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<phschafft> mau nephele_xmpp.
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<scanty> good evening.
<scanty> no love for scanty tonight?
<phschafft> !?
<scanty> hello phschafft
<phschafft> mau scanty :)
<scanty> *mreow*
<phschafft> :)
<scanty> :-)
<scanty> cats rule
<scanty> so, what's new?
<phschafft> hm...
<scanty> i finished a really good book today on quantum mechanics
<scanty> "Reality is Not What it Seems" by Carlo Rovelli. not a difficult read at all, very interesting and pleasureable.
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<AlienSoldier> scanty got mu Master System Everdrive, so i will go to the dark side soon :) Still have to find it's own micro sd card (it suck shopping for this, price is all over the place)
<AlienSoldier> *my
<scanty> AlienSoldier: cool. I think there's a NES Everdrive, too
<scanty> my small NES dev setup is much older
<scanty> and much more limited
<AlienSoldier> yes, but i still have to have the system, the SMS is the one i was having when a kid.
<scanty> yeah, SMS was pretty cool, but I think overall NES had better games
<AlienSoldier> yes. i think the SMS might get the upper hand eventually when homebrew start seriously, right now the NES one are still better.
<AlienSoldier> also got a SNES one for my superfamicom, and this one should also play GBC games
<scanty> cool!
<nekobot> [haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • ElectrodeYT (a75fb8ec): limine: bump to 8.7.0 (#11670)
<scanty> I think SNES was better than genesis, but genesis had the better cpu
<AlienSoldier> The super famicom work, i had no way yo test it after i bought it from japan for cheap.
<AlienSoldier> *super famicom
<scanty> I have an original Famicom+Disk System
<AlienSoldier> those dang thing stay black when powered without card. damn nintendo
<scanty> hehe
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<AlienSoldier> yuzo koshiro made a new Genesis game, i hope he does some SMS one also.
<scanty> yeah, i think the genesis dev scene is pretty hot right now.
<scanty> nobody does SNES dev that I know.
<AlienSoldier> i saw a pretty cool one so far
<scanty> i still have to test my devkit on Haiku with OscarL's peek/poke driver, hopefully it works
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<AlienSoldier> peek/poke driver?
<scanty> yeah, it's a driver that lets you read/write from PCI registers
<scanty> the parallel port I have is a PCI card
<AlienSoldier> wow, that is interesting
<AlienSoldier> that is nice if you can fill all the slot with PP bord
<scanty> yeah, i just hope it works. i wrote a basic driver for it on BeOS many years ago, i wish i still had the code
<AlienSoldier> is there something with interrupt support?
<scanty> i don't think so
<scanty> luckily i don't need them.
<AlienSoldier> you want that for controllers? or to write directly into your NES cart?
<scanty> write directly to my NES cart
<scanty> that's my modified NES
<AlienSoldier> contacted a guy for a non working colecovision last week, got no response.
<scanty> :(
<scanty> anyways, bbiab, going for a smoke
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<HaikuUser> test
<erysdren> hello
<HaikuUser> hello
<HaikuUser> I have just installed haiku
<erysdren> nice! what do you think so far?
<HaikuUser> It's pretty much everything I want in an os!
<HaikuUser> It has a very nise asthetic to it that makes me feel like working
<HaikuUser> although I have no idea what you can actually do with this os
<HaikuUser> how do you change your name?
<erysdren> i think /name ?
<erysdren> i dont quite remember
<AlienSoldier> it is "/nick name"
<erysdren> thank you
HaikuUser is now known as poopnugget142
<poopnugget142> there we go
<AlienSoldier> tasty
<AlienSoldier> poopnugget142 you can watch porn and cat video but you can learn about all the available app here!/?viewcrttyp=MOSTRECENT
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concentracion is now known as questionsanswered
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<concealed> is here any dev?
<concealed> I think I found dead code in some part of the translation kit.
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HaikuUser is now known as poopnugget142
<scanty> bleh, i just can't code today.
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<AlienSoldier> just go back and comment stuff, that is what i did when that happened, then i started to code without even thinking.
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<scanty> i try my best to write "self-commenting" code.
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<AlienSoldier> might not need a coleco if they nail those port to SMS finally
<scanty> neat.
<scanty> was coleco Z80 as well?
<AlienSoldier> yes, all a big familly with MSX
<scanty> ah, right.
<scanty> i think the SMS and SG1000 are similar, right?
<scanty> (i don't really know much about sega hardware)
<AlienSoldier> the SG1000 is in the SMS
<scanty> oh
<scanty> haha, i had no idea!@
<AlienSoldier> i think more RAM and a superset of the video chip
<AlienSoldier> probably for sprite
<scanty> cool.
<AlienSoldier> and the SMS is in the Megadrive but the SG1000 is not in the megadrive (and the SMS is not really in the genesis 3)
<scanty> i actually have a dreamcast, and one game(!), Rez, which i like a lot but can't save my progress because i don't have a memory card.
<scanty> AlienSoldier: interesting, i never knew that
<AlienSoldier> there is cool new memory card with LOT of capacity
<scanty> so you can play SMS carts on a megadrive directly, or you need to do some hardware work
<AlienSoldier> will have to get one eventually, SegaGT was almost taking one card itself
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<scanty> yeah, i'll pick up a memory card sometime.
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<AlienSoldier> directly
<scanty> neat
<scanty> interesting, but i don't think sega (in america at least) mentioned that
<AlienSoldier> well, not directly in the slot, there is an adaptor
<scanty> ah okay
<AlienSoldier> and it should allow to unlock the FM music soundtrack
<scanty> i thought genesis/megadrive used FM directly
<AlienSoldier> yes, but SMS needed an add-on, and was later integrated but only in japan
<AlienSoldier> but i prefer non FM music on SMS
<AlienSoldier> depend of the game
<scanty> do you remember the emulator "Meka"
<AlienSoldier> yep
<scanty> i thought it was great
<scanty> i loved how back in the day each emulator would have it's own GUI
<scanty> (if it had one, obviously!)
<AlienSoldier> i forgot what emu it was but i was playing the fist asterix game and there was one jump i could not do. Finished a lot of games int hat emu that said.
<AlienSoldier> *first
<scanty> never played that one
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<AlienSoldier> SMS game are awsome when you want to finish a game within a month. They where a bit easier than NES american game (those got made often too hard)
<scanty> yes, i remember a lot of games on the nes were notoriously difficult.
<scanty> but that is how they made their money.
<scanty> there were what, 6 MegaMans? and those are fucking impossible
<AlienSoldier> they made that so you still wanted to buy games after renting them.
<AlienSoldier> often it is best to play the japanese ones, as they play like to creator intended them
<AlienSoldier> *the creators
<scanty> i have rockman 4 and 5, i think for famicom
<scanty> but they are just too hard for me.
<AlienSoldier> those are nice
<scanty> i must say, given it's limitations, there are some pretty nice looking games on the NES, mostly the later ones.
<AlienSoldier> but it is also the goal of rockman, to figure out that is the best weapon for each boss and plan to take ithem in the best order.
<scanty> yeah, but i think it takes some of the fun out of it, though
<AlienSoldier> yes, Konami pushed the envellope on new mapper all the time.
<AlienSoldier> other needed to follow,
<AlienSoldier> there was not that dynamic on SMS
<scanty> yes. some konami carts have external sound circuitry
<scanty> which is pretty cool
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<scanty> works natively on famicom afaik, but not nes
<AlienSoldier> Dreamcast hombrew are on full swing lately
<scanty> that's cool.
<scanty> "hello world" was as far as i got on DC dev.
<scanty> i remember building the toolchain and all that
<poopnugget142> DC dev?
<scanty> dreamcast
<poopnugget142> oh the console that has daytona? I like it's ui
<AlienSoldier> yes dayton is on it.
<AlienSoldier> *a
<scanty> wow that looks really cool.
<AlienSoldier> too bad they did not daytona 2, they did not want to calibalize the market for the still in demand arcade cabinet
<scanty> well, i'm certainly not paying $132 for this thing, i only have one game
<AlienSoldier> there is another memorycard in the work but i forgot the name
<poopnugget142> is slow internet a feature of haiku or is my pc just messed up?
<AlienSoldier> i don't think network in on par with top OSes but i would not call it slow.
<scanty> it is by no means slow, but i don't really use a lot of bandwidth (no cat porn etc)
<poopnugget142> the computer I'm using didn't have any wifi so I got a usb wifi adapter and I'm starting to think there are issues with it
<poopnugget142> it came with a dvd to install something is that important?
<scanty> that's more likely a usb problem.
<scanty> i don't think our usb stack is "perfect" yet.
<AlienSoldier> perfect and usb don't go int he same phrase :)
<poopnugget142> intersting
<AlienSoldier> TRS connector forever!
<scanty> ;-)
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<scanty> GeekPort FTW
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<poopnugget142> how can I test if audio is working on haiku?
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<bjork1intosh> play a sound, poopnugget142.
<poopnugget142> what sound?
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<scanty> lols
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<HaikuUser> what is aliases?
HaikuUser is now known as poopnugget142
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<poopnugget142> I'm having issues with my time setting it's completely off
<poopnugget142> oh nvm
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<HaikuUser> I've been having some trouble with my email I can send messages but can't receive them and I can't quite figure out whats wrong.
HaikuUser is now known as poopnugget142
<poopnugget142> oh it started to work nvm!
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<janking> USER 'KS': watching node ??? help if me if you can.
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<janking> good morning
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 4 commits to master [hrev58550] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5a2be54dd0b1 - kernel: data_acquisition_other is also found in drivers
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 77f06cf2aecb - pch_thermal: use user_memcpy() to write in a user buffer
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4d5debea9ed8 - amd_thermal: new driver
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] e01dfaf620fb - build: add acpi_thermal, amd_thermal and pch_thermal to minimum definition
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