ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
<tobhe> KieranBingham[m]: what about Ubuntu oracular? Haven't tested plucky yet but oracular worked last time I tried
<KieranBingham[m]> Indeed, tomorrow's continued attempts. I've backed up /home now so ready to just clear the drive and start again.
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<dgilmore> KieranBingham[m]: the only trickyish part in replacing or wiping the nvme drive on the x13s is that the bios will only load the dtb in linux boot from the esp. so if your disk is blank you have to do something to load it from elsewhere. when I replaced my drive i created a gpt disk label and the esp partition and copied the dtb in place before booting the installer from usb
<dgilmore> KieranBingham[m]: the fedora iso's don't have dtb files so you need something external
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<travmurav[m]> robclark: special ufs/nvme partitions -> eMMC=phone style 50 partitions + userdata (easy brick); ufs=separate LUNs for firmware, userdata LUN (safer); nvme=eveerytning on spi UNLESS you have qcom refdes, apparently (just devkit and I assume red laptop too)
<travmurav[m]> so unless one has funny qcom things (which afaiu store part of the firmware on nvme, for ???development reasons???) then it should be safe to nuke nvme I think
<albsen[m]> Kieran Bingham: the windows version the x13s comes with used to be special. not sure if that is still the case. just incase I created a windows recovery usb before wiping it. also previously I had to take the firmware from windows and move it into /lib/firmware/... not sure if that's still needed. alternatively, you can get the recovery usb from lenovo I think.
<steev> all firmware used by a vanilla upstream kernel is in linux-firmware; the venus (and maybe slpi?) is not
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<Jasper[m]> Remember that deal for the book4 edge 16/256 for 599€ I found?
<Jasper[m]> *499
<JensGlathe[m]> Would only buy T14s atm
<Jasper[m]> Well, Samsung also discounted it on their site and now with some magic I bought a 16/512 model for 481€
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<Jasper[m]> @[Jens Glathe] Too late, but worst case I can return it in 14 days
<travmurav[m]> is this like x1p-4?
<Jasper[m]> Yes, 42
<travmurav[m]> right
* travmurav[m] wonders how sad the ufs layout is
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<SpieringsAE> Jasper: the asus vivobook with x elite and 1 TB nvme ssd with 16gb of ram has dropped to 829 eur lol
<SpieringsAE> I remember buying that exact one for 1300 and then returning it to get a 32 gb ram model
<SpieringsAE> the x plus model with 512 gb storage is 120 euros more expensive lol at 950 eur
<SpieringsAE> how
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<JensGlathe[m]> I paid 120€ today for customs duties on a Radxa Orion 6 board, maybe thats why. EU has increased tarriffs on cn goods, Trump style
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<SpieringsAE> I am quite curious about that board
<SpieringsAE> but I am waiting for the sg2044 to drop before I treat myself again
<Jasper[m]> <SpieringsAE> "Jasper: the asus vivobook with x..." <- I saw it on tweakers yeah, thought this was a better deal
<Jasper[m]> Though UFS is a tad sad
<SpieringsAE> yeah the ufs was the main reason for me to absolutely not buy the samsung
<Jasper[m]> @[Jens Glathe] Ohhh nice, kinda curious to see how well that board will end up
<SpieringsAE> I got a pretty good offer back then at mediamarkt, but nope, ufs is a dealbreaker
<Jasper[m]> I'll see what I do with it
<SpieringsAE> I was looking at the 16 inch one, that one had a very nice display aswell, and good IO too
<JensGlathe[m]> Jasper: we'll see. If the Linux support is there.
<SpieringsAE> and I knew there was already a base dtb for the asus lol, so I knew linux already kind of worked at the very least
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