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<apalos> monring all, is there a chance anyone can test U-Boots -next branch with m1n1? I've recently sent this and I wanted to do some testing with all the architectures we support this on
<apalos> It's disable by default, so you'll have to enable MMU_PGPROT and CMD_MEMINFO CMD_MEMINFO_MAP to set and dump thge memory map
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<fl0_id> sven I know what happened, I squashed it into the wrong commit I think... as the constants were added to chickens.c (second commit) and not the first commit which mentions midr
<fl0_id> I think it should be fine now, but maybe check if there is now too much in the first commit (Add support fro retrieving boot cpu and mpidr for M3+)
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<sven> hrm, I guess I was confused then. I meant to move the constants to the commit that does the chickens. I’ll merge it either way this evening
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<fl0_id> sven yes, I think I described it badly and we meant the same thing, feel free to check again
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<fl0_id> would be also curious to know if normal M3 (T8122) works. it seems to kind work based on being similar to M2 but not sure.
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<jannau> apalos: seems to work without issues. meminfo output of a m1 mac mini:
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