ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<RAOF> So you can test core stuff in wlroots with tinywl, which is still helpful.
<DemiMarie> RAOF: any chance Mir could support xdg-decoration?
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<DemiMarie> if you want apps to be able to use GTK for decorations then GTK had better be an easily embedded in an application, which it isn’t.
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<DemiMarie> and do not care about accessibility
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<DemiMarie> What I will say is that clients had better implement xdg-decoration
<DemiMarie> Some compositors will draw SSDs whether clients like it or not, and if the client doesn’t notice that the result will be double decorations.
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<ids1024> DemiMarie: Generally Wayland is designed on the assumption that servers never draw window decorations (except maybe minimal borders) for clients that don't implement those protocols. But I guess the point here is that Qubes doesn't trust clients to provide their own decorations?
<DemiMarie> ids1024: exactly!
<DemiMarie> why is this so surprising?
<DemiMarie> you don’t, it’s the colored borders that matter
<danieldg> yes, qubes is designed with the idea that untrusted clients are likely to play clickjacking games if you let them do their own decorations
<danieldg> plus the colors to indicate which VM the window came from
<DemiMarie> yup!
<DemiMarie> that’s an interesting idea, thanks
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<DemiMarie> trust me, this is _not_ the worst hack Qubes has when it comes to displaying stuff
<DemiMarie> The worst is injecting GTK4 CSS to work around performance problems with software rendering
<DemiMarie> more would not help, sorry
<DemiMarie> Native contexts are the goal, but they will have to be off by default until GPU driver security improves
<DemiMarie> Also, Nautilus might be slow on a 1vCPU VM with software rendering, but it should at least work, not get stuck displaying the spinner forever.
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<RAOF> DemiMarie: Sure! xdg-decoration support would be a “good first issue” :)
<RAOF> (I understand Lomiri, one of our downstreams, even implements it)
* DemiMarie is glad this is possible, unlike in Mutter
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<DemiMarie> I know you were joking about 1 GPU per VM, but if you knew how bad GPU passthrough security was, you would not be recommending this solution. Cloud providers get away with it by using custom hardware.
<DemiMarie> Specifically custom board designs, possibly with custom chips.
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<Sachiel> orowith2os[m]: fwiw, you are not identified on irc so we old farts can't read you
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<wlb> weston Issue #826 closed \o/ (weston rdp screen sharing
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<mlausch> don't know if that's the correct place to ask about mouse input events in wayland (actually gnome/Xwayland). `libinput debug-events;' shows me hid++ scroll events, `wev` doesn't.
<mlausch> or i don't know what i'm doing and misread things. I can provide literal output of libinput debug-events and wev if needed.
<vyivel> i don't wev supports axis_value120
<vyivel> don't think*
<vyivel> so no hires scrolling
<mlausch> @vyivel thanks. wev does the right thing. i looked into the source and the wayland proto spec. what i see in wev output is a sequence of 8 axis_source events, followed by 1 axis event. the 1 axis event corresponfs to one ratchet (detent) of the wheel.
<mlausch> which is weird, because wayland server gets all the hid++ events, but only emits axis events after N such hid++ scroll events.
<mlausch> or i don't understand the semantics of the scroll events in the wayland proto (which is a totally valid thing).
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<mlausch> vyivel: you're right. i skimmed the mutter source code and the 120 scroll values are not used. so no smooth scrolling in wayland?
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<mlausch> vyivel, thanks for the tip.
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<vyivel> yes, and mutter has it too
<vyivel> *wev* doesn't support it
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<wlb> weston Issue #830 opened by Kirill Primak (vyivel) A destroyed and recreated wl_subsurface is visible before the pending state of the parent surface is applied
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<wlb> wayland Issue #415 opened by Michele Petrelli (Michele73) Lags visible with wayland on 4k monitor
<vyivel> it might be helpful to rename .gitlab/issue_templates/ to so the template is visible immediately to reduce the number of issues like the one above
<wlb> wayland Issue #415 closed \o/ (Lags visible with wayland on 4k monitor
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<mlausch> pq thanks. i didn't scroll down enough. i'm gonna add it to wev then.
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<wlb> weston Issue #831 opened by Link Mauve (linkmauve) Segfault when opening the properties of a layer in Krita
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