robclark changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
<steev> i've not seen that here, unfortunately, but i think a long time ago, there was similar? do you have the latest touchpad firmware?
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<bamse> sounds quite similar to the problems jenneron[m] (?) had on the sc8180x platform
<bamse> where driving up the i2c rate seem to have addressed the problem seen
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<akaWolf> hi, what happened with ironrobin?
<akaWolf> there are no updates in your arch linux repo for a while
<alx___> ok interesting, I was also thinking it might be something bus related. yes firmware is recent
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<alx___> I assume the i2c speed is in the device tree, any hints what worked for the 8180x?
<jhovold> alx___: so this issue started with rc6? Can you try going back to rc5 to confirm that that one works with the same user space?
<jhovold> I've got two reports from linaro devs having issues with the trackpad in rc7 but they didn't say which version they updated from (it wasn't rc5 or rc6 in one case)
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<jhovold> alx___: also which touchpad does your x13s have? does it show up at address 0x15 (Elan) or 0x2c (Synaptics)?
<jhovold> alx___: never mind that last question, the trackpad is not related to the touchpad
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<jhovold> alx___: or trackpoint rather... please describe the problem in more detail: is it with the physical buttons (trackpoint) or something with the actual touchpad? Those are separate devices
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<konradybcio> bamse: fwiw at one point i checked that our i2c rate settings match windows
<konradybcio> There's a register in geni somewhere that specifies the clock rate and it's readable
<jhovold> konradybcio: which touchpad do you have?
<konradybcio> let me check
<jhovold> dmesg| grep Touchpad
<konradybcio> hid-over-i2c 06CB:CE5C Touchpad
<konradybcio> yeah, just needed to fire u pthe laptop :P
<jhovold> so that's synaptics at address 0x2c?
<konradybcio> yes
<konradybcio> well, yes for the 0x2c part, synaptics I'm assuming..
<jhovold> ok, thanks for checking, i was hoping maybe that could explain why I'm not having any touchpad issues, but I have the same controller
<jhovold> yeah, 0x2c is synaptics
<jhovold> please figure out which is the last kernel version which doesn't seem to have any such issues
<jhovold> alx___ said he didn't notice anything before rc6, but there was apparently also some user space updating involved
<jhovold> so checking if rc5 works and rc6 doesn't would a next step
<jhovold> be*
<konradybcio> you got it chief (although again, in the evening, got real life scheduled..)
<konradybcio> btw it looks like the gpu throttles fine with the fixup patch, but i needed to bring back passive polling delay to make it notice more than a single event
<konradybcio> which in retrospect makes sense
<jhovold> sounds good, thanks
<jhovold> hmm, ok, but perhaps that not good at least not if your series removing all those delays has been merged...
<konradybcio> i dont think it was after all
<jhovold> but I assume you verified that one too before reposting so we should be all good there too, right?
<jhovold> good
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<akaWolf> where is ironrobin? =)
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<akaWolf> who is there more using arch linux with x13s?
<jhovold> a few of us are
<jhovold> you don't need anything from clover to run arch, though
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<akaWolf> jhovold: yeah, it was just convenient -- to keep all packages needed in one place, I didn't even bother to look at channel, just update repo with pkgbuilds and build new kernel and whatever necessary
<steev> akaWolf: well you should definitely pay attention to the channel if you're gonna run pre-release stuff :) but ironrobin is clover[m]
<jhovold> akaWolf: sure, you'd need to build the kernel yourself
<akaWolf> steev: yeah, I suppose, now finally I'm stuck in one place so find a time to complain for the lack of updates of clver's repo :)
<steev> what do you mean by lack of updates? if there's nothing changed, there's no reason to update
<akaWolf> steev: last commit 2 month ago with kernel rollback to 6.7.0
<akaWolf> I guess anything had to be changed
<steev> yes, because the new kernel config of mine breaks his encrypted rootfs and neither he nor i have tracked down what could possibly be causing it
<steev> but for a while 6.8 was broken
<steev> and you'd know this if you were watching the channel not just the repo :P
<akaWolf> okay, okay :)
<akaWolf> how about mesa?
<akaWolf> is it ok in upstream alarm?
<akaWolf> I've seen patch was incorporated finally
<steev> i couldn't tell you. i don't use arch btw :)
<akaWolf> what a pity :)
<akaWolf> arch is nice for amd64, but alarm is quiet bad honestly
<akaWolf> hope alarm will be merged upstream once
<akaWolf> and what kernel is actual? 6.8 isn't broken anymore?
<steev> it's not broken no, but it's broken for ironrobin :)
<akaWolf> I see
<akaWolf> I have plans to move my arm rootfs to dm-crypt too, so it can be a problem for me..
<steev> then figure out what kernel config is wonky and lemme know so i can fix it
<steev> s/fix/change
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<jhovold> \[m]: and which of those do you actually need?
<\[m]> i guess I'll enable 1 by 1 starting from the NF_TABLES=m
<\[m]> and recompile
<\[m]> prolly best to run on my m1, but how to get the kernel to my x13s easily
<\[m]> maybe I should fork
<jhovold> nf_tables is already enabled as I mentioned
<\[m]> I'm not too knowledgeable in building kernels - shouldn't it be listed in the config file?
<jhovold> \[m]: it may be easier if you just post the output of lsmod somewhere, to see what is actually used
<jhovold> no, not everything show up in defconfig, not things that can be inferred from more specific options
<\[m]> thanks for the patience 🙂
<jhovold> but here I was mistaken, nf_tables is not enabled, sorry about the confusion
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<jhovold> I won't have time to look at this for a while but we'll sort it out later
<\[m]> eh, it happens 🙂 but like you have dependencies between modules, e.g. if you install nf_tables it also put nf_tables_inet or some shit
<jhovold> or rather the other way round
<\[m]> it's all good, I thought I'd try by myself for once - now someone explained me make menuconfig and not manually editing the configs and not rebuilding the config
<\[m]> I'm not in a hurry, the laptop is functioning very well
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<steev> konradybcio: if you're still around, did you see my reply about your random 8280 bits causing the x13s to no longer shutdown but instead reboot?
<konradybcio> steev on my tonight's agenda yes
<steev> <3
<craftyguy> should I expect to be able to control the IR LED on the x13s from sysfs or something?
<craftyguy> ah... the "status = "disabled";" suggests maybe not
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<steev> it's disabled in the dtsi, enabled in the dts
<steev> it should be /sys/class/leds/white:camera-indicator (admittedly, i don't know if we're on the same sources)
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<konradybcio> craftyguy careful, this can potentially damage your laptop or eyes..
<konradybcio> there's a reason it's wrapped in an if 0
<konradybcio> i haven't checked the power numbers yet
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<bamse> konradybcio: ahh right, you did tell me... did you also check the tlmm properties for the pins? iirc it's just listed as "Default" or something in acpi tables
<konradybcio> bamse i didn't
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<craftyguy> konradybcio: oh interesting, someone in the pmOS channels was asking about enabling it. I don't really know what it is used for (or how it can damage eyes and/or other hardware)
<Jasper[m]> craftyguy: Windows Hello
<Jasper[m]> Or Howdy on Linux, if you want to take the time to set it up
<craftyguy> ah some facial recognition thing
<Jasper[m]> Exactly
<bumble[m]> if one opens the laptop and uses windows one time, did the machine silently collect face and fingerprint information about the user and send it somewhere?
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<craftyguy> 🤷
<craftyguy> isn't proprietary software fun? :P