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sven: will you apply the a7-a11 cache nodes for this cycle? I already mentioned it should be fine on the list that it is only used for reporting to userspace in sysfs
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someone shoule go update the chanel topic
about the wiki
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nickchan: did you figure out cache sizes for A7-A11?
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nicolas17: it's all using existing data
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Iād like to see someone review that first, will probably wait for next cycle tbh
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I have some OpenGL glitches in Gnome: Sometimes (more rarely) I have full-screen magenta flickers when I scroll back and forth between desktops. Less when I do this with the keyboard, more with three fingers and usually scrolled from right to left. Has anyone ever seen this? mesa 20250221, minimum 6.12.12-x, minimum gnome-shell 47.4 but also with 48-beta4
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m1pro 14''
(scrolled from right to left -> scroll to the left desktop would be a better description)
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gnome bug, they draw with an unitialized texture, and they don't notice it on x86, as there it is fully transparent
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chaos_princess: thanks for the information
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and some of those happened on x86 too on tigerlake
I need to see if backports got done
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nice, a user has noticed that windows on arm as kvm guest is working with Oliver Upton's PMUv3 emulation patches. I never bothered to test and only got to downloading the install image
ah, that's what i was looking for but searching for "centralscrutinizer" on didn't result in anything
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now where did i put that soldering iron...
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Does anyone have problems with speaker sound and asahi-6.13.5-2? For me there is some speaker clicking when playing videos and other audio. I checked it up: 6.12.12 is clean.
and the sound is not as crisp as with 6.12.12
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(same clicking in 6.13.5-1)
all my packages are up to date including that kernel and I don't hear anything like that
actually, I think I have the -3
it is more krrk or so so no explicit clicking
opticron: do you use a self compiled kernel?
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because I wonder if there are some conf parameters wrong on my kernel.
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cy8aer, I do not, package repos only
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I now tested it with the banana kernel of @noisycoil and it cracks too there.
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cy8aer: opticron which devices?
speaker stuff is per-Mac (not even just per-SoC)
macbook pro m1pro
And I just tested it with noisycoil on his mbpro1 and he does not have issues ā¹ļø
MBP 14"
we also played around with dtbs from 6.12 and 6.13. Sound is great with 6.12 but not with 6.13
dtbs do not matter there
is the a sutle effect or clearly noticeable? My mbp 14", m1 max seems to be ok on 6.13.5-4
clearly noticable as loud as the payload.
how often does it occur? every second, 10 seconds, 1 minute, ...?
in few seconds.
* cy8aer
searches for batteries for his zoom...
I try to record it.
I don't hear that then. Since you say asahi-6.13.5-2, have you tried muting the microphone to rule out it is feedback from playing the mic signal. From your description it doesn't sound like that's the cause but that's a difference between 6.12.x and 6.13.x and depends on audio settings which could be an explanation why it affects only your device