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<jhovold> Here's an updated wip branch for the X13s:
<jhovold> Here's an updated wip branch for the T14s and X Elite:
<jhovold> Changes include:
<jhovold> - fix ps883x retimer registration race
<jhovold> - fix ps883x retimer missing accessibility check
<jhovold> - fix ps883x retimer probe error handling
<jhovold> - fix thermal zones
<jhovold> - add gpu thermal throttling
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<anthony25> jhovold: thanks a lot! I'm building it for my slim 7x
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<JensGlathe[m]> That inverted ps8830 reset will probably have an effect on many devices
<jhovold> JensGlathe[m]: no, I checked, only the devkit has it inverted in mainline
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<SpieringsAE> had it as ACTIVE_LOW in my asus tree aswell checked when I read it
<SpieringsAE> gitpython is complaining with b4 prep --check, this is a new one
<SpieringsAE> So I added some files, so I updated the maintainer file, should the maitainer edit be a seperate commit? That is how I have it now
<SpieringsAE> about kernel contributing^
<anthony25> about ps8830, which effect coult it have? (to know what I should be looking for if I report a problem)
<anthony25> *could
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<JensGlathe[m]> hmm no bluetooth on wcn7850 with 6.14r-c4
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<anthony25> hmm that's weird, it works on the slim 7x (with your dts patch)
<JensGlathe[m]> huh
<JensGlathe[m]> on the dev kit
<jhovold> SpieringsAE: separate commit
<anthony25> I still have random disconnections, but I'll try to apply the recent patches on ath12k
<anthony25> (bluetooth disconnections)
<jhovold> anthony25: wihtout ps8830 in reset, you'd lose usb completely
<jhovold> JensGlathe[m]: bluetooth enumerates fine on the t14s/crd with rc4
<anthony25> ha, easy to spot then :p
<jhovold> at least SuperSpeed
<jhovold> s/wihtout/with/ ...
<anthony25> yeah I remember, I had the issue (a while ago) when I plugged something over USB before booting, it was stuck in a lower speed
<jhovold> with my ps8830 fixes it will be easier to spot:
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<jhovold> ps883x_retimer 2-0008: failed to write conn_status_0: -6
<jhovold> and further errors, if you get the polarity wrong
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<SpieringsAE> fun, that ps185hdm chip has GPIO that can be configured for the manufacturer in the firmware
<SpieringsAE> "Hot plug events are normally routed through the DP_HPD pin but, as noted above, it’s possible that the motherboard manufacturer asked for this to be replicated on the GPIO pin."
<SpieringsAE> This makes it sound to me like the chip is alive when I read the hotplug event
<SpieringsAE> unless it is t'd off to the SoC
<SpieringsAE> ^quote from parade/redtree
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<robclark> some here may be interested, sounds like it requires recompiling chromium (it isn't enabled by default), but chromium should be able to use hw video decode (if supported by kernel)..
<steev> oh, that is nice
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<anthony25> it seems to work in Firefox already
<anthony25> I thought it was working in Chromium, if I remember correctly it was listing hw decoding for x264 (when applying the iris patch in the kernel)
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<robclark> maybe some distros are already enabling the build flag?
<anthony25> I'll double check, it was in tumbleweed
<anthony25> maybe it was enabled to get hw decoding in raspberry pi
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<kuruczgy[m]> Does anyone have working dp altmode on the slim 7x with Johan's new -rc4 branch? I get the "failed to write conn_status_0: -6" error, so apparently that's some polarity issue?
<kuruczgy[m]> What do I need to change to fix the polarity? Are any other dts changes needed?
<anthony25> kuruczgy[m]: I'll check this evening on mine
<jhovold> kuruczgy[m]: yes, that dt has the reset polarity wrong:
<jhovold> reset-gpios = <&tlmm 176 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
<jhovold> same for the other 2-3 presumably
<anthony25> I used the patch from JensGlathe[m]
<jhovold> kuruczgy[m]: just change reset gpios so be GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW
<jhovold> same issue JensGlathe[m] had with the devkit
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<Jasper[m]> Mediamarkt is selling a book4 edge with purwa for 499€
<tobhe_> that seems pretty cheap
<Jasper[m]> I agree
<Jasper[m]> But it's purwa
<Jasper[m]> And UFS
<tobhe_> cheapest I see on the website is 819
<Jasper[m]> The Dutch one, apologies
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<tobhe_> found it. ufs is a bummer but the price is still pretty decent
<steev> wait is purwa good or bad?
<tobhe_> less powerful
<steev> oh good
<steev> i thought it was the other way around
<tobhe_> X Plus X1P-42-100
<tobhe_> Hamoa is the big one
<steev> i got the x1e not x1p thinkpad
<JensGlathe[m]> Purwa workd fine, only no GPU driver yet. GPU is X1-45. And its pretty new-ish re dtb
<steev> 2 more weeks, give or take, and i can focus on my t14s
<JensGlathe[m]> But performance is good, 8 core
<tobhe_> Toetsenbordindeling says qwert, I wonder if it is actually ansi like the stock photo...
<tobhe_> *qwerty
<Jasper[m]> tobhe_: If they did properly localize then yes
<Jasper[m]> We switched from ISO to ANSI some time ago, but because we're outliers in that regard, most companies don't bother shipping ANSI keyboards in NL
<Jasper[m]> @tobhe_ I looked p the actual typenumber, it's ISO
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<teadaniel[m]> I just got a Vivobook 15 S X1P and am interested in installing any flavor of Linux.
<teadaniel[m]> I have just started reading that thread.
<tobhe_> looks like JensGlathe[m] might be able to help
<JensGlathe[m]> Should be described in the bug. There is a bootable image available, link should be there.
<JensGlathe[m]> It is not the Concept X1E iso. it is dedicated preinstalled desktop.
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<JensGlathe[m]> Actually, the image will boot, and you get a usable box (as far as x1p42100 is supported yet). Installing locally on nvme is a PITA, yes.
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<JensGlathe[m]> Support will merge eventually into the normal Concept X1E image.
<teadaniel[m]> s/Jens/the support effort/
<JensGlathe[m]> We don't have complete support. Sound and camera could take longest.
<JensGlathe[m]> Sorry for the blunt answer, but this is the state of things. No GPU, no sound over speakers (USB works), no camera.
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<KieranBingham[m]> Fedora ran some update this week which has stopped my x13s booting.
<KieranBingham[m]> Anyone else experienced anything similar?
<KieranBingham[m]> (I am/was running fedora rawhide)
<KieranBingham[m]> Other than it rebooted to do the update (and hasn't come up again) I don't know what the update was supposed to include :-(
<anthony25> Can you use the previous kernel, and most importantly I think, the previous dtb?
<KieranBingham[m]> No none of the kernel entries are working. I'll see if I can override the dtb from command line.
<KieranBingham[m]> Can't get the latest fedora image to boot from usb either, neither f41 or rawhide but Ubuntu's image is booting ... Which makes it tempting to just reinstall with Ubuntu... But I'll see if I can dig into what happened here first
<steev> commandline flags?
<robclark> KieranBingham[m]: double check the cmdline didn't loose the dtb= bit? A week or two back a f41 broke booting for me, and I realized that all the boot loader entries were regenerated (and lost dtb= clk_ignore_unused, etc)
<KieranBingham[m]> Still have clk_ignore_unused etc, but I wasn't previously booting with a dtb option on command line, just relying on it losing from the efi partition
<robclark> next step would be earlycon=efi
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<kuruczgy[m]> jhovold: Thanks, that definitely helps.
<kuruczgy[m]> For slim 7x users, here is my somewhat working dp altmode patch for 6.14-rc4:
<kuruczgy[m]> Unfortunately dp altmote still seems to have regressed in jhovold/wip/x1e80100-6.14-rc4 (compared to jhovold/wip/x1e80100-6.14-rc2), now only 1 out of the 3 ports work, instead of the 2 previously (they fail with link training errors).
<kuruczgy[m]> jhovold: do you have any guess for which commit could be the culprit? I saw that there are now patches to add LTTPR transparent mode support, I was hoping that that would improve the link training issues. Is fixing those still in the "we need someone with an oscilloscope to look at it" territory?
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<almoni> hi
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<EdLin> anyhow, how is support for the Surface Pro 11th edition ARM coming along?