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<alberttc> hi all - u/FOHjim posted a reply on r/asahilinux saying that folks are working on housekeeping, specifically re: upstreaming and rebasing. i've been wanting to contribute to something linux-related and am an avid asahi user/lover, so i'm hoping this could be a good entry point for me to contribute.
<alberttc> has some good suggestions, i'd love to know what folks think re: a good few first steps
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<chadmed> alberttc: i dont know if we have anything particularly suitable for a first timer at the moment tbh. one thing i've been working on is rust bindings for various parts of m1n1 but ive kinda put that to the wayside for now to focus on the upstreaming and whipping the userspace components for mic support into shape
<chadmed> perhaps you could take a swing at that? it'll get you looking at m1n1 at least
<chadmed> (im fohjim btw)
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<alberttc> take a swing at the rust bindings in m1n1? i'd be happy to try. is there an issue or particular task that i can keep in mind while i poke around?
<chadmed> theres no real "issue" we just want to harden m1n1. the more of it that's written in rust, the better
<chadmed> ive sorta started with rewriting the ADT core code in rust and writing bindings for C to call into the rust side
<alberttc> sounds good! i'll try poking around and asking questions. trying to write more of it in rust sounds like a good enough north star for me to keep in mind while i at least read through the code :)
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<chadmed> colour transform/management is still pretty busted in kwin 6.3.2...
<chadmed> 2500 K with DisplayP3 profile makes my screen shrek green now
<chadmed> oh its broken on my dell monitors with displayp3 too :/
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<chadmed> reading the profile from the EDID still works fine however
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<jannau> I was going to say looks ok until I switched to !dark color theme
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<nickchan> sven: so I did figure out the dart on a7-a10, there's a sort of bypass mode but what happens in that mode is that translation still happen and the iova = (pa & 0xffffffff), it really is not identity mapping though, so I guess I should just ignore the bypass support?
<nickchan> and pretend that it only support translation
<nickchan> translation mode
<nickchan> at least, this is true when I tried it with the jpeg block
<chadmed> jannau: yeah breeze dark is deceiving. im looking at the chat window of konversation which is plain white and it looks awful
<chadmed> enormous difference between prefer efficiency and prefer colour accuracy with the builtin too..
<nickchan> for example in bypass iova 0x0 -> pa 0x800000000
<chadmed> do we need to properly wire up colourspaces etc now?
<nickchan> and iova 0xffffffff -> pa 0x8ffffffff
<nickchan> more specifically, the dart is either translating or bypassing, there's no "off"
<nickchan> and i also figured out a11 dart but only in translation mode, all of these darts are 4k page size though, so there should never be a need to go into bypass mode
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<sven> sounds like bypass with offset, the M1 darts had a mode like that as well that we just ignore iirc
<sven> but it sounds weird that there's no "don't allow any access" mode
<sven> does it really just bypass-with-offset when there e.g. no valid TTBR?
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<nickchan> sven: bypass when translate disabled in tcr
<sven> weird
<nickchan> closes thing to blocked domain would be bypass with offset to invalid
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<sven> don't they have a TTBR_VALID bit? or do you mean keeping that bit disabled with "offset to invalid"?
<nickchan> sven: there is a register holding bit[35:32] of the offset for each stream so just set that register to something like 0
<nickchan> reset value of that register is 0x8080808, i.e. bypass to 0x800000000 for all 4 streams
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<nickchan> technically setting it to 0 would be identity but... there's nothing in the lower 32-bit so
<nickchan> lower 32-bit of the address space
<sven> so is there a TTBR_VALID bit?
<nickchan> sven: TTBR_VALID does exist
<sven> i'd implement blocked as "translation enabled but TTBR_VALID isn't set anywhere" then
<sven> and also just pretend bypass isn't supported
<nickchan> I need to see if that generate interrupts
<sven> if this works anything like the M1 dart it should
<nickchan> i probably should put the hw docs somewhere
<sven> i'm not sure I ever wrote hw docs for the M1 dart tbh
<nickchan> sven: don't think generating interrupts are a good thing as it creates bogus kernel logs id rather bypass to invalid
<sven> why are the logs bogus?
<sven> don't you want to see when some device tries to do DMA?!
<sven> (and fails)
<sven> if you set a domain to blocked for whatever reason and a device tries to DMA that's a bug and I'd very much like to know about that
<jannau> or when a device tries dma on the wrong or stale address. while the bug was annoying to find I'd still credit the dart fault log as helpful for marcan's USB fix
<chaos_princess> this will need to be controlled by a module flag or something when we will get thunderbolt though
<sven> why?
<chaos_princess> there are pcie devices that read from random memory addresses because, idk, they feel like it. it is "fine" on x86
<jannau> the log message should then be throttled. if the device depends on those reads it'll broken anyway
<sven> yeah
<nickchan> got it
<nickchan> TTY> Exception: IRQ (from EL1h) die: 0 type: 1 num: 197 mpidr: 80000000 cnt: 82b8a532b
<nickchan> when ttbr is not valid
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<nickchan> probably should still bypass to nowhere just in case
<nickchan> (with invalid ttbr and translation enabled)
<sven> yeah, doesn’t hurt to additionally set that bypass offset to 0x00 or something else that’s invalid
<nickchan> there's a bunch of tunables in adt that I can correspond to registers by looking at dart-disp0 as setup by iboot
<nickchan> but the dart-jpeg0 still worked fine without them
<nickchan> fetch-config, diag-config etc
<sven> same for M1 darts, we've been ignoring them so far
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<sven> chaos_princess: the dt-bindings and main driver for haven't been picked up yet, have they?
<chaos_princess> nope
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<sven> :(
<chaos_princess> yea, i wonder who i need to poke in order to make it go faster :P
<sven> no idea, was just looking for reviewed dt changes i could pick up
<sven> so i was just looking at smc again, there were some issues with mfd when marcan tried to upstream it last time. did they ever come to an agreement? i also stumbled upon which might be an even better fit for smc anyway
<chaos_princess> iirc yes, and aux bus does look better
<sven> ok, i'll take a closer look at aux bus then next weekend and see if it makes sense to adjust smc to just use that one
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<jannau> I think alyssa was expected to push adp to drm-misc
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<sven> jannau: do you have a spare central scrutinizer you could send to me? happy to pay for shipping, etc.
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<jannau> sven: yes, dm or mail the me the address. no need to pay for shipping
<sven> great, thanks!
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<nickchan> neither touchbar_bad_apple or touchbar_rainbow worked on iphone x after fixing dart and the addresses so apple,h7-display-pipe is probably a very bad compatible name but so be it
<nickchan> at least the mipi part is the same
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<nickchan> no way that it's actually going to be compatible with t7000 display pipe
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