ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !252 opened by Jonas Ådahl (jadahl) Migrate selected protocols from unstable/ to staging/
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<Riolku> Writing a client targeting wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1, after an output has its mode changed, sway seems to be sending a configure() event for the previous mode. Specifically, if I change a headless output from 960x540 to 1920x1080, sway emits a configure event, but with the old 960x540 resolution.
<Riolku> It properly emits a `mode` event with the updated resolution... should I be listening to that instead? I feel like I'm missing something
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<emersion> no, the mode should not be used here
<emersion> can you obtain a WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 log?
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<wlb> weston/main: Marius Vlad * neatvnc.wrap: Update to neatvnc 0.7.0 subprojects/neatvnc.wrap
<wlb> weston Merge request !1371 merged \o/ (neatvnc.wrap: Update to neatvnc 0.7.0
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<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Simon Ser * build: simplify dict loops
<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Simon Ser * build: add version for stable protocols
<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Simon Ser * linux-dmabuf: mark as stable stable/linux-dmabuf/README stable/linux-dmabuf/feedback.rst stable/linux-dmabuf/linux-dmabuf-v1.xml unstable/linux-dmabuf/README unstable/linux-dmabuf/linux-dmabuf-unstable-v1.xml
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !223 merged \o/ (linux-dmabuf: mark as stable
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<pq> woo \o/
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<AnuthaDev> hlo
<AnuthaDev> Hello! I was looking through EVoC ideas page and found the "KMS terminal emulator" project under wayland interesting. Can I please get a rough idea of where to start if I want to work on this project under EVoC?
<AnuthaDev> I have some experience in C and linux scripting, not much with the kernel itslef though I have succesfully compiled it a few times :P
<pq> oh wow, especially the Weston section there needs a clean-up
<pq> I wonder if the stand-alone KMS terminal is relevant today... it seems one would achieve the same by choosing a kiosk-mode Wayland compositor and any Wayland terminal emulator to run fullscreen on it.
<pq> nerdopolis, do you have an opinion?
<pq> given that nerdopolis might be the person that has looked into CONFIG_VT=n systems the most, IIRC
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<emersion> yeah, i think existing compositor + existing terminal makes a lot of sense
<pq> should we just drop the idea from then?
<Riolku> emersion: After some more investigating, it's because of my use of `set_size`. I thought I needed to call that with the size given in the first configure() call, but it appears I should instead call set_size(0, 0)
<AnuthaDev> Well, unfortunate
<pq> AnuthaDev, yeah, sorry.
<AnuthaDev> Is there any idea on that page that you'd recommend ?
<AnuthaDev> Like which project is the most relevant/required currently?
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<pq> I don't know really. I only know about Weston, and the "multiple KMS devices" is already implemented.
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<pq> "Weston timeline debugging" might not be good as-is, but expanding the scope to figuring out how performance profiling in general is done nowadays and seeing what could be done there, maybe.
<pq> Perfetto something maybe?
<pq> AnuthaDev, perhaps an even more important question is finding a mentor.
<AnuthaDev> Yeah, I guess I should find a mentor first, since all this is very new for me
<AnuthaDev> The only knowledge I have is from zmike's blog :-)
<zmike> hired.
<jadahl> super. good. mentor.
<AnuthaDev> Hello !!!
<AnuthaDev> Your blog is my inspiration
<AnuthaDev> I became interested in GPU+kernel development after following the asahi project and your blog
<pq> sounds like you have a couple of people you could contact for ideas already :-) It doesn't have to be from the EVoC ideas wiki page.
<zmike> thanks, always great to hear I'm inspiring new driver developers
<emersion> zmike, head of marketing department
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<AnuthaDev> Thanks for the help everyone, I'll be emailing some people now :-)
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !342 opened by Max Verevkin (MaxVerevkin) protocol: add wl_pointer.warp
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