ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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icecream95: which kernel are you running?
bamse: 6.12 and 6.13, maybe I'll try 6.14-rc2
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icecream95: so a clean upstream tree?
icecream95: we're still missing cpufreq support in upstream, so that would most certainly impact the cpu throughput
bamse: I tried with SpieringsAE wip/x1e80100-6.14-rc2, no difference. Interestingly schedutil is quite a bit faster than the performance governor
oh nevermind that's just run-to-run variation
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oh it is real... sometimes when switching to the performance governor it's always slow and stays that way until I change the governor again, and sometimes it's always fast
Maybe the performance governor disables frequency scaling for some other part of the SoC, so it just stays at whatever frequency it was at when switching governor?
it could be that scheduling deals better with throttling, when in performance the frequencies are dropping harder?
No throttling on this vivobook!
* schedutil, sorry
I see some "bwmon" stuff in the x1e dts, so if that controls memory bandwidth it could be that
for sanity check maybe compare geekbench to windows.. on my 7x (and I think for others), although I've not run it on latest kernel, scores seem to match up with what I've seen online for windows
I guess that would rule out some recent regression, at least
Aha, so it's per-cluster! If I have one performance cluter and two schedutil clusters, then it's fast as long as only the schedutil ones are uesd
tinymembench is up to 3x slower on the "performance" cluster, so I guess it's the per-cluster bandwidth stuff
So it appears that the BWMON driver is trying to switch opp, but because the cluster uses the performance governor, it can't?
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No perhaps it's not that. Annoyingly there doesn't appear to be a way to force the bandwidth setting, then it would be easier to tell if bwmon is the cause or not
although, that sets the ddr frequency, not necessarily the bus frequency
bamse: Changing that doesn't affect the performance of the "performance" cluster much, but the other clusters are fast enough to become bandwidth limited if I set it to a low value
Maybe I should give up on trying to investigate this, since "just using schedutil" isn't a bad workaround... but the performance governor giving consistent performance is a useful property to have
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I wonder if it's something like bandwidth changes only getting applied when the CPU frequency changes, in which case it could affect other governors
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anonymix007: I see you added some fastrpc thing to your repo, I've heard this in context of the npu. Did you manage to get anything done with this?
<anthony25> "Just I don't recommend the..." <- I do, unless the price is horrid. You can just disable half of it, and it runs fine. This is a bug that will get fixed for sure.
<jhovold> "d0pefish: been running arch..." <- With the rust in the kernel controversy and realizing how much work goes into upstreaming things, your efforts are really appreciated
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SpieringsAE: no, not yet. Hexagon DSP works just fine on my sm8550 phone though, but I'm yet to try it on X1E
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Are you running alarm on that phone? I've been wanting to look into linux on a phone, but I have no idea what a good device would be to start with