ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<kchibisov> For which surfaces `text_input::enter`/`wl_keyboard::enter` should be sent? I think that most compositors only sent focus like that for top-levels? It's not like if I have a text-entry field as a separate surface compositor will know how to send an 'enter' for it?
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<RAOF> kchibisov: That is gloriously underspecified! You are guaranteed that a grabbing xdg_popup will receive "wl_keyboard::enter" (because it's guaranteed to have keyboard focus), but other than that, 🤷‍♀️.
<RAOF> In practice, of course, it _generally_ shouldn't matter?
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<kchibisov> My main issue is that how input-method v2 popup works, since it's basically created and you dynamically move it around in compositor.
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<RAOF> Ah, yes. Everyone's favourite xml-copied-from-_somewhere_ protocol :)
<kchibisov> the only way for some people to actually type anything.
<RAOF> Oh, yeah. It's not great!
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<kchibisov> I've noticed that on virtual keyboard has `destroy` for manager, however sway uses the xml without destroy for manager? How it end up diversing and what is correct?
<emersion> really? virtual keyboard canonical source is wlr-proto, is it there?
<kchibisov> they have destroy and the source doesn't match what I have in local checkout of sway.
<kchibisov> Maybe my checkout is old, but it would be strange that we have a new request without a version bump.
<kchibisov> No, the source of virtual-keyboard on wlroots doesn't have destroy for manager.
<vyivel>'s link to the xml is a patch on lists.fd.o, not the best source probably
<vyivel> though it's strange that there's no destroy request
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<kchibisov> it's just could be surprising since compositor could error when getting unknown request.
<kchibisov> And one could clearly grab the virtual-keyboard from instead of finding the one in wlr-protocols.
<vyivel> fwiw mir's copy of the xml doesn't have the request either
<kchibisov> Well, I guess so, I just got surprised that I don't have destroyed handled.
<kchibisov> Since I was reading XML on the site, because it's a bit nicer when they are rendered.
<vyivel> would be better to "just" merge that
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<kchibisov> I guess I'll just open issue on repo so they change the protocol to the actual one.
<vyivel> good idea
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<kchibisov> Hm, text-input v3 doesn't prohibit calling methods without getting `enter` and doing `enable`?
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<heeen> what are the apis one would need to study to implement drm/kms compositing
<heeen> is drm dumb buffers the right thing?
<daniels> heeen: the direct answer is atomic modesetting, but the real answer is to use libliftoff
<heeen> what is dumb buffers in this context
<heeen> can you use kms planes with gles simultaneously
<heeen> I guess you need to instruct your gles context to use a specific plane is you start assuming control over planes?
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<kennylevinsen> heeen: that's rendering. The part that drives the planes is KMS/DRM. You configure the planes and attach buffers as part of an atomic commit.
<kennylevinsen> libliftoff helps you with plane allocation and assignment, but you still need the rest of a drm/kms backend to manage things
<kennylevinsen> (and unless it's a very controlled environment, you will still have to fall back to conventional composition when plane configurations get rejected)
<pq> dumb buffers in any KMS context are buffers that are CPU-writable and display scanout-able. That's literally the only thing you should ever do with a dumb buffer: write with CPU and put it on a KMS plane.
<pq> heeen, GLES/GL (EGL really) has no idea about any KMS planes. You just use them to draw into a buffer that happens to be compatible with KMS, and then you use KMS yourself to show that buffer.
<pq> there are a couple different ways to go about that.
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<wlb> weston Issue #828 opened by Link Mauve (linkmauve) Segfault when clicking on a button in Ghidra
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<wlb> wayland Issue #413 opened by Tony Advantaged (tony.advantaged) wayland_include-clippboard-functions-4_qemu-kvm
<wlb> wayland Issue #413 closed \o/ (wayland_include-clippboard-functions-4_qemu-kvm
<kennylevinsen> what does ext4 vs. btrfs vs. zfs have to do with Wayland...
<daniels> I thought from the title it was just going to be Markov spam
<davidre> I think the problem is that spice-vdagent doesnt have a surface
<davidre> /not active one
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1374 opened by Nicholas Niro (nniro) compositor: Add the command line options --autolaunch-path and --autolaunch-watch
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