i was wondering what is the equivalent of startx for wayland?
<bl4ckb0ne> starting the compositor
<bl4ckb0ne> otherwise no, there's no equivalent
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<fname> ok thanks i'll try weston-launch
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<ManMower> I think weston-launch unexisted in mid 2021, so unless you're on a fairly old version just "weston" should do...
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<i509vcb> I guess on the topic of vulkan kmsro, for a kmsro device what is ideal for sending the main device and target tranche device?
<i509vcb> I'd think for kmsro you'd want main device to be the renderonly device and the scanout tranche would have the display device as the tranche target device?
<emersion> yeah
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