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good evening.
no love for scanty tonight?
hello phschafft
mau scanty :)
cats rule
so, what's new?
i finished a really good book today on quantum mechanics
"Reality is Not What it Seems" by Carlo Rovelli. not a difficult read at all, very interesting and pleasureable.
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scanty got mu Master System Everdrive, so i will go to the dark side soon :) Still have to find it's own micro sd card (it suck shopping for this, price is all over the place)
AlienSoldier: cool. I think there's a NES Everdrive, too
my small NES dev setup is much older
and much more limited
yes, but i still have to have the system, the SMS is the one i was having when a kid.
yeah, SMS was pretty cool, but I think overall NES had better games
yes. i think the SMS might get the upper hand eventually when homebrew start seriously, right now the NES one are still better.
also got a SNES one for my superfamicom, and this one should also play GBC games
contacted a guy for a non working colecovision last week, got no response.
anyways, bbiab, going for a smoke
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I have just installed haiku
nice! what do you think so far?
It's pretty much everything I want in an os!
It has a very nise asthetic to it that makes me feel like working
although I have no idea what you can actually do with this os
how do you change your name?
i think /name ?
i dont quite remember
it is "/nick name"
thank you
HaikuUser is now known as poopnugget142
there we go
poopnugget142 you can watch porn and cat video but you can learn about all the available app here https://depot.haiku-os.org/#!/?viewcrttyp=MOSTRECENT
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is here any dev?
I think I found dead code in some part of the translation kit.
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HaikuUser is now known as poopnugget142
bleh, i just can't code today.
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just go back and comment stuff, that is what i did when that happened, then i started to code without even thinking.
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i try my best to write "self-commenting" code.
i think the SMS and SG1000 are similar, right?
(i don't really know much about sega hardware)
the SG1000 is in the SMS
haha, i had no idea!@
i think more RAM and a superset of the video chip
probably for sprite
and the SMS is in the Megadrive but the SG1000 is not in the megadrive (and the SMS is not really in the genesis 3)
i actually have a dreamcast, and one game(!), Rez, which i like a lot but can't save my progress because i don't have a memory card.
AlienSoldier: interesting, i never knew that
there is cool new memory card with LOT of capacity
so you can play SMS carts on a megadrive directly, or you need to do some hardware work
will have to get one eventually, SegaGT was almost taking one card itself
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yeah, i'll pick up a memory card sometime.
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interesting, but i don't think sega (in america at least) mentioned that
well, not directly in the slot, there is an adaptor
ah okay
and it should allow to unlock the FM music soundtrack
i thought genesis/megadrive used FM directly
yes, but SMS needed an add-on, and was later integrated but only in japan
but i prefer non FM music on SMS
depend of the game
do you remember the emulator "Meka"
i thought it was great
i loved how back in the day each emulator would have it's own GUI
(if it had one, obviously!)
i forgot what emu it was but i was playing the fist asterix game and there was one jump i could not do. Finished a lot of games int hat emu that said.
never played that one
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SMS game are awsome when you want to finish a game within a month. They where a bit easier than NES american game (those got made often too hard)
yes, i remember a lot of games on the nes were notoriously difficult.
but that is how they made their money.
there were what, 6 MegaMans? and those are fucking impossible
they made that so you still wanted to buy games after renting them.
often it is best to play the japanese ones, as they play like to creator intended them
*the creators
i have rockman 4 and 5, i think for famicom
but they are just too hard for me.
those are nice
i must say, given it's limitations, there are some pretty nice looking games on the NES, mostly the later ones.
but it is also the goal of rockman, to figure out that is the best weapon for each boss and plan to take ithem in the best order.
yeah, but i think it takes some of the fun out of it, though
yes, Konami pushed the envellope on new mapper all the time.
other needed to follow,
there was not that dynamic on SMS
yes. some konami carts have external sound circuitry
which is pretty cool
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works natively on famicom afaik, but not nes
Dreamcast hombrew are on full swing lately
that's cool.
"hello world" was as far as i got on DC dev.
i remember building the toolchain and all that