ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<bl4ckb0ne> is there a rule to merge non new protocol mr in wayland-protocols?
<bl4ckb0ne> like minimum amount of ack/lgtm from members required
<emersion> ah, so updates to an existing protocol?
<emersion> we've used the same rules
<emersion> same # of acks, same # of impls
<bl4ckb0ne> so there would be one more lgtm for !261
<emersion> i wish we had a bot expanding MR refs in here :P
<bl4ckb0ne> time to bring your bot from wlroots
<emersion> ah, if it's just a clarification, then no need
<emersion> better wait a few days to see if anybody else has something to say
* bl4ckb0ne merges away
<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Simon Ser * presentation-time: stop referring to Linux/glibc stable/presentation-time/presentation-time.xml
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !261 merged \o/ (presentation-time: stop referring to Linux/glibc
<bl4ckb0ne> would be nice to have the rule somewhere
<bl4ckb0ne> woops
<bl4ckb0ne> alt tabbed before seeing your message
<Ermine> Can't wlb expand mr refs?
<emersion> nope :(
<Ermine> Well, are there wlb sources?
<pq> Regardless of the change, one should always let an upstream protocol patch soak at least a few days.
<emersion> yeah
<daniels> if someone comes up with fixes for it then SardemFF7 is the one to ping; if there's a better alternative I'll happily get it configured on the GitLab side to use it
<SardemFF7> it’s actually a chain of + with the libpurple plugin :-)
<SardemFF7> Ermine: what do you mean “expand mr refs”?
<Ermine> SardemFF7: if someone writes !123, bot posts description and link to wayland-protocols merge request 123
<emersion> we use for #wlroots
<pq> why wayland-protocols and not wayland MR?
<pq> the project to look in needs to be explicit
<emersion> yeah, such as w-p#123
<pq> also weston and libinput are in scope on this channel
<Ermine> One project could be configured as default
<Ermine> I only gave an example
<daniels> pq: wayland, wp, libinput, xkbcommon, weston, wlr, mutter, kwin, etc
<daniels> emersion: if you've already got it set up tho and it already supports multiple projects, maybe you could just throw it in here?
<emersion> vyivel did the work to support multiple projects
<emersion> ah, i suppose i can turn it on, and not use the event delivery part
<SardemFF7> Ermine: oh, that
<SardemFF7> it’s not actually a bot
<SardemFF7> I could add some sort of support for that kind of things, but never had use for it
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<pq> swick[m], btw. are you intentionally trying to leave MR branches existing after merged into 'color' in your fork? I've been merging with auto-delete.
<swick[m]> no, don't mind it
<pq> cool, just wanted to check you don't want to keep them as backups
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<wlb> weston Issue #835 opened by Michael Karlesky (mkarlesky) “error: color operations capability missing. Is GL-renderer not in use?” when GL-renderer is in use.
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