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<nickchan> chaos_princess: weird
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<nickchan> searched ADP_SCREEN_SIZE in a11's display pipe's mem range
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<nickchan> 0x218200000 appears to be a clone of 0x218000000
<nickchan> screen size is found in a few places like 0x218001020
<nickchan> sorry, I mean 0x218001030
<nickchan> this seals it being incompatible
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<chadmed> did we already upstream the dt compatible?
<nickchan> however, I can't use the MIPI part by itself
<nickchan> well I could, what I mean is I would have to declare a non-functional adp in the fdt
<nickchan> chadmed: upstreamed so it's there forever
<nickchan> and i am pretty sure that compatible comes from a certain string in apple's drivers
<nickchan> actually it's not in torvald's tree so it might be changable?
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<chadmed> maybe ask on the ML asap
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<aditya> Hi all. I'm Aditya, I currently maintain Ubuntu for T2 Macs at Recently, I've been trying to some patches upstreamed for T2 Macs, and then I came across some of our patches using bcm5974.c for trackpad. This is more of a workaround and I believe hid-magicmouse driver should be used instead. I've noticed that Asahi Linux used this driver and the format is the same as bcm5974 type 4. I wanted to ask whether you have
<aditya> done some changes specific for SPI that may not work with USB trackpads, found on T2 Macs? I've tried to add device IDs and tweak the driver to add usb support, but haven't really been successful.
<chadmed> aditya: i think the dockchannel and spi specifics were added as their own functions specifically so that usb based devices did not break
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<aditya> I saw that, from what I captured from wireshark packets, it seems to be similar to spi.
<aditya> This shows a TODO that size report can be done for USB as well. I would love to test it if someone is interested
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<sven> jannau: the central scrutinizer just arrived, thanks again. that 3d printed case is also very nice
<sven> will solder the rp pico on the weekend and test it then
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<nickchan> m3 ultra with maximum **512** GB of unified memory
<nickchan> this must be a different die
<fl0_id> nickchan wow that 512 gb is almost 10k
<nickchan> still better than nvidia
<fl0_id> with a reasonably sized ssd it's over 10k
<fl0_id> yeah maybe... but unlikely that you will use a lot of m3 ultras for training in a rack, no?
<fl0_id> ok maybe I shouldn't say anything I bought an m3 max lol
<chaos_princess> Training is nvidia only for good reasons
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<jannau> is this a completely different m3 max die? I doubt any of the existing ones have thunderbolt 5 which is silently downgraded to thunderbolt 4
<nickchan> nothing lines up other than the cpid 6032 and 6033
<nickchan> no hints in codenames
<fl0_id> chaos_princess yeah I know.
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<nickchan> and hidra smells more like m5 to me
<jannau> it probably has a different MIDR than the existing m3 max
<nickchan> well, it could be komodo but i don't think this is the case either
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<nicolas17> jannau: I heard that m3 max die shots didn't show the ultrafusion thing
<nicolas17> which would also suggest this is a new die
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<nicolas17> m3 ultra = H15d
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<fl0_id> nicolas17 dunno, other reporting said that this didn't mean anything. (the die shots)
<fl0_id> though tbf, naming is arbitrary anyway ;)
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<nicolas17> "Instruments 16.3 includes a new Processor Trace Instrument which uses hardware-supported, low-overhead CPU execution tracing to accurately reconstruct execution of the program. This tool provides metrics like duration, number of cycles, and instructions retired for every function executed on the CPU. Traces can be recorded using the new Processor Trace template on supported devices: M4 Mac, M4 iPad, and iPhone 16/16 Pro. Tracing on the device
<nicolas17> requires additional configuration in the System Settings."
<nicolas17> new perf counters on M4?
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<maz> sounds like TRBE.
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