robclark changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
<clover[m]> <HdkR> "Dunno, I don't know how they are..." <- Can you connect a N64 controller to a Linux machine? :)
<HdkR> clover[m]: Pretty sure Mayflash sells an N64 to USB adapter, and you could definitely use Nintendo's official bluetooth N64 controller
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<clover[m]> That's cool. Gonna look for a N64 emulator that works on Linux. (At least x86)
<HdkR> There are plenty that support ARM, I just don't remember which ones are worth using
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<HdkR> Oh, the "make it hotter" patch is gone in the latest X13s branch. I was wondering why everything was slow
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<agl7> clover[m]: It's to hot here (41 °C) in South Germany to make a new Installation of the EOS on my x13s. I'am only trinking water and does no move because it's to hot.
<agl7> clover[m]: & steev : The sound under EOS is very good. The sound under Debian is not so good. (All on the x13s).
<akaWolf> agl7: sound is distributive-agnostic
<Jasper[m]> akaWolf: Depends on how quickly alsa-conf, kernel and fw get updated and in what order
<akaWolf> Jasper[m]: that's true, I think it's kind of pointless to try different distros to learn how fast they are updated
<steev> we already know how fastly debian is updated ;)
<steev> they've gotten much better in recent years, and sid and testing both move at the same pace as other rolling distros
<steev> for *most* packages
<akaWolf> steev: I used Arch for many years and since that I switched to Arch Linux Arm, but to be honest, I'm dissapointed with quality
<akaWolf> for example, now chromium is broken and noone looks like are going to fix it, I don't even know where to look for a logs
<quinine> alarm is poorly maintained. some people in archlinux want to provide aarch64 support, but others are against it.
<quinine> I always wanted alarm to be merged into archlinux.
<Jasper[m]> I'm just patiently waiting for fedora to serve images
<akaWolf> quinine: yeah, that's what have to be done
<quinine> I think the quality of archlinux-riscv package is better than alarm now. :/
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<clover[m]> is chromium based and has aarch64 artifacts. i use this and it works well
<clover[m]> HdkR: I tried running super mario 64 on a natively compiled mupen64plus emulator, and it looks like maybe dynarec is broken?
<HdkR> lol, maybe
<clover[m]> running in fex-emu!
<HdkR> lol, wacky
<HdkR> Stacking emulators is always asking for pain
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> how=)))!?!?!?
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> * how=)))!?!?!? please add in wiki how start?=)
<HdkR> What are you asking?
<clover[m]> Fex doing its thing nicely
<clover[m]> 60 FPS
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<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> <HdkR> "What are you asking?" <- how run games in x13s i install FEX emu, create root filesystem x86/ but steam give me error=\
<clover[m]> since steam still not working i will remove that from the title
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> thanks to your wikis I can do something=)))
<clover[m]> this is just an example with the N64 emulator, you can run any x86 software that's in the arch repos, in theory at least
<steev> yuzu runs... just that none of the games do :(
<HdkR> Yuzu...Under FEX?
<steev> no, native
<HdkR> Oh thank goodness
<steev> why would someone run a native app under emu... actually, i don't know why i'd ask that
<steev> there's always someone
<HdkR> I run Java games under FEX for testing even
<steev> you would
<HdkR> Need to test the nasty things if we want the world to work :)
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<konradybcio> IIUC, fex unlike box86/64 doesn't require one to install 17000 libraries in 4 architecture flavors?
<HdkR> konradybcio: We provide a rootfs image where we automatically set it up as a semi-overlayfs. It contains all the x86 and x86-64 libraries most things need.
<konradybcio> can I build my own one in case I totally don't trust random rootfs-es off the internet?
<HdkR> Yes, also you can see our rootfs scripts. You just have to make sure to "break" them appropriately.
<konradybcio> amazing, thanks
<HdkR> One of the big things that the FEX rootfs provides is a mesa install that includes most GPUs. A bunch of x86 rootfs packages tend to not include anything ARM related....because that doesn't make sense in their world
<steev> am traveling (since tuesday) - a) the aspm patchset has been awesome at reducing battery usage, it's nice to wake the laptop up and not see 50% of the battery gone already b) most people's internet sucks
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<clover[m]> nice. lots of people complain about battery life so thats good news
<clover[m]> any stuff relevant to x13s in 23.1.6 robclark?
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<robclark> hmm, unsure.. I tend to not pay much attention to the release branches
<robclark> looks like there are a couple fixes for more obscure things.. probably nothing you'd notice
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