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<_jannau__> the Firefox crashes mps saw are probably caused by CONFIG_PER_VMA_LOCK=y and thus unrelated to the one I saw
<_jannau__> that explains the difference frequency. it is 1 in x days for me
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<_jannau__> yes, I assumed it's well known that it is broken. I thought it wouldn't be a problem for arm64 since the default in make oldconfig was PER_VMA_LOCK=n
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<marcan> so then we just have that rare Mesa UAF thing then
<marcan> nobody's ever seen kernel lockups since the latest update right?
<marcan> well that and the canberra thing I guess
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<jannau> argh, I can't read. CONFIG_PER_VMA_LOCK is not user selectable. I must have mixed it up with CONFIG_PER_VMA_LOCK_STATS
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<jannau> at least that means we (most likely) do not have a use-after-free in mesa
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<marcan> wait, you think that option triggered the Mesa UAF from the kernel?
<marcan> that would be fun
<jannau> not necessarily use-after-free but random memory corruption
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<jannau> my understandig was that the buggy PER_VMA_LOCK causes random user space memory corruption
<marcan> oof, heh
<marcan> that could explain basically any random problem, including the canberra stuff
<alyssa> omg, thanks guys
<alyssa> now whenever I have memory corruption in Mesa, now I know it can't possibly be the fault of my C code and I can blame the kernel
<alyssa> sweet!
<alyssa> =D
<jannau> I've only noticed firefox and kate crashes
<alyssa> :P
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<alyssa> jannau: by decree of mareko, this is a mesa/st bug and not a driver bug
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<jannau> lol, macOS just flashed a full magenta display on shutdown
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<jannau> lina: mac studio m1 ultra has 'afr-perf-states' in the 13.5 ADT but no "apple,afr-opp" property in the linux devicetree