ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<DemiMarie> you need to use NickServ to reauth with IRC
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<Company> If multiple planes share an fd in a multiplane format, should the fd be set for every plane or just the first one?
<emersion> every plane
<emersion> you can check the inode number to figure out whether two FDs represent the same memory
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<emersion> see wlroots
<Company> thx, that's all I want to know
<Company> API design question for behavior of GtkDmabufBuilder.set_fd()
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<IMTheNachoMan> Is there somewhere I can see what current version DE has the best support for Wayland? KDE, Gnome, XFCE?
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<kennylevinsen> IMTheNachoMan: Each DE carries its own Wayland server implementation
<kennylevinsen> which DE - or which standalone server - is best is personal preference
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<IMTheNachoMan> Yeah. So I’m wondering which DE has the least issues.
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<hch12907> depends on what you call an issue: lack of feature, or user experience bugginess, ...
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