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is the j180d pcie slots like not functional without smc
but then again, that machine barely has any reason to exist
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ci cargo fmt fails with "error: no such command: `fmt`" is that normal? I didn't change anythin there
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apart from that I made the t6030 bringup commits a bit prettier and merged them with t6031 (like f.e. have t6030 in order before t6031)
only somehow rust fmt check seems broken in CI
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I kind of think this rustfmt error is just a CI fluke or because the image used changed or sth
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jannau: I'm looking at respinning the t602x PCIe patches again, and noticed that the DT describes per-port LTSSM ranges.
however, the driver always pokes at a fix offset in the port range.
do you happen to know what this is about?
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maz: my best guess (maybe recollection) is caution due to the phy change. the ADT has reg entries with the per port LTSSM addresses
jannau: I guess there is nothing really needed from a functional pov there, so I'll keep ignoring it for now.
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err, I can't read or add. those don't overlap with PORT_LTSSMCTL
they are indeed totally separate. and poking at them instead of PORT_LTSSMCTL doesn't seem to result in anything remotely useful.
I'm going to turn a blind eye on them for now, as things seem to be working OK on both t8103 and t6020 with my current set of changes.
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