ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !342 closed (protocol: add wl_pointer.warp)
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<Riolku> Stupid question. Why do I care about devices being grouped into seats? To me, there exists keyboards and pointers and touch devices. Why does it matter that they have their own seats?
<jadahl> Riolku: for the theoretical use case where multiple people interact with the same display server, each with their own keyboard/mouse pair
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<emersion> nice castle daniels :P
<daniels> it’s not mine :(
<emersion> not yet
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<axet> hi! i'm tyring to enable waylang and have some issues. first I unable to add custom resolution. i get black screen instead. looks like wayland picking wrong refresh rate from 'video=eDP-1:1366x768@60' gnome showing 60.02 refresh rate and it fails. Same on xrandr mode. I have two refresh rates 60.00 and 60.02 last one fails on xrandr. is here a way to force wayland to use 60.00?
<axet> second issue. i unable to disable touch pad middle key. i have no issues remapping keys on x11. but failed on wayland. Option "ButtonMapping" "1 1 3 4 5 6 7". even using xinput failed.
<axet> 3) no xgamma support
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<kennylevinsen> axet: Wayland is a protocol. If you use GNOME, you're using their Wayland server (Mutter). You should ask for help in a GNOME channel.
<axet> thanks. i didn't know this is about protocl! i go there
<kennylevinsen> xrandr, xinput and such are not applicable though - they are configuring X11
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<kennylevinsen> But you'll have to ask GNOME for the appropriate replacement :)
<axet> yea. i guess. just using it for refference
<axet> is here a mutter irc?
<axet> ok #gnome
<MrCooper> note that the Matrix rooms are canonical for GNOME, and the IRC bridge isn't working currently
<axet> MrCooper they moved to Matrix you are saying?
<MrCooper> basically yeah
<kennylevinsen> MrCooper: ... did you ack yourself there with "basically yeah" did you respond to yet another unauth'd Matrix user?
* kennylevinsen thinks this guessing game is getting old
<MrCooper> replying to axet, I'm not on Matrix though, so a reverse issue maybe?
<kennylevinsen> Ah ok then I just read too much into it
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<jadahl> axet: #gnome-shell on IRC or matrix. there used to be a bridge but no more
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<Fxzxmic> Will wayland no longer have remote rendering support?
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<soreau> Fxzxmic: it's not really up to 'wayland' but the compositor, how it will support this
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<soreau> but the short answer is, that remote rendering works in many different ways and supported by different compositors and components, differently
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<soreau> your best bet is to ask in your compositor support channel
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<Fxzxmic> Sorry, I don't quite understand this aspect.
<Fxzxmic> What I'm talking about is like in the X environment, handing over the graphics of a host without a graphics card to a local graphics card for rendering, and then displaying the software interface on the local host.
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<Fxzxmic> Just like SSH's X11 forwarding.
<soreau> there is waypipe
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<soreau> but you can also run a wayland display server on a headless box and vnc into it where there are graphics
<Fxzxmic> I don't like VNC.
<Fxzxmic> However, I am glad that the feature I mentioned has not been deprecated in the wayland environment.
<axet> hmm i didn't know actually here is waypipe
<axet> nice to know
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<MrCooper> "remote X" these days really means "X over SSH" except for some rounding error, and waypipe works mostly the same as that
<Fxzxmic> I don't think so, it can also be done without SSH.
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<MrCooper> I'm saying the number of users actually doing so is a rounding error at this point
<soreau> also, it's not really relevant in this channel
<kennylevinsen> also, X forwarding with modern X does not "hand over graphics to a local graphics card for rendering". The remote host renders the image, likely with software rendering, and inefficiently sends pictures...
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<kennylevinsen> waypipe works way better
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<pitust> so i'm making my own semi-libwayland thing, and i'm really confused about wl_registry.bind
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<pitust> the xml says it takes two params, a uint (name) and new_id (id)
<pitust> but if i send that, sway no like
<pitust> also, when i use wldbg to inspect traffic from foot(1), it seems that it uses a completly different frame?
<pitust> name, name as string, name again, new_id
<pitust> in fact WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 also says that
<soreau> what language are you using?
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<pitust> oh, thanks!
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<pitust> soreau: the best language, i. e. c++
<soreau> basically you want wl_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, version)
<pitust> yep thanks
<pitust> ugh, this is annoying
<pitust> screws with my pretty api
<kennylevinsen> we should have this be on a front-page FAQ
<pitust> this should be noted in every place talking about the wire protoco
<kennylevinsen> it's always the first question from anyone touching the wire format
<pitust> as well
<vyivel> should also note that it's not official
<pitust> sure, sure, but it's also very useful
<pitust> and the spec is way easier to find :^)
<pitust> s/easier/harder
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<pitust> okay i'm having a new error now!
<pitust> invalid arguments for wl_compositor@4.create_surface
<pitust> wl_compositor.create_surface takes one argument, an object id..
<pitust> and i'm pretty sure i'm not doing the new_id without interface thing here
<pitust> yeah i'm not
<kennylevinsen> pitust: well, you call on the wl_compositor oid and pass the wl_surface new_id
<pitust> ye
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<kennylevinsen> picking an invalid oid perhaps?
<pitust> wldbg dumps the correct thing though? "C: wl_compositor@4.create_surface(new id wl_surface@7)"
<pitust> 7 sounds valid
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<kennylevinsen> is 7 the lowest unused number?
<pitust> do you have to use the *lowest* unused number?
<pitust> i don't have delete_id yet
<pitust> oh
<pitust> i had a gap
<pitust> "Any ID allocation algorithm that does not maintain this property is incompatible with the implementation in libwayland." heh what?
<pitust> this is a "spec" or "this is what the reference impl does deal with it"
<vyivel> tbh not sure myself lol
<vyivel> if i have libwayland2 which allocates ids randomly is it still wayland
<pitust> okay anyway now i get to "xdg_surface must have a role"
<vyivel> xdg_surface.get_{toplevel,popup}
<pitust> ah
<kennylevinsen> pitust: it's a libwayland-server restriction and therefore spec
<kennylevinsen> it's a protocol error to provide an ID that does not comply
<vyivel> huh outputs were supposed to have "requests to move and change modes" (?)
<vyivel> is my favorite part though
<emersion> lol
<vyivel> is also pretty dated, featuring patches by email, Real Names™ and meritocracies
<bl4ckb0ne> nice preface
<bl4ckb0ne> is kristian still involved in wl?
<emersion> nope
<vyivel> anyone up to update the whole website
<emersion> send patches and i'll merge them
<bl4ckb0ne> acknowledge me vyivel
<emersion> ideally before anyone gets the chance to bikeshed :)
<vyivel> unfortunately i found myself unable to write anything longer than three sentences lately
<emersion> but here you just need to delete lines!
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<vyivel> i mean if you're fine with wayland.fd.o just being rotating wayland logo then sure
<kennylevinsen> marquee!
<vyivel> with "i am just a freak" playing in the background but "freak" is replaced with "protocol"
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<emersion> ship it
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<ids1024> Rotating wayland logo, plus a link that says "Wayland Specification" but just does to
<pitust> accurate
<vyivel> lol true it's faster to open the local copy of libwayland and check what i want
<pitust> my protocol lib seems to work
<pitust> now all i have to do is create a window
<pitust> somehow
<pitust> hmm so i don't get a window for some reason
<kennylevinsen> wl_surface -> xdg_surface -> xdg_toplevel, then commit a buffer from wl_shm
<kennylevinsen> first empty configure after xdg_toplevel to set the role, then commit a buffer in the size you want with some content to make a visible window
<pitust> i'm not getting any configure events
<kennylevinsen> you need to cmmit without the buffer first
<kennylevinsen> after applying the xdg_toplevel role
<pitust> ah
<pitust> ==2043195==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: stack-use-after-return on address 0xffff299fe188 at pc 0xaaab3ac7401c bp 0xffffd4156a00 sp 0xffffd4156a18
<pitust> exciting
<kennylevinsen> yeah don't do that
<pitust> at least i build with asan so i can see the error ig
<pitust> i love how the asan stacktrace is like completly unreadable
<pitust> thanks i really wanted to know the error is in std::enable_if<is_invocable_r_v<main::$_2::operator()() const::'lambda0'(unsigned int), void libwl_object::register_event<xdg_surface xdg_surface::on_configure<main::$_2::operator()() const::'lambda0'(unsigned int)>(main::$_2::operator()() const::'lambda0'(unsigned int))::'lambda'(libwl_deser&)>(unsigned int, main::$_2::operator()() const::'lambda0'(
<kennylevinsen> well, that one is mostly on C++
<pitust> thats true
<pitust> okay sway, why is this not an error: 01:35:58.446 [wlr] [render/gles2/texture.c:39] Invalid stride 300 (too small for 4 bytes-per-pixel and width 100)
<pitust> like a hard wayland error
<pitust> oh niceee
<pitust> i have a square on the screen
<vyivel> congrats
<pitust> okay so i guess xdg_toplevel.configure is triggered when the window resizes or something
<vyivel> it's triggered when a compositor wants the toplevel to assume a new state
<vyivel> size, whether it's activated, maximized, fullscreened etc
<pitust> ahh
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<pitust> okay so for some reason drawing starts in some super weird place
<pitust> and like i "draw" a window but its not very good
<pitust> oh hmm i should probably damage the surface
<pitust> nope, doesn't help
<kennylevinsen> you know you're not allowed to edit the buffer right
<kennylevinsen> you submit a new buffer with damage explaining how it differs from the previous one
<pitust> yeah sure
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<pitust> the buffer never changes
<pitust> i don't even map the buffer!
<kennylevinsen> what do you mean? no buffer == no window
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<pitust> of course
<pitust> i have a buffer attached
<pitust> its just not mapped, its some zero bytes in a memfd
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<kennylevinsen> ah mmaped, not mapped surface, gotcha
<pitust> so the black pixels aren't covering the entire surface
<pitust> oh okay
<pitust> i needed to set the xdg_window's geometry
<pitust> can i manipulate a buffer if it's not the active one?
<pitust> like if i attach another buffer, can i then make changes
<kennylevinsen> once you receive wl_buffer.release
<pitust> ah
<pitust> cool, thanks
<pitust> i guess i should start structuring my code a bit better than a couple of lambdas
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<kennylevinsen> but it can take a moment before the buffer is released, and if you render fast you can end up using up to 3 buffer at a time
<kennylevinsen> (for dmabuf in direct scanout, 4 due to some drm details)
<pitust> that's fine i guess
<kennylevinsen> there's also an optimization where some compositors will try to release shm buffers fast so you only need one, but it's optional
<kennylevinsen> if you use wl_surface.frame, you should be able to do with 1-2 most of the time
<pitust> i guess i only care about wlroots
<pitust> since what i *really* want to do is to make my own very bad swaybar clone
<kennylevinsen> we do that optimization
<pitust> cool
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<pitust> is there any request which contains two new_id's?
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<vyivel> nope
<vyivel> because in c the call would be "struct foo *thing = request()"
<vyivel> can't return two new objects
<pitust> quality bindings generator you got there
<pitust> *my* bindings generator handles this case gracefully anyway
<kennylevinsen> to be fair, if we needed it we'd just make it generate a pointer argument
<kennylevinsen> but we don't
<pitust> yeah fair enough that makes sense
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