ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<captain0xff[m]> No I was talking about the thingy that makes your screen yellowish. Basically a blue light filter.
<captain0xff[m]> After keeping it on all day it feels weird to see haikus bright blue colours during nights time lol
<captain0xff[m]> Also, I was experimenting with the radeon drivers and as pal mentioned if I set the refresh rate to 60hz then I get image at 1920x1080 res.
<captain0xff[m]> Actually the dce was also wrong for the polaris. So, I also fixed that. Not sure if that had any role in it.
<captain0xff[m]> Everything was going fine but then I soft locked myself at black screen by setting the screen to 1080p 75hz and probably clicking the keep button by mistake (as there was no display I wasn't able to see anything).
<captain0xff[m]> No matter what I do now the OS seems to boot in a black screen
<captain0xff[m]> Only setting the fallback driver in the boot menu seems to solve it.
<captain0xff[m]> Does anyone know where the screen app keeps the configs so that I can reset it lol?
<augiedoggie> i think it's ~/config/settings/system/app_server/workspaces
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<augiedoggie> if you have another computer then you could ssh into it and run the screenmode command
<AlienSoldier> forward advance in media playe is usable again, nice! Before it was going kinda backwad.
<AlienSoldier> *backward
<AlienSoldier> *player
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<AlienSoldier> seem it still can miss, but it seem better
<AlienSoldier> can get it to loop, at least it is not going backward like i remembered
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* augiedoggie tries to see if he can manage a git push without messing up :P
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<OscarL> I think it would be nicer if each boot created a new/clean syslog file, instead of lumping it with whatever it was already there from previous boots.
<OscarL> Never understood why that's not the case. Is there some limitation or usage pattern I'm not getting?
<OscarL> (I would think that "one file per boot" would make for cleaner syslog files attached to Trac, too)
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<augiedoggie> hm, it's probably possibly to remove the old one on shutdown, you might get one or two lines before the reboot
<augiedoggie> since it will recreate the file if anything else tries to log
<OscarL> removing the syslog file before rebooting is what I do when I want to get a clean file. I wonder why a new one is not created at boot instead.
<OscarL> "creating a new one" as in... move the syslog file that's already there, then create a "fresh" one on every boot,
<augiedoggie> dunno, you could submit that as a patch i guess
<OscarL> could it be that just appending to the existing one is "safer"? (or allows for earlier logging, or something like that?)
<OscarL> guess I could, indeed. just curious about the why it works like this :-)
<augiedoggie> in the future Haiku may get some more advanced logging like journalctl which can filter things and only show the current boot
<augiedoggie> and so on
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