ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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hmm with jhovold's 6.14-rc2 on the x13s, I get this message printed in dmesg multiple times per second: [drm] Loaded GMU firmware v3.1.10
anyone else running that kernel see this?
craftyguy: normal.. there was a patch posted to print it only the first time instead of every time the gpu resumes (but I've not had a chance to pick it up)
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it's normal to print that a few times _per second_ and spam the kernel long for as long as it's booted? Haha
I don't think this happened on 6.13
Glad to hear there's a patch though to improve it 😁
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turns out the gpu wakes up a lot
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yeah no kidding
is it loading that fw from disk every time it wakes up?
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it is just informing dmesg each time ;-)
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What bwmon actually supposed to do?
It is meant to change the interconnect bandwidth and not just monitor what's happening, right?
'cause it seems to be that the opp changes from the driver have no effect.
That would certainly explain why programs using a lot of memory bandwidth run slowly compared to Windows, and perhaps also why power usage is higher than it could be?
But I assume that *something* is changing the bandwidth, or else I don't know how to explain the weird behaviour with the performance governor
Also what do the per-cluster bwmon instances measure? Are they meant to control bandwidth between the cores and L2, or between L2 and LLC?
Time to switch back to Windows to see what happens there...
Hmm, I can't see a major difference between Windows and Linux behaviour, except that bw is higher on Windows
Um, why does sleep 1 in WSL not return? Why does clock_gettime jump 300 seconds between calls? Surely it couldn't be that... Windows is affected by the CNTVOFF bug as well?
I can't seem to reproduce it, though :(
It seems that the trigger might be: `wsl --terminate $Distro`, then start `wsl anycommand` and do `wsl --shutdown` before it finishes starting up again
But perhaps that race needs to be timed precisely? I managed to cause some "catastrpohic error" where WSL wouldn't start, but nothing more since then.
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I've probably written more than enough spam today... end I didn't learn much other than: Nothing makes sense!
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my clonezilla backup thing seems to have worked, I didn't really expect it, but yep, even windows still works
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I guess that means it is now time to ship this thing back to asus toget a fully working one
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Has anyone with the lenovo t14s investigated the hdmi port a bit? I have this patch trying to get something working on the asus: