ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
<oldbabyface> ukranians credited for the most of soviets computing, they have nothing
<oldbabyface> russians they haven't got much either, but chinese have a lot
<oldbabyface> Uncle ben from united states are sending military technology to ukranians
<oldbabyface> what a fun situation
<oldbabyface> dudes it's actually totally crazy what work Cornell University did
<oldbabyface> I only wrote, that there is some way, to tap into dma controller
<oldbabyface> and they found the bit and presented all the code too
<oldbabyface> I do not want to deal with this....
<oldbabyface> i am sorry i walk away, probably you frame me into something, then fucking flesh flies again
<oldbabyface> americans are killing something again etc.
<oldbabyface> Do you want something from me, please do not come near me, i am not sure if you want to do something to me
<psykose> go away
<oldbabyface> fuck off pussy, please get lost from my territory i do not want to deal with your scams, i am no one
<oldbabyface> this is a wrong person you are after
<oldbabyface> I do not want to see those documentaries, cause yes, i tend to know that united states had a lead over soviet union
<oldbabyface> yes, it's permanent
<oldbabyface> its not because of people like me losers
<oldbabyface> or winners
<oldbabyface> it's the production that kicked off in united states
<oldbabyface> they produce the most
<oldbabyface> british and united states combined
<oldbabyface> in europe Germany is number one in industry, Dutch number one in electronics, french are also at top with spanients
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<oldbabyface> this is a bit different stuff, they control somehow all the market from united states, cause their factories have the strongest throughput
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<oldbabyface> This is indeed yes, slightly expected , but why do you want to conflict in between russians ukranians and united states peale at all in the first place, are not you a bit too similar for this, like the same ethnics or what?
<oldbabyface> brothers can't you be , cause you in america roll R's or what?
<bl4ckb0ne> why do you talk politics ina channel dedicated to wayland, its off topic
<oldbabyface> it's not fine, yeah but world war is not that fine, i am going to it with zero pennies, little bit short handed
<oldbabyface> it seems like i do not have direct allies
<oldbabyface> either
<oldbabyface> so i push the theory for humanity, but i did that already
<oldbabyface> i do not want to lead the progress
<oldbabyface> cause i am not the real guy you know
<bl4ckb0ne> who are you joss
<oldbabyface> mart martin yeah but, i just do not have a hand to play that shot
<oldbabyface> Cause the technology that i trim is not mine
<oldbabyface> i know somehow how to handle it yes
<psykose> is there an off switch on the technology
<bl4ckb0ne> its called /ignore
<psykose> that only works if it's not a new name every day :^)
<oldbabyface> off switch there is in electronic circuits yes
<oldbabyface> its magnet button
<oldbabyface> this magnetic button sends a halt signal, but british they structured this all
<oldbabyface> into programming stuff
<oldbabyface> magnet holds a charge yeah, it serves a purpose to give the first initial signal
<oldbabyface> but guys you are in the same situation or what?
<oldbabyface> you also know how to treat computers, but you are short of power and voice to
<oldbabyface> deal with pushing the changes
<oldbabyface> do they pay you to play fool yes?
<oldbabyface> you do not search the solutions , you know them don't you?
<oldbabyface> you only want some strong cite
<oldbabyface> one guy who does say the same
<oldbabyface> yeah computers are very capable
<oldbabyface> they went very far
<oldbabyface> I do not have a ranking in this world
<oldbabyface> i am well respected, but to be honest, i lack a ranking
<oldbabyface> something about the sodiac sign, i am this stubborn very bad sign, that i do not accept less than best
<oldbabyface> this is aries
<oldbabyface> it's very bad and selfish sign
<oldbabyface> so i do calculations like this, i do not want to write javascript, cause it sucks donkey nuts thus far
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<oldbabyface> i see brilliantly how to write those things, but i do not like the complexity of those languages and the no performance footprint
<Riolku> Besides a blocking roundtrip, is there any way for me to be sure I have received all the WlShm formats?
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<bl4ckb0ne> isnt there a done event
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<Riolku> not on wlshm afaict?
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<bl4ckb0ne> indeed, there's not
<bl4ckb0ne> would be nice to have
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<Riolku> agreed... guess ill do a blocking roundtrip or something
<danieldg> yeah, two roundtrips during app init is the normal way to do it (one for globals, one for shm and any other global that provides initial events)
<bl4ckb0ne> ^
<bl4ckb0ne> you're pretty safe with 2 roundtrips for most protocols
<Riolku> ack, thanks foe the tip
<Riolku> im glad to know its common
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<bl4ckb0ne> anybody came across a decent wayland-client symbols loader recently?
<danieldg> symbols?
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<bl4ckb0ne> dlopen wayland-client and load some funcs
<danieldg> ... is there a reason not to just use dlopen for it?
<danieldg> or link directly, like most people do
<bl4ckb0ne> i guess
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<Riolku> is there a specific reason that wl_surface::frame takes a callback instead of returning an event?
<danieldg> Riolku: it "returns" a callback
<danieldg> Riolku: you allocate a new ID for the callback, and this ID is a new object returned by frame. That new object will have its event issued.
<danieldg> if it were an event, you would always get it even if you didn't need it
<danieldg> also, you couldn't tell *which* commit it corresponded to without further data
<Riolku> Sorry, but why not have wl_surface.rq_frame request that the compositor send a wl_surface.frame event? You can't tell which req_frame call it was without a serial? But... what's the difference between that and a new object id?
<danieldg> I guess you could have frame include a serial, and have frame-event send it back, yes
<danieldg> but that's not how it was done
<Riolku> ok ty
<danieldg> also, with callbacks you can request two frame events for one commit (and this happens sometimes if your client has multiple libraries)
<danieldg> and it's a bit easier to wire up dispatching. None of that *should* leak into the protocol design but I think it did
<Riolku> oh true
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<i509vcb> Hmm for a hypothetical libwayland2, how painful would it be to make it all a no-io library (the caller manages io)
<i509vcb> For libwayland-server it
<i509vcb> it's probably easy
<i509vcb> for libwayland-client event queues make it sound miserable
<danieldg> you could move event queues out of the library, though that makes it less flexible for libraries-that-use-libwayland
<danieldg> but just having a decoding and/or callback dispatch happening on a "here's more data and FDs from the socket" function would suffice
<i509vcb> even if we could move queues up a level, there are libraries which depend on libwayland-client like Mesa which very much rely on being able to roundtrip while being dispatched
<danieldg> right, so that would still need to be an indirect dispatch to another thread
<danieldg> (that is how it works now, I assume)
<i509vcb> there is possibly an argument that mesa shouldn't be blocking by doing a roundtrip, but that's essentially going to reinvent poor man's async await
<danieldg> that or you'd have to change those libraries to not need to roundtrip
<danieldg> yep
<danieldg> you could do an event queue just for things like mesa, though - all callbacks just insert into the queue
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<android2> Can you help our opensource project. We want the unreal map file types.
<android2> .t3d and .unr file formats (C project, GPL licensed)
<android2> and yes this is spam
<android2> seethe faggtots
<android2> Can you help our opensource project. We want the unreal map file types.
<android2> .t3d and .unr file formats (C project, GPL licensed)
<android2> oh look we used C too
<android2> you don't like that, right
<android2> Can you help our opensource project. We want the unreal map file types.
<android2> .t3d and .unr file formats (C project, GPL licensed)
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<wlb> wayland Issue #412 opened by i509VCB (i509VCB) wl_output identifiers
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !343 opened by 6t8k (6t8k) cursor: memfd_create: try MFD_NOEXEC_SEAL
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<DemiMarie> I am very much of the opinion that anything that blocks on Wayland is broken
<DemiMarie> That includes Mesa, btw.
<DemiMarie> At least to the extent that it is not required by having to conform to existing standards that mandate it.