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<mischa85_> meh. now on a different machine the python proxy doesn't want to connect. picocom works perfectly fine
<mischa85_> i was on a mac earlier, now on linux. baud rate is set. what can it be?
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<mischa85_> it also doesn't do any baud rate switch at all. really seems like a pyserial issue of some sorts?
<mischa85_> i just really cannot get anywhere with this. fuck./
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<maz> if you're using a USB connection, this isn't a real serial connection, so the baud rate is irrelevant.
<mischa85_> that's the thing. i'm using the cs
<maz> again, if you're using the USB passthrough that the CS is giving you, there is no baud-rate to speak of.
<maz> the only significant baud-rate is for the serial console, and that's firmly set to 115200 in the CS firmware.
<mischa85_> i'm using the USB port on the rpi pico that's soldered onto it
<maz> that's only for the serial console.
<mischa85_> which is the only thing i have
<maz> if you want to interact with the proxy, you need to use the micro-usb connector on the CS itself.
<maz> that's a direct USB2 connection to the target.
<mischa85_> yes but the target doesn't do usb yet
<maz> ah, you're then stuck to 115200 then.
<mischa85_> lol yes
<maz> it works, just slowly.
<mischa85_> yes i had it working on my laptop
<mischa85_> but now on my pc only terminal works but not the tooling
<mischa85_> just timeouts on me: m1n1.proxy.UartTimeout: Expected 1 bytes, got 0 bytes
<mischa85_> but you're right, if i really have to do hypervisor stuff before having usb i maybe gotta do so via another m1 device again
<mischa85_> because then the baudrate will be higher
<alyssa> yeah the original m1 bringup was macvdmtool iirc
<maz> alternatively, you can spend some quality time hacking the CS firmware to support higher baud dates. shouldn't be too hard...
<mischa85_> hmmm. i was able to archieve some bonkers baudrates on the uart port of a beaglebone the other day
<mischa85_> okay challenge accepted
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<fl0_id> even with a usb on the target it was a bit finicky for me. Most consistent was starting the target by plugging in the usb, but that's probably not your problem :)
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<maz> mischa85_: if you get there, I'll happily take patches.
<mischa85_> i'm hacking cs-sw as we speak, but i'm running it on a pico 2 though
<mischa85_> but i'll send you the patch if i succeed
<maz> thanks!
<LarstiQ> mischa85_: I'm cheering for you!
<sven> so... realistically you won't get the HV working before you get USB working :/
<sven> it's much more complex and probably needs more random stuff to be up and running than usb 2
<sven> e.g. if they changed anything with gxf/sprr which they may have done on M4 to support that exclave stuff (though that may be ios only? dunno)
<sven> and i really wouldn't want to upload a full xnu kernel over that slow serial either :/
<mischa85_> well the slow serial is something that might be fixable
<mischa85_> but as you know i cannot turn anything on via pmgr
<sven> iirc the hv did something with pmgr as well, you may to patch that out and hope everything works
<sven> M4 also has this weird SPTM thing which may or may not come with changes to GXF/SPRR and may or may not work with our current hv code
<mischa85_> yeah i'll just block all pmgr reg access. these are just the early bringup struggles
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<sven> good luck :) would be nice to get at least m1n1 + hv to work on M4
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<mischa85_> well i have a barebone m1n1 working. at least there's framebuffer lol
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<mischa85_> so the asahi logo is laughing at me
<fl0_id> hehe
<fl0_id> does somebody know if hv should work on m3? (otherwise I assume no)
<fl0_id> pmgr still exists there I think, but dumping it gave not so nice output
<sven> it'll probably need some minor changes at least
<sven> iirc at least the cpu start logic
<fl0_id> yeah, probably. I haven't tried it, but somebody got usb working so maybe
<sven> or maybe that's already upstream? dunno
<sven> there are also still two or three open MRs, maybe rebasing these is enough
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<fl0_id> sven you mean this one?
<fl0_id> does it just need commit prettyfying?
<fl0_id> and conflict resolving I mean
<sven> dunno, would have to take a closer look
<fl0_id> ok. for dumping adt I had to make a small hack to make it work, but not sure if that is actually the right way to do things ... or if I did sth wrong
<fl0_id> (I could make a PR if somebody confirms that this is ok to do...)
<fl0_id> (and not just a dirty hack that potentially breaks stuff)
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<mischa85_> yeah i also had to do some changes to the adt parsing for t6041
<aditya> Hi guys. I can I have an HID record of the trackpad on M1 Macs. I want to compare it with the t2 ones so that I can trace any chance of getting trackpad size using report ID. Otherwise libinput trackpad coordinates are anyways working well,
<aditya> *Can I (not I can)
<aditya> There is also a long standing weird bug in your firmware collection script, which we discovered when using it for our Macs. I had sent a PR long ago here:
<aditya> Also, hid devs might want to see this PR,
<aditya> Btw out of curiosity, I want to know how is the firmware dumped to Linux in Asahi Linux now?
<aditya> *wifi firmware
<chaos_princess> dumped as either tar or cpio on ESP, there is a kernel patch to add a secondary firmware directory, then hooks somewhere in boot process to mount a tmpfs there and extract the firmware from esp
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<fl0_id> I cleaned the t6030-bringup commits up a little by moving constants to midr.h - but I couldn't test this yet and don't know if a-ramses would be fine with me continuing it. (though ofc all their commits are still by them) (I renamed it t6031-bringup as I don't have a t6030 to test)
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<fl0_id> mmh, 6031 chip id is in hv/ on main, but not sure if that is enough for hv
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<fl0_id> if there is UNUSED(rev); (or similar) does it mean it is actually unused or shouldn't be used or what's the dea? (yes I checked where that is defined, it didn't help)
<sven> probably to prevent a compiler warning when the argument of a function isn’t used anywhere
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<fl0_id> ah right
<fl0_id> interesting comparing existing code for t6030 to t6031. a lot is the same but some bits are not, and not sure if that actually has a reason or not lol
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<fl0_id> if daniel berlin is here, do you have any idea what reg_set(s3_0_c15_c2_3, BIT(3)); (and the next line) does now?
<fl0_id> (there's a comment saying "it is new but no idea what it does")
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<alyssa> DannyB: ^
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<sven> looks like some implementation defined register. unless there’s a name in xnu sources or whatever it’s going to be very hard to figure out what it does if it’s part of the chicken bit sequence
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<nicolas17> alyssa: DannyB hasn't talked on IRC since december 2023 btw
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<alyssa> nicolas17: damn, goals.
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<fl0_id> alyssa haha
<fl0_id> oh ok good to know, just saw that this was their commit I think
<fl0_id> does someone know if the order of chicken bits usually needs to be in order? because I would like to simplify the previous (unmerged) t6030 bringup code by moving everything that is common to init_common_everest() but not all common parts right now are directly after another
<fl0_id> and I cannot just test t6030 as I only have t6031
<sven> I wouldn't touch the order
<sven> it shouldn't matter but we really have no way of knowing
<sven> if the bits are wrong you can everything from an obvious explosion early in the kernel to very subtle misbehavior later on
<alyssa> ^ something to reevaluate in a year from now to clean up. best not to sneeze on it yet
<sven> yup
<fl0_id> mmh ok sure
<alyssa> we don't pay by the line from here ;)
<alyssa> well we do in the kernel
<alyssa> not in m1n1 tho
<alyssa> :P
<fl0_id> I was just comparing it to other socs and everywhere else init_common is used but not there
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<sven> which brings us back to <sven> it shouldn't matter but we really have no way of knowing
<sven> and honestly, it's code that's called once and lives in its own file. it's allowed to be ugly :D
<fl0_id> Then could I resubmit it for merging? (a-ramses did most of that work, I just resolved the conflicts by moving macros/defines to midr.h)
<fl0_id> (which was basically just adding the t6030 define there)
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<sven> i think that pull request also suffered from a-ramses not squashing stuff like clang format fixes
<sven> but yeah, if you fix all that feel free to open a new one
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<alyssa> ^^
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<mischa85> fl0_id: if it helps you, my messing around with the chickens is in my m1n1 branch:
<alyssa> (to be clear - i am very happy to see m3+ stuff in m1n1 c: )
<mischa85> you should be a little less lost than i am, but just in case
<sven> yeah, even if it's not fully working yet i'm happy to merge anything that looks reasonable and gets us closer to m3+
<sven> (in m1n1 that is, kernel stuff should directly go upstream)
<fl0_id> mischa85 yeah but you probably know more in general
<fl0_id> and thanks
<fl0_id> sven ok yeah i can do that, I think
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<mischa85> i barely know what i'm doing actually, i'm in the throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks phase
<mischa85> the tooling is put together very structural so that helps a lot
<mischa85> just putting together the last bits of the cs-sw hack so i get to use the scrutinizer on steroids
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<mischa85> 110 mbyte on dialup speeds is no joke
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<fl0_id> mischa85 yeah but I assume in general, better C, architecture and stuff probably based on your github, but ofc just guessing. I feel like I wouldn't even know what to throw or would a lot more trial and error and reading up on architecture etc maybe
<fl0_id> but no matter
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