ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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<craftyguy> hmm with jhovold's 6.14-rc2 on the x13s, I get this message printed in dmesg multiple times per second: [drm] Loaded GMU firmware v3.1.10
<craftyguy> anyone else running that kernel see this?
<robclark> craftyguy: normal.. there was a patch posted to print it only the first time instead of every time the gpu resumes (but I've not had a chance to pick it up)
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<craftyguy> it's normal to print that a few times _per second_ and spam the kernel long for as long as it's booted? Haha
<craftyguy> I don't think this happened on 6.13
<craftyguy> Glad to hear there's a patch though to improve it 😁
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<robclark> turns out the gpu wakes up a lot
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<craftyguy> yeah no kidding
<craftyguy> is it loading that fw from disk every time it wakes up?
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<robclark> no
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<robclark> it is just informing dmesg each time ;-)
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<icecream95> What bwmon actually supposed to do?
<icecream95> It is meant to change the interconnect bandwidth and not just monitor what's happening, right?
<icecream95> 'cause it seems to be that the opp changes from the driver have no effect.
<icecream95> That would certainly explain why programs using a lot of memory bandwidth run slowly compared to Windows, and perhaps also why power usage is higher than it could be?
<icecream95> But I assume that *something* is changing the bandwidth, or else I don't know how to explain the weird behaviour with the performance governor
<icecream95> Also what do the per-cluster bwmon instances measure? Are they meant to control bandwidth between the cores and L2, or between L2 and LLC?
<icecream95> Time to switch back to Windows to see what happens there...
<icecream95> Hmm, I can't see a major difference between Windows and Linux behaviour, except that bw is higher on Windows
<icecream95> Um, why does sleep 1 in WSL not return? Why does clock_gettime jump 300 seconds between calls? Surely it couldn't be that... Windows is affected by the CNTVOFF bug as well?
<icecream95> I can't seem to reproduce it, though :(
<icecream95> It seems that the trigger might be: `wsl --terminate $Distro`, then start `wsl anycommand` and do `wsl --shutdown` before it finishes starting up again
<icecream95> But perhaps that race needs to be timed precisely? I managed to cause some "catastrpohic error" where WSL wouldn't start, but nothing more since then.
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<icecream95> I've probably written more than enough spam today... end I didn't learn much other than: Nothing makes sense!
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<SpieringsAE> my clonezilla backup thing seems to have worked, I didn't really expect it, but yep, even windows still works
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<SpieringsAE> I guess that means it is now time to ship this thing back to asus toget a fully working one
<SpieringsAE> :(
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<SpieringsAE> Has anyone with the lenovo t14s investigated the hdmi port a bit? I have this patch trying to get something working on the asus:
<SpieringsAE> it doesn't work yet besides correctly recognizing the hpd event sadly
<jhovold> SpieringsAE: odd link, that commit is not in my repo
<SpieringsAE> jeah github can be weird like that
<SpieringsAE> forks are just weird branches or something like it
<SpieringsAE> there were actually some funky security issues with it not too long ago I believe
<jhovold> ah, ok
<SpieringsAE> I have a feeling that all I am missing is a simple bridge with an enable or something
<jhovold> sure you don't need a driver for that chip? i think we're still waiting on details on that one
<SpieringsAE> I have no idea really, I tried asking for docs at parade but zero response
<SpieringsAE> I feel like a dp ->> hdmi bridge should be simple, most of those are anyway in external components
<jhovold> no luck here either, so far
<SpieringsAE> :(
<SpieringsAE> the t14s has a different bridge chip right?
<jhovold> yeah, sorry, that appears to be the case, haven't look at this at all myself yet, abel has
<SpieringsAE> jeah I seem to remember that oo
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