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<OscarL> weird, updated hrev58775 to hrev58783, tried to reboot, and it hang on "Asking other processes to quit" (can't ssh into it), and have to force-reboot the VM.
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<OscarL> Booted into hrev58783, checked some things, tried to reboot, it hang again in the same spot :-/
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<OscarL> Worked now, after fully closing VMware and re-starting it. Oh well.
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<OscarL> What's the scale for the "Memory usage" bars in Process Controller? because if it is 0 to "Total system RAM"... then hrev58775 shows a wrong bar for kernel_team.
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<AlienSoldier> OscarL on 32 bit i don't see any update yet other than vulcan.
<OscarL> I have 4 GB on that VM, and it show a full bar while saying 1.03 GiB
<AlienSoldier> perhaps vulkan messed thing up
<OscarL> AlienSoldier: so.. you say you get updates from HaikuPorts but not from Haiku proper?
<OscarL> let's check "Concourse"...
<AlienSoldier> no i mean from the version you reverted to and teh 75 one, i only have vulkan that show as thing to update
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<AlienSoldier> *785
<OscarL> the last succesfull build for 32 bits is indeed hrev58783.
<OscarL> just in case... that concourse build number has no relation with the hrev.
<OscarL> properly mentions latest hrev as "r1~beta5_hrev58783"...
<OscarL> same for Let me try updating my 32 bits install.
<OscarL> mmm, only have a beta5 32 bits here.
<OscarL> AlienSoldier: FWIW... after switching repos from beta5 to "master"... pkgman update offers me to update several haiku packages to "r1~beta5_hrev58783-1"
<OscarL> I'm an idiot, missed your previous message, sorry for the noise.
<OscarL> regarding ProcessController's memory bars, change in behaviour comes most likely from hrev58725
<OscarL> and I haven't noticed before because I run beta5 most of the time.
<AlienSoldier> i may have missed some things, i just beriefly saw you got problem even reverting 58783 while i was rebooting myself
<AlienSoldier> so i was not seeing post until i rebooted
<AlienSoldier> *briefly
<OscarL> This is what I was seeing:
<OscarL> hard to understand what the blu and very-light blue colors represent on that "kernel_team" bar.
<OscarL> waddlesplash might now better :-)
<OscarL> (not saying that the one from beta5 makes much more sense either, though)
<OscarL> (<<< from beta5)
<AlienSoldier> from what i understand blue is the memory in operation and the light blue is the additional one that is just allocated but not used
<AlienSoldier> or perhaps not . "Fixes display of kernel memory information in ProcessController's memory usage menu.". Perhaps it show how memory is splitted between userland and kernel memory?
<OscarL> that's what's tripping me off, and why I was wondering what's the scale for that bar.
<OscarL> would be better if all bars used the same range, IMO.
<OscarL> not a fault of that particular commit, it seems it just made it more visible.
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<waddlesplash> OscarL: I think the full bar scale is "total memory used currently"
<waddlesplash> i.e. the dark blue indicates "percentage of used ram, that this team is using"
<OscarL> I see, thanks. Still confusing, specially being below the total system resources, that seems to use "0 to Total RAM" scale.
* OscarL tries to figure out what "fGrenze1" means :-)
<OscarL> same with "cadre" :-/
<OscarL> using non-English names for variable names always rubs me the wrong way, and I barely speak English :-D
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<waddlesplash> OscarL: your English is much, much better than my Spanish, it's nowhere even close :P
<OscarL> :-)
<waddlesplash> for that matter your English could pass for native at least as far as your usage of it on IRC goes
<waddlesplash> it's typically quite idiomatic, it has few if any "Spanish-isms" that would make it more identifiable
* waddlesplash should really pick a modern language and make a real effort to acquire fluency at some point
<waddlesplash> I've studied multiple Romance languages but none to the point of conversational fluency
<waddlesplash> but that's a story in of itself
<OscarL> I can't actually "speak" English at all. I stumble each time I misspronounce any word (which is too frequently).
<OscarL> you all shall be thankful that you only have to suffer my written English, muahahaha! :-P
<OscarL> Mmm. Found a reproducible crash on Pe. "Segment violation".
<OscarL> Hit CMD+f, then CMD+OPT+arrow_down on a newly opened Pe window. Crashes everytime :-/
<OscarL> will have to sprinkle some printf()s because I suck at using Debugger.
<Molnija> I guess we have definitions of «speak» which need to be sorted out
<Molnija> because I would say that IRC writing is speech in many ways that matter, and writing in many ways that matter.
<Molnija> but that's a story for an offtopic room
<OscarL> Guess my Castilian influences my choise of words, as there speak == hablar, and the latter is for "voiced speach" (which is what I meant).
<zelectric> Heros in a half shell! TURTLE POWER!
<zelectric> Thanks for Haiku, it's coming along very nicely.
<OscarL> Molnija: meh... bet there are some bored geeks lurking in the shadows just waiting for someone to say anything!
<OscarL> zelectric: nice to see enthusiastic users :-)
<zelectric> :D
<OscarL> (I mean, besides the usual suspects :-D)
<zelectric> heheehe
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<AlienSoldier> scanty gmail started to work again. Perhaps it was soem kind of DNS propagation thing.
<AlienSoldier> *some
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* OscarL replaced all instances of "grenze" and "cadre" on ProcessController by "border" and "frame" respectively.
<OscarL> next round: find better names for fBorder1 / fBorder2, etc :-)
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
<Molnija> ha
<Molnija> mornin begasus
<Molnija> how goes?
<Begasus[m]> Hi there Molnija
<Begasus[m]> slow :) still get to start, guess I need more coffee today :)
<OscarL> Aloha Begasus[m].
<Begasus[m]> Hola OscarL :)
<Begasus[m]> was looking into the haiku-svg-theme yesterday, adding some missing icons
* OscarL could use a coffee too. Or some dry Gin instead.
<Begasus[m]> drank 3 beers last evening at the dogschool, head isn't straight yet
<Begasus[m]> and it was with ZERO alcohol! :P
<Molnija> dang, if this place was a coffee bar I'd cook y'all several shots. or something idk
<OscarL> damn, I've heard of some strong Belgium beers, but if even the zero one leaves you spinning... give me one! :-P
<Begasus[m]> heh
<Begasus[m]> we've got the best beers around here, really good, I just don't drink them anymore :)
<Begasus[m]> at my retirement "party" I got a full basket of the finest ones, one of our kids drank those, I think a few bottles are still in the frig
<Begasus[m]> fridge*
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* OscarL needs to get both a (working) fridge, and some Belgium beers.
<Begasus[m]> nice, qtcreator 16 finished build OK on buildmasters, now should I install that or keep the one I have here build with Qt6.8.2? :P
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<Molnija> some people do abbreviate refrigerator as frig with the /frɪd͡ʒ/ pronunciation - I don't know what kind of masochist does that, but it's not unheard of
<Begasus[m]> it was in the line after I wrote it Molnija to type that * :)
<Begasus[m]> rerfrigerator*
<Begasus[m]> hmm still not right I think ;)
<Molnija> ah
<Begasus[m]> TuxPaint next release still on par for Haiku :)
<Molnija> refrigerator → fridge (spelling coming by analogy with... idk, squidge?)
* Begasus[m] doesn't know what squidge(*) is ...
<Molnija> ah, Wiktionary says: The spelling is likely influenced by analogy with bridge, ridge, etc.
<Molnija> to squidge: verb. Wiktionary gives: (informal) To squash, most often between one's fingers.
<Molnija> etymology is missing tho
<Begasus[m]> ah, well squash I know :)
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<Begasus[m]> the upstream developers from Krita were so impressed by Haiku being able to build and run the Qt6 version they tooted the screenshot I showed them in the matrix room :D
<Begasus[m]> one of the better things of Dolphin, icon preview :)
<Begasus[m]> split view, so I can compare the svg icons from the Haiku theme and the one from Breeze
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<Begasus[m]> another icon added :)
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<OscarL> The fact that ProcessController has 5 "similar but not quite equal" variations of "xxxMenuItem::DrawBar(bool force)" is triggering something in me :-/
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<Begasus[m]> I can only imagine :P
<OscarL> Did my best trying to make them look more closer to one another, at least for today: "10 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-)"
<OscarL> Let's try building it now :-D
<OscarL> yay! darn change in elf.h has trigger a massive rebuild of things :-D
<OscarL> /me goes for a coffee. Compass icon looks nice, btw, Begasus[m].
<Begasus[m]> enjoy the coffee, compas icons is one of Zumi :)
<OscarL> kudos to him, and to you for adding it to the kde theme thingie then!
<Begasus[m]> not the kde thingie, Haiku's icon theme :)
<OscarL> isn't that icon theme only a thingie that works for KDE?
<Begasus[m]> +3k icons in there, not doing them all, for now I'll tackle the "visiual" ones
<Begasus[m]> intended for ... yes :)
<Begasus[m]> not sure, but maybe also Qt?
<OscarL> my process controller looks OK! (except on two submenues, where it looks like crap, LOL)
<OscarL> 3 out of 5... I have done far worse...
<Begasus[m]> heh
<nekobot> [haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • humdingerb (5a4d8304): yt_dlp: Update to 2025.03.27
<OscarL> had to update yt-dlp earlier yesterday on my Win machine, and was wondering if humdigerb was on vacation or something :-D
<Begasus[m]> lol
<OscarL> usually I do it the other way around... only remember to update on Win after he updates the Haiku package :-D
<Begasus[m]> maybe you should poke him upfront, :P
<OscarL> welp... my data plan is about to run out for the month. Will try to re-new it later today. See you around tomorrow Begasus[m]! (hopefully).
<OscarL> Have a nice day!
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<Begasus[m]> cya!
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<Anarchos> hello
<Anarchos> Begasus[m]: hello Luc !
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<Begasus[m]> g'morning Anarchos :)
<Begasus[m]> or bonjour Sylvain :)
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<phschafft> mau.
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<Begasus[m]> meep phschafft
<Anarchos> Begasus[m]: i got a little PR merged :)
* phschafft offers Begasus[m] and Anarchos each a cookie.
<Begasus[m]> nice Anarchos , thanks phschafft :)
<phschafft> :)
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<Anarchos> Begasus[m]: yes :)
<Anarchos> phschafft: i accept only essential cookies due to GDPR :)
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* phschafft thinks essen-tial is exactly what cookies are about.
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<Anarchos> phschafft: ah ah goood german language joke indeed
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<phschafft> ;)
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<neoncortex> hello. Say, one want to have an encrypted 'vault' of some sort, to store files. There is a tool for that?
<dovsienko> GnuPG?
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<neoncortex> no idea, that is why I'm asking =D
<dovsienko> "pkgman search password" shows four password managers if that's what you mean
<neoncortex> no. What I mean is storage for archives.
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<Habbie> i use restic for encrypted backups
<Habbie> that may or may not fit your problem
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<zeldakatze[m]> hello, does anyone have a working bootstrap environment? I'mm currently trying to set one up, however it fails quite weirdly all the time for example on m4 in freadahead.c or on various recipes trying to find core headers. I'm having the feeling that the build system tries to access the host's headers. It happens on both x86 and ppc
<dovsienko> neoncortex: in Linux that's the "crypt" feature of dmsetup, which is too low-level from a user perspective, so there's usually LUKS on top of that
<dovsienko> Haiku does not support encrypted block devices, as far as I know
<dovsienko> neoncortex: so if you do not feel like developing this feature, a simpler workaround could be having a Linux box with LUKS and reliable storage somewhere on the network, and using something like sshfs or rsync to copy files from the Haiku host
<Habbie> don't we have FUSE?
<neoncortex> dovsienko: yes. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but generally that is how one uses it. But, there is also things like the kde 'vaults', that allows you to create what looks like a virtual encrypted partition, or something. It is not a partition, just the best way I can describe it.
<dovsienko> well, try that if you like
<neoncortex> I mean, sure, I have linux machines, and all. I was just thinking if I could have encrypted stuff like what kde vaults do, in haiku. Anyway, thanks for the answers =D
<dovsienko> if you consider backups, the backups would anyway have to be somewhere other than the host they back up, right?
<dovsienko> if you want the simplest solution possible, encrypting a tarball with the use of GnuPG would do
<neoncortex> fair.
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<HaikuUser2> neoncortex: encrypted partitons are a thing, just not for the boot partition
<neoncortex> HaikuUser2: oh, that is good news.
<HaikuUser2> Not sure what the current status is
<neoncortex> very interesting.
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<HaikuUser2> How to activate a vpn server in haiku's openvpn?
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<dovsienko> the same as for the client?
<dovsienko> that is, run openvpn with the configuration file or command-line arguments
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<HaikuUser2> But which ovpn-files should you use, for OXS?
<HaikuUser2> OSX?
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<Begasus[m]> iirc there is some information on how to work with openvpn on the forum
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<BrunoSpr> hello all
<BrunoSpr> If I restart the inputserver, only the mouse will be working after... why (bug?)
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<BrunoSpr> No sorry looks like a different problem! If the keyboard suddently does not work (no idea why) I cannot kill the inputserver thread to get my keyboard working...
<BrunoSpr> After killing the inputserver thread, the input preference window will be blank but the mouse will work!
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<waddlesplash> zeldakatze[m]: this may be due to recent changes in Haiku, I moved a bunch of things to private headers instead of public ones which it turned out that "Gnulib", which is used by a lot of GNU software, was using. I added some extension APIs to replace the removed functionality but this may not get picked up automatically
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<waddlesplash> Gnulib upstream should get modifications to use the new APIs but this will take a bit to get propagated downward
<BrunoSpr> I have to restart HAIKU to get my keyboard working! Laptop HP with 64bit nightly, anyone an idea how to find out what cause this to happen?
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<BrunoSpr> Thanks
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<zdykstra> I was sorting through a box of old stuff last night when I came across those
<bbjimmy> just installed haiku on my hp laptop. it uses the frame buffer, but in the boot menu ( shift during boot) I can select any of 4 screen modes, once it is booted it only shows the highest resolution making the text and windows too small. is there a way to chose a lower resolution and make it stick on the next boot?
<gordonjcp> zdykstra: nice!
<gordonjcp> zdykstra: I found some SCO OpenServer boot media at work, I plan on yoinking it next time I'm in the workshop
<zdykstra> nice!
<bbjimmy> I can live with the touchpad not working, and use a mouse, but the resolution is a deal breaker.
<zdykstra> bbjimmy: increase the font size?
<bbjimmy> not good enough
<gordonjcp> bbjimmy: once it's booted can you not change the preferred screen resolution in the Settings app?
<bbjimmy> works just fine if I interrupt boot and select a lower sesolution.
<zdykstra> gordonjcp: wow, that's ancient
<gordonjcp> zdykstra: mmm-hm
<bbjimmy> gordonjcp no, it it stuck on the highest resolution making everything too small.
<gordonjcp> zdykstra: 1995
<bbjimmy> *it is
<gordonjcp> bbjimmy: so if you go to Preferences -> Screen, it doesn't let you set the resolution?
<gordonjcp> bbjimmy: or, it sets it but changes it again on startup?
<bbjimmy> that's what I said.
<bbjimmy> It won't allow me to select a different resolution
<bbjimmy> it only shows one resolution
<gordonjcp> o_O
<gordonjcp> bbjimmy: what happens if you don't try to force the screen resolution on boot?
<bbjimmy> one can set he vesa resolution in /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/vesa is there a similar work around for the framebuffer?
<zdykstra> force it in the vesa driver, use refind to set the resolution before handing off to the haiku bootloader
<zdykstra> guess vesa doesn't apply to the framebuffer
<bbjimmy> If I don't fporce it it chooses the highest resolution, not the one I perfer.
<bbjimmy> if I chose the one I perfer, it is the only resolution shown in screen preferences.
<zdykstra> I'd suggest trying refind to set the resolution before the haiku bootloader is invoked
<bbjimmy> refind didn't work
<bbjimmy> I am using grub2win to get to haiku
<zdykstra> did you install the haiku EFI bootloader?
<bbjimmy> of corse, but reFind wouldn't find it.
<zdykstra> sounds like a configuration issue, refind supports haiku just fine
<bbjimmy> grub2win did find it.
<zdykstra> so much so that it has a special Haiku icon in it's default set
<bbjimmy> grub2win allow me to chain load the haiku efi loader
<bbjimmy> refind never found the haiku efi loader
<bbjimmy> I spent 2 days messing with refind with no luck, 15 minutes with grub2win and it booted.
<zdykstra> I guess since you have all of the answers there's nothing else I can offer as a suggestion
<scanty> lols.
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<mbrumbelow> First KDL of 2025 for me. Using NFS4. Added my crash details to existing bug #19491.
<Begasus[m]> congrats mbrumbelow :)
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<Anarchos> hello
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<kallisti5[m]> yay! kallisti5[m] +o
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<kallisti5[m]> now... matrix bridge
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<mbrumbelow> Begasus[m]: Thank you!
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<Bit_Ci> O´
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58785] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5650b976733e - nfs4: Acquire fFileCacheLock in Inode::Read()
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<waddlesplash> bbjimmy: why doesn't increasing the font size suffice?
<waddlesplash> bbjimmy: anyway the EFI loader does try to set the mode in the VESA settings file
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