ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1375 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) libweston: Ignore subsurface offsets [Core compositor]
<wlb> weston Issue #824 closed \o/ ([imx8mp]Weston-rdp screen share issue
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !347 opened by Kirill Primak (vyivel) protocol: improve wl_subsurface.{set_position,place_above} description
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !348 opened by Hongfei Shang (checkmode) scanner: extern struct should use protected visibility
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<wlb> weston Issue #832 opened by Himanshu Bhavani (himanshu.d) VNC on imx8
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<emersion> note, gitlab is semi-borked atm, i wouldn't recommend posting/writing anything, might get lost
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1376 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) xwm: Fix accidental resizing of windows [XWayland]
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !348 closed (scanner: extern struct should use protected visibility)
<emersion> zamundaaa[m]: so, just fyi, i made this thing
<pq> emersion, I'm curious, how will it be different from LittleCMS 2? What made you start on that?
<emersion> lower level, raw access to ICC
<emersion> less features, simpler
<pq> even lower?
<emersion> i mean, currently you need to write LCMS plugins and other hacks
<pq> true
<pq> but starting from scratch seems... a lot, if just for that reason
<emersion> i don't think it's that much work, for my purposes
<pq> Interesting to see how that works out.
<emersion> i already have everything i need for v2
<zamundaaa[m]> emersion: I don't think I can adopt that this short before the Plasma 6 feature freeze, but I am interested in using it later on
<zamundaaa[m]> Especially if we can add some higher level APIs too, like getting the effective primaries + whitepoint of a display profile, or inverting curves
<wlb> wayland Merge request !349 opened by Hongfei Shang (checkmode) scanner: export interface should use protected visibility
<emersion> yup, makes sense
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<pq> inverting LUT curves can be tricky for precision; Weston does do that today with LCMS, but I'm not sure how far that carries. Parametric curves are better anyway, if available.
<pq> a Display class profile can (and for measured monitors, does) include a 3D LUT, which means trying to extract primaries is probably going to hurt, assuming the user has a reason to use a measured profile.
<zamundaaa[m]> The profile always contains primaries directly too, even if it has a 3D lut
<pq> but are they supposed to be used *instead*?
<pq> are you still going to use the 3D LUT?
<pq> ICC profiles seem to be able to contain multiple levels of information, where more sophisticated CMMs would use the more precise information.
<zamundaaa[m]> The spec is pretty clear about that: Use BToD tags if available, BToA if not, and the primaries if that isn't available either
<pq> right
<zamundaaa[m]> In the current KWin impl I'm using the primaries for the blending color space; the 3D lut from the ICC profile gets applied post-blending
<pq> interesting
<pq> our Weston approach is to take a Display profile as an opaque box, and approximate a linearization of that to produce the blending space.
<pq> Graeme Gill suggested this, as the blending space does not need to be too precisely anything specific, as long as it is light-linear enough.
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<pq> and as long as the linearization can be undone precisely enough, which may be of question in Weston at the moment.
<pq> exactly because representing the inverse of a LUT as a LUT is prone to problems
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<pq> Maybe Weston should attempt fitting a power function to the recovered linearization LUT in order to improve roundtrip precision...
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<pq> use the curve in both directions
<Consolatis> Small question about xdg-shell: There is a xdg_surface.set_window_geometry() request defined. It is used by a (Qt) client which then later gets a configure request from the compositor, ACKs the request, updates its viewporter and buffer size but does *not* update the window_geometry. Is that a client bug and how should compositors reacts to this, keep using the outdated geometry (so we ignore drop shadows and friends) or just update it manually ba
<Consolatis> sed on the new viewporter / buffer sizes?
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<vyivel> you are supposed to ignore drop shadows and friends
<vyivel> window_geometry is the geometry without that
<Consolatis> vyivel: I am aware of that. The question is what should happen if a client does not keep it in sync with size changes
<vyivel> report a bug to the client i presume
<Consolatis> so it *is* a client bug then
<vyivel> probably; what program is this?
<Consolatis> random ones, all Qt based
<Consolatis> it also doesn't seem to happen all the time so there might be some race condition within Qt itself that sometimes prevents sending the new window_geometry
<vyivel> sounds like it
<vyivel> generally if the buffer is resized the window geometry should be updated as well so yeah a qt bug i assume
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<Consolatis> for now we'll likely just add a workaround and check if the reported extents of the surface match those of our configure request and if yes use those instead of the window geometry. Feels pretty hacky though.
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1377 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) xwm: Fix accidental resizing of windows [XWayland]
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1378 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) backend-x11: Move back-end removal to the destroy function [Nested X11 backend]
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<DemiMarie> have you reported the bug to Qt itself?
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<Consolatis> I'd reply with a "no" but.. well. matrix bridge ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<Riolku> Hi! What's the difference between wl_shm.format abgr16161616 and abgr16161616f
<emersion> one is unsigned, other is float
<bwidawsk> Is there a valid case where can be negative?
<Riolku> 16 bit float?
<bwidawsk> I do not see an error for such a thing, so I assume it's valid
<emersion> or fixed point? i don't remember
<emersion> bwidawsk: i don't think it's valid. i think the error is invalid_size?
<bwidawsk> just format/stride afaict
<bwidawsk> well, maybe isn't up to date
<bwidawsk> hmm, nope, seems up to date there
<bwidawsk> oh
<bwidawsk> invalid_stride is "size of stride"
<bwidawsk> okay
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<Company> Riolku: 16bit float aka half-float
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<Riolku> interesting ty
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