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SpieringsAE: I have noticed the EC do one thing on its own... the keyboard backlight is turned off when the lid is closed (independent of the system being suspended or not)
But I usually keep the backlight off, so that feature is not much use for me
some devices hard-wire lid switch to turn off display backlight, won't be surprised if they did the same for kb eds
i.e. completely outside of firmware
huh interesting. Well the EC can at least remember the colour of the keyboard backlight, I don't expect *that* is done in hardware
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well yes, but I mean they could have an extra transistor hardwired to the lid switch that would force leds off even if ec still drives them (though I guess might be unlikely and instead ec fw just knows the lid state)
I also wonder whether the brightness and colour are controlled by different hardware, since setting them is done in two different ways
(brightness through the keyboard HID interface, and colour through the EC. Both on the same I2C bus.)
well I'd assume in the end it's same pwm on 3 led "lines" (i.e. both brightness and color change the pwm values of the same thing)
so perhaps just some weird mess where HID one is there because there is a generic windows api for kb brightness but not for color so "use our app that hits special custom api"? xD
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* travmurav[m]
finds it funny his laptop has all the software and hardware for kb backlight, just not the actual leds and keycaps
they didn't even bother removing transistors and connectors from the motherboard BOM
but I guess to counter my own argument, I don't think aspire1 gates kb leds on lid state in hw, only display backlight
I don't think the HID feature reports used are standard, maybe it's just because there is a Fn key for changing the brightness, so the Windows keyboard driver needs to be able to easily change the setting without going through the EC driver
uh is that fn keycombo reported to the OS and not just intercepted by ec?
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travmurav[m]: Yes, a vendor report is used for it. Fn-lock is also toggled in software, and brightness up/down are not standard HID (so brightness and volume can be changed at the same time!), but none of that is as bad as the external display key pressing LEFTMETA, tapping P, waiting a second, and *then* releasing LEFTMETA
duh lol
but I guess having software fn is at least nicer to remap stuff than full firmware fn handling
Also the EC is a little buggy and sometimes keys like Scroll-Lock (Fn+K) or PrtSc end up held down randomly, or other keys don't work, or...
I miss the simplicity of cros-ec-keyboard...
travmurav[m]: "not the actual leds and keycaps" Why would you need special keycaps for a backlight keyboard, when you can just feed 5W to the LEDs and have something that's bright enough? (sigh...)
I guess white opaque keycaps would even somewhat "work" xD
It is a bit insane that keyboard backlight power consumption can be higher than display power consumption
I guess it's arr gee bee? xD
lots and lots of tiny little arrs, gees, and bees
You can even see them through the bottom of the case
* travmurav[m]
hates rgb leds
well I guess it's workable as long as they're not used to illuminate something else
travmurav[m]: Guess you wouldn't want a display with 13996800 of them then?
but well, just need to learn touchtyping and then can save 5W /s
(but i meant more like bad CRI when those leds are used to "reflectively" illuminate something)
or I guess when they're far apart enough that you see the separate sources and not just mixed light xD
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On Windows the temperature is sent to the EC every second, but I don't know if it actually controls the fans or if it is just keeps a watchdog at bay (said watchdog is annoying for kernel debugging!). Anyway trying to send the same commands from Linux has no effect, so I guess an enable command is missing
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tobhe_: 6.14-rc1-1 (from Jens Glathe google drive) is the last working version, 6.14-rc2 (from google drive crashes on 5g) and 6.14.0-5 (the one installed from launchpad) crash on 5g
Yeah I'm in the bisecting trenches on 6.14-rc3, so far no lock and lots of dark energy
as far as my tests go, 6.14-rc1-1 to rc2 something broke
hope this helps
on the flip side, it appears to be that this was the only full crash I saw on 6.14 so maybe if I simply dont use 5g I can use the device for my work :) I'll also try with other 5g routers and see if that makes a difference
ok, tried my mobile netgear router in 5G mode: I can connect to it using 5G, but the minute I disconnect (I can see the deauthenticating msg in kernel.log) it crashes (the screen goes dark blue). so my asus home router the system crashes immediately during the connect. on netgear it crashes during disconnect in 5g.
I've had this deauthenticating bug (but with Wifi) on rc1 and rc2 too, gave a null pointer deref in the kernel. Call appeared to come from wpa-supplicant.
rc1-1 is working for me
well, let me try deauth
ok, deauth on rc1-1 is also broken
it kills the box?
yes, blue screen
full crash, I'm connected via ethernet at the same time to tail dmesg
and all stops
yea. I found the dev kit dead for several days over night, last log entry was deauth and kernel error at 00:00
how do u get the kernel errors?
journalctl -b -1
ok, thx
I'll restart using it daily on 2g lets see if I encounter anything else
I think the null deref in ath12k_mac_handle_beacon_miss_iter can be worked around by just returning before the line with ath12k_ar_to_hw if ar is NULL... though haven't bothered compiling a kernel with that changed yet
(It seems the problem there is: I suspect that previously arvif->ar was unconditionally set, but now it might only be set for interfaces that are up, but the check against arvif->is_up is too late in the function)
albsen[m]: JensGlathe[m]: ^^
thx for the pointer
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noticed another thing with 6.14.0-5 it's missing bluetooth
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This is working here
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its working on all kernels I downloaded from google drive, only the one coming from launchpad is having that issue
and apt is refusing to install the version you have on google drive (6.14.0-5.6) without mixing packages from launchpad
this mixing shouldn't be too problematic, same config
and I can add do_tools to my config if they build
finally. the first bisect good that wasn't expected
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albsen[m]: 6.14.0-13.13 should fix bluetooth
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there are a lot of ath12k changes on the wireless mailing list
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hoooley moley
They found the send button
and I have display on the devkit
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who found send
* JensGlathe[m]
exclaiming having a video
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<steev> "who found send" <- They did
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Found the commit, it is ps883x.c, don't know why, though
JensGlathe[m]: fwiw you should change the ps8830 reset-gpios to GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW for the dev kit, bamse applied the DT changes too early, before the bindings were finalised
You probably have inverted reset, it’s getting put into reset
Compare with Abel‘s latest CRD patches on the list/Johan‘s branch, devkit should be similar